<H1>Religion and Relationship
It is good to live a Christian life and to dedicate your relationship to Christ. People who believe and follow the teachings of the Bible get good advice on relationships and Religion.
<H2>What is the meaning of the relationship?
A relationship is a friendship between two people or the partnership between two people, which is known as a marriage between two adults of the opposite sex that have gone through a wedding according to their tradition and customs. The relationship between youths is referred to as friendship or sometimes called pen pal. The relationship between people of the same mother is referred to us sisters for two or more females and brothers for two or more males. Relationship between church members is sometimes termed as sisters in Christ of brothers in Christ etc. other terms used in relationships are cousins, uncles, aunt, nieces, and many more.
<H2>What is the importance of the relationship?
ü Relationship brings blessings and gifts to married couples.
ü Relationship help parties live peacefully in love and unity
ü Good relationship turns difficult things leisurely for people in need
ü Good relationship leads to promotion at the workplace.
ü Marriage relationship helps the couples to have a higher status in the community.
ü Relationship between colleagues and class leads to a quick exchange of ideas and make learning easy.
ü People live longer when they are close to others who care, love, and cherish them.
ü The bible teachings show us more evidence and prove the importance of a relationship.
<H2>What are the benefits of a relationship?
ü Good relationship leads to family success.
ü Relationships brings friends closer that can provide support in times of need.
ü Good deeds and relation payback.
ü Forgiveness and relationship go together.
ü Love and relationship is one thing in Christ Jesus because a good wife should be loving, forgiving, caring, generous, respectful, kind, and trustworthy (2 Corinthians chapter 7).
ü Good relationship in marriage brings respect.
<H2>Disadvantages of a bad relationship or having no relation
ü Bad relationship is usually associated with war and evil motives between people living together and family. Couples have killed their partners due to the effect of bad relationships and lack of love.
ü Without connection, someone will feel lonely and lack passion. Some people have ended up murdering a broken relationship.
ü Bad relationship in a family leads to divorce and suffering to the children.
ü People with no ties are usually depressed and evil-minded (Proverbs 21, the Parable of the empty house in Mathew 12: 22-24).
ü People with no friends lack support, and their activities tend to take long even in situations that it would be done faster with friends’ help.
<H2>Can a man live without a woman?
A woman can remain single and live a celibacy life. The Bible commands a woman to find one man and get married, but at the same time, a woman who has chosen not to get married are called sisters in Roman Catholic Churches and are supported by the church to work for God.
<H2>Can a woman live without a man?
A man can decide not to get married and live his life. He can choose to be a Priest and remain a servant to the lord for the rest of his life, and the lord as given people different gifts, but the Bible prefers that one get married to avoid immorality (1 Corinthians 7).
<H2>What is the maximum number of relations that a person should have?
There is no limit to the maximum number of relations and relationships that a person can have. Still, when it comes to marriage, a man must have one woman as a wife, and a woman is required to have one man as a husband (1 Corinthians Chapter 7).
A person should have no limit on how many friends they can have at a place or at ago. The more the number of personal friends, the better. Someone can receive more votes when they have many friends and have a good relationship with each of them. The Bible tells us that we should seek to be in good relation with Jesus and seek his friendship, that He laid down his life for his friends (John 15:13).
Someone cannot choose who to relate with since choosing how you are born and through which parents are decisions made solely by God. Once you are born, it is automatic that all people you share blood with will be your relatives. The same way God blessed Marry to give birth to Jesus and the Father of Jesus was called Joseph from David’s bloodline (Mathew 1: 1-17).
At the workplace, people become colleagues to those they work with without choosing and they develop a bond of relationship to ma. It is the responsibility of the human resource to decide who will be your college. A good relationship in the workplace makes work easy and quicker. People who work together should benefit from the fruit of their labor (2 Thessalonians 3:10, Provers 22:29, Genesis 2:15).
<H3>Couples and Marriage
The law of the Bible tells us that one man is enough for one woman. A man shall live family and find one woman and marry; they will be blessed and live together as husband and wife (Ephesians 5:33, Genesis 2:24).
<H2>Jesus teachings on who is an excellent friend to relate with: The Parable of a good Samaritan
The story of the Good Samaritan tells us the characteristic of a good friend, a friend who will help you at the time when you need their support. The story narrates a man beaten and left by the roadside; everyone passed except for the good Samaritan who helped and rescued him (Luke 10:25-37).
Relationship opens our eyes to different versions of stories that, when we relate our actions with, we can help each other have everlasting life in Jesus Christ. Love, marriage, and relationship usually come together in Christianity, and the Christian life is a life worth living for all humanities.