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Religions and Artificial Intelligence

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Religions and Artificial Intelligence

Religion is the belief in and worship of superhuman regulatory power, particularly a personal god or gods. At the same time, artificial intelligence is the stimulation of human knowledge in machines that are programmed to mimic human actions and think like humans. Religion promotes ethics and good morals among individuals in a society. It gives people the inner courage and strength to do what is right and teaches the entire humanity about the golden rule that says we should do unto others what we want to be done unto us.

Technology is in to change the way we practice religion, and as it continues to advance, so shall religion change with it. With an institution as old as religion, the modes of contacting the audience are prone to change over time as advances in technology occur. Most religious institutions are likely to embrace the virtual congregation where they will be posting their sermons online and conducting their prayers through the same platform. Following the technology in education, the internet will provide new resources of religious leaders. Many are expected to join the online theological learning, and they will eventually be graduates. Online theological education shows that the internet has value for sermon builders and religious leaders.

Technology is a religious issue today, the good and the bad

There are various forms of technology that individuals use today, such as the internet, smartphones, digital media, tablets, and computers. The internet services give room for people to develop, learn about, and research essential things about their creator that, as a result, their faith is strengthened.

Electronic gadgets to access social media platforms are on peak today, where people share posts related to God. The responses and reactions on the posts usually are all of the individuals expressing their love to God and others thanking God for the good things He has done, such as the provision of basic needs to humanity.

During this pandemic, technology has made it possible to have religious services on a live broadcast on television, Facebook Livestream, and zoom. Livestreams are always in favor of people who will not make it to be in their places of worship for various reasons. The current global disaster of Covid-19, which requires individuals to stay home to keep safe from being infected, other ailments, travels, and work, are some of the factors that may hinder individuals from physically presenting themselves to their places of worship.

However, we find that most young people tend to misuse their freedom of accessing the internet. They prefer using technology for entertainment such as videogames, music, or even worse visit pornographic sites, instead of using it in honor of their religions.

The nature of faith

Faith means trust. There are several descriptions of faith. One model recognizes faith as knowledge of plain truths, exposed by God. Thus, John Calvin describes faith as a steady and precise knowledge of God’s generosity toward us, instituted upon the reality of the freely given promise in Christ. The unique model of faith displays faith as basically something to be acknowledged. In the sinful states of Christians, we may hold that even in our errant nature, we will inescapably offer resistance to a faith that may be overcome only by God’s grace.

Faith involves some kind of venture, thus widely held that faith goes beyond what is ordinarily reasonable. Religion encompasses coming into terms with what cannot be founded as accurate via the right exercise of our naturally bestowed human intellectual faculties, a crucial feature of faith.

Also, the epistemology of the ‘special knowledge’ protects the rationality of faith. If faith entails beliefs that have the position of knowledge, then faith cannot fail to be rational.

Aquinas sees faith as an unsubstantiated opinion that God is real and clasps faith as midway between knowledge and views, and it denotes the believer’s fundamental orientation towards the divine. Aquinas thinks that faith resembles understanding, and possibly faith carries conviction. Some records state that trust fundamentally contains applied obligation venturing past evidential sustenance, yet do not authorize that the venture believes the faith-proposition thought to be real.

Facts and beliefs of spiritual growth

Religions teach us that faith is the connecting power into the spiritual realm, which links individuals with God and makes him become a tangible reality to the sense perceptions of a person.

Faith plays an essential role in our spiritual growth. Religions teach about life long learning and the growing of faith. We learn that faith aids us in determining our resolutions in life. It is easier to get over the tolls that life has given us. Everything in life gets more comfortable to overcome if we have faith. Faith is a superintendent light that assists us to push towards meeting our purpose.

Also, religions teach us that faith acts as the pathway to finding solutions. It doesn’t matter how rough a situation can be, but with faith, one can get over the case. Faith cannot be underestimated as it moves mountains.

Faith is a gateway to an individual’s spiritual growth by connecting with their inner souls and being more harmonious with life, developing their feelings of inner power and strength, leading people towards living happy lives, and taking more responsibilities of their actions. Faith cements the relationship between human beings and God.

Morality, ethics, religion

Religion and morality are closely intertwined, and in the New Testament, Morality and religion are linked in the Hebrew Bible principally by the grouping of God’s command. These commands are seen in Genesis, where God created by the command. Ethics are the moral principles that control people’s behavior. Hweder outlines three types of ethics. The Ethics of Autonomy puts the people at the foundation of moral authority and is concerned with individual rights, interests, and well-being of individuals.

Second, is the Ethic of Divinity which expresses persons following their mystical and

religious nature. This moral orientation is interested in how a person can achieve purity and come nearer to the Divine and the Ethic of Community, which intellectualizes individuals as vital components of a societal group such as family. Kohlberg concentrates on structural dimensions of moral growth, independent of the innards of moral difficulties, and he categorized three types of morality. The first was pre-conventional morality grounded on constraint; a conventional morality initiated on respect for the ruling classes, rules, and conventions; and lastly, a post-conventional morality, majorly fastened in a moral of fairness. The role of religion is to bring individuals together into cooperative societies systematized around deities.

Myths vs. facts

A myth is a sacred, typical story signifying the beliefs and values of a specific group of individuals. Just as it was in the past, myths are still relevant to individuals today because they give answers to timeless questions and serve as a compass to each generation. A miracle is an event so marvelous which appears like it was sent from heaven. Miracles show that Jesus had a close relationship with His father, God, and it was through His father’s power that he performed miracles. A fact refers to a thing that is known or proven right. Within the excessive myths, life is breathed under that which is beyond us. There is alertness that our stories are lived alongside and touched by stories of the supreme, of the ultimate, we were right. What man somehow always known has taken place. We can say, the myth became fact. For Christians, God did manifest Himself. He stepped through the hidden and came to abide in the seen. The apostle’s creed states that Jesus grieved under Pontius Pilate, which is a constant recap to Christians that what man has yearned for most has taken place. The word became flesh and made his abode among us. We have seen His magnificence, the magnificence of the One and Only son who came to the Father full of elegance and truth. Religious myths are a holy scripture to believers. The narratives support, explain, and sometimes justify a specific system of rituals, ethics, and theology.

Sacred books

A sacred book is any book that has been viewed by a religious body as an imposing source. A suitable example of holy books is the Quran for Muslims and the Bible for Christians. These sacred books bear spiritual truths, create a connection with the divine, substitute communal identity, and promote mystical and religious practices.

People interpreted the Bible by use of Hermeneutical skills which kept them from the dangers of jumping over its Original meaning and distorting the word of God. People read through the Books for clear understanding. Interpreters recited the Bible for its plain and palpable purpose, for the Bible is said to have its real sense behind the shallow message. Also, they carefully look at the language of the text for what it reveals about its meaning. Words carry thoughts, an essential factor for an interpreter to carefully examine the terms and groping each word cautiously. They read through the Headings, chapters, and helpful footnotes.

God’s divine interventions have ensured that the sacred texts have not been corrupted from their original intent. Anyone can read the Bible, but God gives the Holy Spirit to stream to provide the right interpretation of God’s word.

Religions in the future

Religion is a particular system of trust and worship, and will probably never go away as experts think. Religion is highly successful at preserving itself and was it not so, and then we would not have it today. Superstitions and spiritualism will most likely still prevail even after losing sight of the different regions.

Zuckerman argues that human beings need comfort during tough moments and suffering, which makes them think that there is something beyond this life, that an invisible being loved them. This argument shows that there will always be individuals who believe, and it would not be surprising if they remained the majority.

Religion offers shreds of security in an uncertain world. Hence, nations that are doing well economically and politically have the highest counts of atheists. Also, capitalism, education, and access to technology contribute to the deterioration of religiosity in some residents. Some nations still exhibit poverty in their economy, which makes the people living there wish to get a meaning to suffering much more so than any secular ideal. Suffering is part of human beings, and for this, reason atheism may never occur.












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