The treatment of people with acute and chronic disease uses various pharmacology agents that are different. Acute conditions develop in the body and do not last for a long time, such as asthma attacks, while chronic diseases develop and last for a long time in the body such as arthritis. The treatment of illnesses such as arthritis uses the biological agents introduced to the body to suppress the pain and the inflammation. On the other end, the biological agents introduced in the body to treat acute infections such as asthma are introduced in the body to relax the chest muscles to allow the heart pump blood without the patient struggling. The biological agents for acute diseases are short-lived, while the biological agents for chronic disease are last for long in the body.
In the primary healthcare setting, the rationale, indication, and efficacy for prescription of the pharmacology agents are the signs and symptoms that are in the patients. Once the patients have given signs and symptoms, the nurse can determine the right pharmacological agents by relying on previous experiences to assess the efficacy of the pharmacological agents. The risk of pharmacological agents in primary healthcare is the underlying medical condition that cannot be determined by the basic patient assessment technics.
Pharmacological principles are essential when prescribing drugs to the patients. Concerning the pharmacology principles, nurses should ensure that they consider the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. Nurses need to find the likely effects of the drugs on the patient’s genetics and therapeutic efficacy before exposing the patient to the full medication plan.