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Recruitment and Selection in Canada

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Recruitment and Selection in Canada

Question One

Recruitment is an interactive process where an organization searches for potential candidates to fill various vacant positions. Selection is a process where the potential candidates are ranked and selected according to their credentials. A recruitment and selection system is a system that deals with all recruitment and selection procedures within an organization. Such a system is a crucial part of any organization’s success as the recruitment process’s quality may determine its performance going into the future. Task performance is the core responsibility of an employee within an organization. In the development of a recruitment system, the task performance aspect may influence the method of advertisement to be used by an organization. A CEO’s recruitment process will be completely different from a messenger’s recruitment process. The criteria to be met will be different for different core responsibilities. The selection process will be different; for example, an accountant may be required to demonstrate their quick book skills while a CEO may be given a problem-solving test. Task performance plays an essential role as the best candidate suited for the position will be identified.

Contextual performance is what an employee is willing to give to the organization apart from performing their core responsibilities. Due to job competitiveness, this is considered a necessary skill in employees. Part of contextual performance includes how an employee relates with other organization members, willingness to obey rules even if they make one uncomfortable, and accepting additional work, among other things. It plays a vital role in the recruitment process, because all employers want something more from their employees or potential employees, making them stand out from ordinary employees. The recruitment and selection process can be challenging to undertake, and contextual performance makes it easy for the organization to choose its desired employee.

Adaptive behavior is the behavior that enables an individual to adapt to his immediate surroundings. Things do change daily in a business environment. Nothing is ever permanent, for example, the gradual change from manual systems to automation; hence, an employee has to be adaptable to such changes and other entity-specific changes. Most employers need to know how flexible and adaptive their potential employees can be due to business uncertainties, which aids in the recruitment and selection process when shortlisting the final candidates for the vacant positions. Counterproductive behavior is behavior that goes against the organization’s principles and overall objectives. Such practices include absenteeism, theft of organizational property, and fraud, among others. Such checks in the recruitment process help the employers avoid malicious employees, and this check can be done during background checks on the applicants to watch out for any red flags like jail records, fraud cases or any undesirable trends like bad feedback from former employers can help the individuals conducting the recruitment process.

Question Two

Internal recruitment is where an organization considers its existing employees for vacant positions within the organization. External recruitment is where an organization considers people outside the organization for vacant positions within the organization. Internal recruitment methods include promotions, internal advertisement of vacant positions, job transfers, and making freelance employees full-time (Oksanen 19). External recruitment methods include referrals, job boards, and posting on the organization’s website. The internet is not an effective recruitment method because of the following reasons it attracts unsuitable candidates where some are not even serious about the job roles; some job recruitment processes require physical setups for the process to be effective, increased costs in advertisements and a lot of competition where many firms also post job offers. One has to pay for their adverts to be more visible.

Question Three





(Company name) are a company based in (location) and deals in this (line of business) has a job opening (accountant) and seeks to recruit an accountant with the following qualifications

Required Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in Finance or professional accounting qualification.
  • At least five years of experience in the accountancy profession.
  • Knowledge of QuickBooks.
  • Must be skilled in the use of Microsoft Word& Excel.
  • Have excellent interpersonal skills and is a team player.
  • Should have a positive mentality and should be willing to accept any challenges the vacant position comes with.
  • Maintain professionalism in all business dealings.

Job Description

  • Updating the company’s asset register.
  • Authorization of payments.
  • Doing bank reconciliations and monitoring all bank transactions.
  • Advising management on the new developments in the accounting profession.
  • Ensuring that the company’s financial statements comply with the relevant financial reporting framework.
  • Evaluating accounting policies in the company periodically.
  • Offering tax advisory services to management in matters like VAT and tax avoidance.
  • Preparing the company’s financial statements.
  • Determining the company’s tax obligations.
  • Updating management on any changes in tax rules to ensure compliance.
  • Assist the internal audit committee and the external auditor during external audits.


This will be discussed with the right candidates, and it will be matched with the relevant qualification and experience.

Application Procedure

All applications should be emailed to (company’s email). Attach your application letter, curriculum vitae, and registration documents (national ID, passports). Certified copies of academic qualifications. The deadline for submitting applications is on (the date). Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Question Four

A table server acts as the link between the customer and the kitchen staff and is responsible for a lot of things, including taking payments, answering questions relating to the menu, delivers meals to the customer, cleaning, and customer service. Such a job requires the employee to be in direct contact with the client. Thus, the following are the most important things I would screen for interpersonal skills, communicative skills, and discipline.

The method of screening would be unorthodox but very effective. To test their interpersonal skills, I would invite them to the restaurant and talk to other people they think are the management. Then I would enter the restaurant and try to make the interviewee uncomfortable by spilling a drink on them to see how they would react. The objective of this method is to see how they can respond to uncomfortable situations.

For communicative skills, how they talk, and being able to be articulate will be considered. They would do an oral presentation in front of a panel of analysts. Lastly, on discipline, I would do a background check on the potential applicants to confirm how they were in their past and check recommendation letters and call their referees.

The screening methods are as follows for interpersonal skills in any restaurant venture; some clients can frustrate employees with their actions or words. As an employee, you should be able to handle the situation professionally and without emotions. Communicative skills are required because the client needs to understand the employee and vice versa. It is an interactive process. During taking the orders and answering any client requests, the employee should communicate efficiently and effectively. The employee should also understand the client and address their needs accordingly.

Discipline is a critical factor in any organization or business. There are set rules in every business that dictates the operations within the business (Allen and Israel 43).  These rules must be followed for the business to run effectively and efficiently. Examples of such regulations include arrival to the workplace, dress code, among other things. It ensures uniformity and harmony within the business environment. For instance, in a restaurant set up, the table servers should wear the same attire for the client to identify them and seek help where needed. Discipline also helps maintain law and order and eliminates the possibilities of hiring individuals with counterproductive behaviors such as absenteeism, arriving late to work, lack of etiquette to customers, among other things. There are many factors to screen for a restaurant franchise; it is dependent on the task force assigned the responsibility.


Works Cited

Allen, G., and M. Israel. “Ethical Use of Social Media as a Recruitment Tool.” Murdoch University Research Repository, Australasian Human Research Ethics Consultancy Services Pty Ltd (AHRECS), 1 Jan. 1970,

Oksanen, Reija. New Technology-Based Recruitment Methods – TUNI.






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