Reflective review of areas covered in the LPD module sessions
Table of Contents
Purpose of Master’s Education in Context. 2
Scientific and Academic Purpose. 3
Teaching Purpose and Methods of Learning. 4
Learning Styles and Patterns of Learning. 5
The Nature of Computing and Information Systems as Academic Domains. 6
The Idea of Professional and Professionalism.. 7
The Fundamentals of Research in Context. 7
Section III. Specific Competencies and Skills. 7
Developing skills in argument, discussion and writing. 7
Academic and scientific writing. 7
Ethics of academic work including avoidance of plagiarism.. 7
Section I. Introduction
Personal reflection is a very effective way to share every experience vividly, whether it is in academic sense or general. Reflection can be defined as, in-depth form of learning which allows an individual to retain each aspect their personal or professional experience (Browning, 2014). LPD module sessions were challenging and explored different topics throughout the semester. Hence, it was necessary to gather learning outcomes for such a subject. Therefore, the purpose of this assessment is to share experiences on certain issues raised in each grid.
Further, the document is divided into two sections. Section II will discuss the issues that came in each module. While section III will discuss competencies and skills that got accomplished after the journey.
Section II. Issues
The purpose here is to analyze issues with four important aspects. Firstly, understand theme, purpose and application to study. Second, evaluation of theme concerning course and module. Third, presentation for reflection for own knowledge, skills and techniques. Also, steps so that proficiency and experience could be developed in the near future.
Purpose of Master’s Education in Context
Master’s degree is an academic qualification which is persuaded after completion of an undergraduate course to individuals. Also, it is known as a postgraduate level degree so that expertise for a certain field of study could be gained. Hence, a Master’s degree works as an up-gradation to a specific area for professional development.
Theme, Purpose and Application to Study:
‘Theme’ of Master’s education is learning something new by discovering a certain thesis topic. In other words, the theme is a contemporary way from which excelling experience could be achieved for the development of competencies and skills (Moreira et al., 2017). Further, the purpose of seeking a Master’s education is to gain an understanding of a specific topic. While a certain study has application in a professional domain. Hence, I had a challenging experience in seeking a master degree in the field of Information System Engineering.
Evaluation of Engagement with Theme:
The course of Information System engineering helps to learn the development of a certain architecture to build information technology systems. Hence, engagement with the theme of engineering was constantly connected in the journey. I have gained so much experience for all the subjects that were involved in the process of master degree journey. As far as the module is concerned, LPD was helpful to understand the type of skills for seeking education. It helped me to gain skills for academic career persuasion as well as succession in non-academic settings (Nowell et al., 2018).
Own Knowledge, Skills and Techniques:
As my subject is Information System engineering, I have learned skills and techniques as well as knowledge over subjects. Some skills include oral and written communication, plagiarism, grammatic understanding. Further, I also gained knowledge on core subjects like Big Data Analytics, Knowledge Management, Research Methods, principles of project management, cybersecurity and employability skills.
Steps for proficiency and experience development:
However, I would like to develop and improve my proficiency and experience in future academic settings. I am considering some small steps to focus on proficiency as well as learning experiences. The misunderstanding for certain instructions is one of the issues which making study difficult. It will include word reading and fluency skills as well as interest to develop reading awareness (Cummins, 2011). Hence, literacy engagement is a prime focus so that I could improve my written communication work.
Scientific and Academic Purpose
To pursue some degree, there is always a scientific and academic purpose to it.
Theme, Purpose and Application to Study:
The scientific purpose for learning to engineer is gathering the understanding to subject in a practical sense. While the academic purpose is acknowledging the theoretical part for Information System engineering aspects.
Evaluation of Engagement with Theme:
I have understood both scientific and academic purpose to learn the specialized course in Information System. Further, academic assignments were helpful to understand about new technologies with a collection of different modules.
The academic purpose was helpful to learn about arguments, discussions and writing skills successfully. The argument is a thing in which a point of view is kept by making a claim and support it through good reasoning and evidence. In the writing skills, I have understood how to develop paragraph writing with appropriate topic sentences.
Own Knowledge, Skills and Techniques:
I have developed skills for academic writing through this theme. As this type of writing does not use rough slang but formal speech known as ‘a dialect that is correct and serious instead of relaxed and friendly’ (Hyland & Jiang, 2017). It was essential to gather what academic writing is and how it is applicable for day-to-day learning in the university campus in full integrity and authority. Further, in this academic writing, I also learned about report writing. A report is written specifically with a purpose and offers a specific goal with a specific audience to investigate an in-depth research topic.
Steps for proficiency and experience development:
However, I still lack in academic writing practises in context with the research and development part. Research methods is an important aspect of conducting analysis for any topic successfully. I want to be proficient enough to gather what research techniques are useful in academic writing. Hence, my step will be learning different research tools to collect, sort and analyze information which is useful, valid and appropriate (Walliman, 2010).
Teaching Purpose and Methods of Learning
The teaching purpose and methods of learning are responsible for making a student’s experience much better. Especially when it is a master’s degree teaching on a certain topic is also responsible for helping the pupil seeking a specialization.
Theme, Purpose and Application to Study:
The theme of the study is teaching purpose, which is helping a master’s level student effectively or not. Further, the purpose of the teaching is to make sure the student learn a subject most simply. The application to study is how methods of learning help an individual to learn something new. Our teaching method was extremely focused on student activity and task performance. Also, I found teaching purpose very helpful in completing the course effectively.
Evaluation of Engagement with Theme:
The engagement with the theme was on an everyday basis. I also identified the teaching method was more about meaningful interaction with teachers as well as team learning opportunities (Bidabadi et al., 2016). Group work was one of skill which was a major part of teaching purpose for me. The course and module experience were also engaging as teachers were helpful to gather what students were performing. I have understood why interaction with peers as well as instructors, is important. Not only they help to resolve queries, however, support us with proper guidance. However, my group work assignments had issues such as non-committed fellow students, late arrivals, and tutor lead selections.
Additionally, the methods of learning which I believe were student-centric rather than academics. Student-centred learning is a way in which students learn and reconstruct knowledge through open-ended learning (Lee & Hannafin, 2016). Hence, I have learned to implement a learning style of theorist with such concept. Therefore, I was constantly engaged with the theme of teaching purpose successfully.
Own Knowledge, Skills and Techniques:
The own knowledge, skills and techniques which I learned and felt adequate is group work and communication of ideas. The working in groups was a better approach to understand other people while working on a small activity altogether. I was always put into heterogeneous groups in assignment activities. In this group work, team members were all from different backgrounds, values and had diverse experiences (Cohen, & Lotan, 2014). Hence, with diverse people, I learned a challenging experience. For example, thoughts and ideas were different to work on the same approach. Further, the culture of each individual was variant and made working space more challenging due to conflict possibility. Secondly, interaction with diversified people was hard due to language barriers. However, understanding each member of the group took place with a student-centred approach. Hence, now a group work assignment does not seem more challenging as it was in the beginning.
The next competency which I believe that more improvement is for communication of ideas within the group and individual work. The student-focused approach is quite effective because it developed communication ideas for me. The active learning was helpful to build communication in the classroom learning sessions (Danker, 2015). Hence, the interaction with tutors as well as fellow colleagues was a better approach to generate individual thoughts. Further, communication was effective, and now I can put my views forwards in oral as well as written manner.
Similarly, I have learned that academic and scientific writing could have constructive improvements. For example, scientific report writing needs an understanding of a certain topic in a detailed manner. Furthermore, documentation work requires specific skills with report format and minute details. Therefore, learning methods were better medium to develop my writing, reading skills for integration of views and perceptions.
Steps for proficiency and experience development:
To make oneself proficient in learning ability, an individual requires communication skills and cooperative understanding. I would like to work on the development of group work activities in future. The group assignment tasks with diverse people were one of the issues which I went through a lot. To make it simple, I will try to improve first interaction with other students on common topics (Weimer, 2014). In other words, as per teaching purpose, our faculties push all of us to have a good discussion and develop understanding. I will take an active part in such activities for development. Secondly, I will take a more interactive part in sessions and attend each class thoroughly. The learning methods should also be taken into consideration with full acknowledgement. Lastly, dividing team roles in group assignments will benefit everyone to work as per activities.
Learning Styles and Patterns of Learning
Theme, Purpose and Application to study:
Learning is an important aspect, and each individual has their own way to pursue it. The theme of this issue is the gathering which learning style is applicable. It is helpful in academic use to learn new things quickly. Furthermore, the purpose is to acquire information for professional development through learning.
Evaluation of Engagement with Theme:
The evaluation of engagement with the theme was very interesting and taught me more about learning practises. Further, learning pattern is a concept which determines learning activities, learning beliefs and motivation in a certain span (Vermunt & Donche, 2017). I understood that engagement with the theme was quite often. For example, I consider my learning style as theorist after analyzing it for a longer time. The concept of theorist defines that people with such type of style read facts, stories and quotes as well as analyze and synthesize the concepts (Labib, Canós & Penadés, 2017). I have also applied this style to work on assignments. The background to learn each topic and analyze whole work into steps is always being my approach.
Own Knowledge, Skills and Techniques:
I feel adequate incomplete academic knowledge due to learning skills. My major learning mechanisms are writing, notes taking, listing main points, and reading. This skill is developed into me while accomplishing academic assessments. For example, the approach to complete assignment includes step by step approach through reading. Next, I use techniques of note-taking and making small points in a diary on assessment headings, subheadings. Lastly, I write the final assignment after making a proper understanding of a certain topic.
Steps for proficiency and experience development:
To develop my proficiency and experience in terms of learning styles and pattern, I will follow the learning cycle as well as planning goals. Learning cycle is a model for students which provides meaning to the learning process by making them active, critical, and creative (Putra, Nur Kholifah, Subali & Rusilowati, 2018). Therefore, I would adopt the process of learning cycle to understand a difficult subject with its approach. My steps will be revolving around phases of the learning cycle.
- Phase 1: Taking Stock: The first step is gathering the understanding of the topic. As an individual, we already know is the first phase of the learning cycle.
- Phase 2: Reflection: The reflection phase will be helpful to gather the requirement for gathering new things on a certain topic.
- Phase 3: Feedback and Evaluation: The feedback and evaluation phase determine understanding after the topic is clear and need for making new changes.
- Phase 4: Planning: The last phase demonstrates the process to take learning further for reaching a full understanding. I will take help of planning elements to accomplish academic assignments. For example, brainstorming is one of them which defines topic roughly through simple ideas and thoughts.
The Nature of Computing and Information Systems as Academic Domains
Theme, Purpose and Application to study:
The theme to study was learning the implementation of computing and information systems with a real-life scenario. The purpose of studying was the development of knowledge to the domain of computing and information systems. Further, I found application to study was understanding of technologies. These technologies, as the academic domain, will result in the application of new innovations to the professional workspace.
Evaluation of Engagement with Theme in the Context of Course and Module Experience:
I was completely engaged with the theme in context with course and module experiences. The different subjects taught me to approach a certain topic related to the academic assignments I was working on. For example, the collection of library resources for research methods and other computing subjects was one of them. The library resources to define peer-reviewed journals is one example. Scholarly information could only be obtained through good resource materials. I understood the difference between different scholarly sources such as peer-reviewed journals, textbooks, conference proceedings, and electronic source (USC Libraries, 2019). Hence, it was a very interesting concept to gather information as per the topic with a good amount of research and development.
I choose computing and information system as my Master’s degree topic. The technologies are expanding every day with new innovation, and hence I found myself taking an interest in the field of computing. The information systems are helpful in different domains such as healthcare, education, businesses. Not only they make work simpler however manage customer information through the database and a systematic process. I wanted to learn that through a specific study of research for professional development. The courses were helpful in understanding concepts for cybersecurity and big data analytics. Overall, throughout the semester, I was involved and engaged in seeking the Master’s degree seriously.
Adequacy of Own Knowledge, Skills and Techniques:
I have developed two important skills and techniques with working for computing as an academic domain. The technology and use of the online library or other indexes have become simpler. The computing resources are easily found with their validity and proof to use in academic assignments. Next, I have also understood research methods are an important aspect of academic writing. Additionally, avoiding plagiarism is another technique which was helpful to seek information. Enough credit to someone’s work in your own makes it more credible. There are different citations which must be referred to in the report writing for computing and information technology resources. Lastly, I am able to approach an assignment with critical thinking and problem-solving approach.
Steps for proficiency and experience development:
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