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Research NTFS and Share Permission

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Research NTFS and Share Permission

NTFS Permissions

The NTFS (NT File System or New Technology File System) is a Microsoft’s proprietary file system that organizing, finding, retrieving, and storing files on storage devices efficiently. The filing was introduced in 1993 as a default filing system and an improvement of the Windows NT operating systems over the previous system such as FAT (File Allocation Table) and HPFS (High-Performance File System). For instance, the NT file system improves the performance of computers by allowing file compression so that individuals can enjoy increased space on their storage devices. Also, NTFS allows people to place permissions on their folders and files to restrict access to certain critical information. It uses an ACL (Access Control List) security system to specify the users and groups who can or cannot access specific files. It uses checkpoint and logs file information when restoring the consistency of the file system after a computer is restarted due to the failure of the system. The reliability of the system is enhanced through its MFT (Master File Table). The MFT enables computers to keep an audit, and log of files modified, added, and deleted on a storage drive.

Therefore, generally, the NTFS permissions grant full control whereby users can add, move, modify, and delete directories and files. In modifying folders and files, users can remove or add files from directories and change properties. In the read and execute permission, users are allowed to run and view executable files. The read permission allows users to view folders and files, their properties and directories. Lastly, the write permission enables users to write on data and add them to directories.

Share Permissions

Generally, share permissions entail setting certain access requirements for files and folders shared on a network. It offers three major types of permissions which include read, full control, and read. In the full control permission, users can do anything that is permitted by the change and read access. Also, they can change permissions for NTFS folders and files only. In the change permissions, users can do everything allowed by the Read permissions. Some of the activities include adding and deleting subfolders and files and changing of data in files. Lastly, the read permission, allows users to view subfolder and file names, run programs, and read the information in files.

Creating Shares on Windows

People can share folders and files from their computers with others over the network on their windows operating system using the basic settings approach or the advanced method. In the basic settings approach, a user is required to right-click on the file or folder of choice, navigate to properties section, click the sharing button, and then click the share button. On the share section, choose the “everyone” option from the dropdown menu and click add. From there, you can select the sharing permissions you want to on that given file or folder. After setting permissions, click the share and done buttons to complete the process.

On the advanced sharing method, right-click on the file, click the sharing button and then select the advanced sharing button. On the new window, check the “share this folder option” and then click the permissions button to determine the type of access. On the permissions section, one can customize the permission for a particular group or user. Lastly, click the Apply and OK button to complete the process.


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