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Request for Proposal Template

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Request for Proposal Template

RFP (Request for Proposal formulation of questions)Proposal Due by: (27/11/2020)(Jijomuus Company Limited)
Project Overview: Building an internal data collection to identify key questions that must be included in the request for Proposal
Project Goals:

·         To identify a collection tool for the identification of questions to be included.

·         Identify all the key information needed for a request for Proposal.

·         Establishing a global request for Proposal for comparing and gathering steel suppliers

Scope of project:

(The research I carried out will help in the creation of the internal data collection information. This will help the management in figuring out what they need from a certain supplier. There should be ten questions that help in revealing volume, locations, safety, and cost.)

Current Roadblocks or barriers to success:

·         Sometimes the prices and charges from the suppliers are not accurate.

·         The suppliers’ payment conditions are not flexible, which makes it hard to achieve the goals.

·         There are no liability insurances for the goods supplied, and this becomes a big issue when goods get spoilt or lost along the way.

Evaluation Metrics and Criteria:

·         Explain the whole thing to key stakeholders and anyone else attached to the project

·         Formulate goals and objectives while clearly defining roles and responsibilities

·         Assign particular tasks to some team members for task management and efficiency

Submission Requirements:

·         Quotations and charges from the suppliers must be accurate.

·         The payment conditions must be flexible.

·         The suppliers must provide liability insurance.

Project Due By: (27/11/2020)Budget: (xxx)

Request for Proposal Template


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