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Research Results

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Research Results

Focus Group Results


Participant 1:
Name: Nureen Ladha

Age: 31

Yes Gender: Female


  1. Have you ever heard of this organization? If you have, please say where you have heard of them. If you have not, explain why you think you have not.


Yes, I have. I have seen this commercial before and others like it.


  1. Do you donate to this organization or have you donated, and if so why did you choose it?


If you answered yes to the above question, will you continue to donate to this organization in the future? Please explain why or why not.


I believe I have donated in the past. Reason: I was cornered by a solicitor and felt obligated


  1. What would you say the main purpose of this organization is?


The main focus of this organization is to empower young women and children to advocate for themselves and their education


  1. What emotion does this video evoke from you?


The video felt sad and heavy. A sense of hopelessness followed by excitement for opportunity to change


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 1) ? They can be negative or positive.


Heartbreaking, honest, empowering


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 2) ? They can be negative or positive.


Uplifting, wordy, emotionless



  1. Which of the two videos appealed to you more and why?


Video 1 appealed more because it showed more raw emotion. Video 1 felt more authentic and honest while video 2 felt overly padded with statistics and optimism without drawing attention to the real issues behind the numbers


  1. Are you more likely to donate after watching these videos, then before you saw them?


Yes, I am more likely to donate after seeing the videos.


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you trust donating to charities. 


I would say I trust organizations about 6. I feel that sometimes it is hard to know how much of the donation is covering overhead versus how much is reaching the actual people in need. A bit more transparency would increase my trust levels



  1.  On a scale of 1 to 10 How likely would you be to donate to this organization?


On a scale, I am at a 5 for donating to this organization. I appreciate the values they support but would need to know about their payment options and how much is reaching the people in need



  1. Do you think donating to this organization could make an impact? Why or why not?


Yes, I feel any donation, big or small would make an impact to the organization. In impoverished countries and regions, even small amounts are impactful.


  1. Would you consider volunteering for this organization?


No, I would not consider volunteering for this organization given past experiences


  1.  Do you have any concerns regarding this organization?


Concerns: payment plans for donators (1-time donation versus ongoing); how much money is getting to the actual people intended vs how much used for overhead; less pushy volunteers




Participant 2:


Name: Ashvin Makwana

Age: 35

Gender: Male


  1. Have you ever heard of this organization? If you have, please say where you have heard of them. If you have not, explain why you think you have not.


Yes, I have heard of this organization in the past.


  1. Do you donate to this organization or have you donated, and if so why did you choose it?


If you answered yes to the above question, will you continue to donate to this organization in the future? Please explain why or why not.


I have not donated in the past.


  1. What would you say the main purpose of this organization is?


Fighting for rights of those not deemed “priority”. So kids + women


  1. What emotion does this video evoke from you?


Strong emotions. Showing women/kids vulnerable makes you want to donate or help the cause.



  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 1) ? They can be negative or positive.

Sad, helpless, thought provoking


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 2) ? They can be negative or positive.


Uplifting, encouraging, promising


  1. Which of the two videos appealed to you more and why?


#2. It shows where your donation dollar goes and that the results are encouraging and promising.


  1. Are you more likely to donate after watching these videos, then before you saw them?


After seeing #2 not #1.


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much much do you trust donating to charities. 


7, I need to research the charity before I donate. Or the charity has to hit close to home.


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 How likely would you be to donate to this organization?


3, I had bad experiences of them harassing me in person. Left a bad taste. I would rather donate to other women and child charities.


  1. Do you think donating to this organization could make an impact? Why or why not?


It would make an impact because it would help in volume with others. But % of operational cost vs. % Direct to recipients would matter more to me.


  1.  Would you consider volunteering for this organization?




  1. Do you have any concerns regarding this organization?


There in person tactics/aggressiveness left a bad taste.



Participant 3:


Name: Faisal Ladha

Age: 35

Gender: Male


  1. Have you ever heard of this organization? If you have, please say where you have heard of them. If you have not, explain why you think you have not.


No, I have not heard of this organization. Perhaps I have in passing but it hasn’t resonated.


  1. Do you donate to this organization or have you donated, and if so why did you choose it?


If you answered yes to the above question, will you continue to donate to this organization in the future? Please explain why or why not.


No, I have not.


  1. What would you say the main purpose of this organization is?


To help women rights especially in terms of access to education


  1. What emotion does this video evoke from you?


Sadness, empathy, touch of guilt


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 1) ? They can be negative or positive.


Sad, inspirational, hopeful


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 2) ? They can be negative or positive.


Progress, long, statistics


  1. Which of the two videos appealed to you more and why?


The first video because it was more emotional and made me want to donate. The second video tells me that they are doing a great job already.


  1. Are you more likely to donate after watching these videos, then before you saw them?




  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you trust donating to charities.


sometimes I will spontaneously but unless a charity is open about how much money is getting to the people in need, I will not trust it



  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 How likely would you be to donate to this organization?


6, they evoked a lot of empathy


  1. Do you think donating to this organization could make an impact? Why or why not?


A little, I can only afford to donate a little and it will have a proportionally small effect I assume


  1.  Would you consider volunteering for this organization?


No, I would have a hard time soliciting donations based on past experiences and interactions with volunteers.


  1. Do you have any concerns regarding this organization?


No more than the usual (where funds are going to be spent)

Participant 4:


Name: Farah H.

Age: 32

Gender: Female


  1. Have you ever heard of this organization? If you have, please say where you have heard of them. If you have not, explain why you think you have not.


Yes I have, I cannot remember where.


  1. Do you donate to this organization or have you donated, and if so why did you choose it?


If you answered yes to the above question, will you continue to donate to this organization in the future? Please explain why or why not.


No, I have not donated to Plan International Canada.


  1. What would you say the main purpose of this organization is?


To bring equality to young girls in societies where boys have otherwise been favoured for things such as education, life choices, etc


  1. What emotion does this video evoke from you?




  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 1) ? They can be negative or positive.

Hopeful, uplifting, vague


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 2) ? They can be negative or positive.


Factual, distracting soundtrack, generalized


  1. Which of the two videos appealed to you more and why?


The first one, the narration kept me more engaged than the second video


  1. Are you more likely to donate after watching these videos, then before you saw them?

Not more likely.


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much much do you trust donating to charities.


4 (tough to know the reach of donations versus how much is used to fund admin -admin is important and keeps the company going, but sometimes the split is unreasonable and that is discouraging when you think about how far your donation goes)


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 How likely would you be to donate to this organization?


5, there are other charities that I would likely donate to instead, but I would not be opposed to donating to Plan International Canada depending on what kinds of initiatives they are campaigning.


  1. .Do you think donating to this organization could make an impact? Why or why not?


No, because I can generally only do one time donations rather than recurring, and I don’t know if the donation would go to a specific child that is benefiting from the work, or into a pool of funds to run the general organization


  1.  Would you consider volunteering for this organization?




  1. Do you have any concerns regarding this organization?


There’s issues with trusting how the money is being used. If we could see real life examples of individual girls and children the program has helped over the years ( and not just one or two best cases, but many proven cases of the organization’s reach)

Participant 5:


Name: Habiba Esmail

Age: 62

Gender: Female


  1. Have you ever heard of this organization? If you have, please say where you have heard of them. If you have not, explain why you think you have not.


Yes. I cannot remember where.


  1. Do you donate to this organization or have you donated, and if so why did you choose it?


If you answered yes to the above question, will you continue to donate to this organization in the future? Please explain why or why not.


No, I have not donated to this organization before.


  1. What would you say the main purpose of this organization is?


Women’s and girls’ rights.


  1. What emotion does this video evoke from you?


The video made me very emotional. I felt angry, sad and helpless.


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 1) ? They can be negative or positive.


Informative and emotional.


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 2) ? They can be negative or positive.


Powerful, hopeful, and informative.


  1. Which of the two videos appealed to you more and why?


Video #1 because the message felt more impactful to me. I liked that there was a narration to the video which was not present in video #2.

  1. Are you more likely to donate after watching these videos, then before you saw them?




  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much much do you trust donating to charities.


3, I feel there are a lot of fraudulent people/groups trying to scam innocent people. I feel this has damaged the reputation of a charity.


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 How likely would you be to donate to this organization?


4, I have a hard time trusting where my money would be going to.


  1. Do you think donating to this organization could make an impact? Why or why not?


Yes and no. I would like to know if my help is really reaching children and not going somewhere else.


  1.  Would you consider volunteering for this organization?




  1. Do you have any concerns regarding this organization?


My concern is that there may be issues in transparency, specifically as to where the money is going and how much of it actually directly reaches the children they are claiming to help.

Participant 6:


Name: Riaz L.

Age: 64

Gender: Male


  1. Have you ever heard of this organization? If you have, please say where you have heard of them. If you have not, explain why you think you have not.


Yes, I have seen commercials on tv regarding this organization.


  1. Do you donate to this organization or have you donated, and if so why did you choose it?


If you answered yes to the above question, will you continue to donate to this organization in the future? Please explain why or why not.


No, I have not donated.


  1. What would you say the main purpose of this organization is?


To help young girls and children.


  1. What emotion does this video (#1) evoke from you?


This video makes me feel sad, angry, and upset.


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 1)? They can be negative or positive.


Impactful, well done, thought provoking


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 2)? They can be negative or positive.


Hopeful, factual, optimistic


  1. Which of the two videos appealed to you more and why?


The second video because it held more information rather than just appealing to my emotions.


  1. Are you more likely to donate after watching these videos, then before you saw them?

Yes, the videos affected me enough that if I was prompted to donate after watching them, I probably would.


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much much do you trust donating to charities.


2, I feel skeptical about where the money I donate goes.


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 How likely would you be to donate to this organization?


3, for the same reason I stated above.


  1. .Do you think donating to this organization could make an impact? Why or why not?


I do think donating to this organization could make an impact, considering the size and reach of this charity organization, small donations add up.


  1.  Would you consider volunteering for this organization?


No, probably not.


  1. Do you have any concerns regarding this organization?


Transparency is always a concern with any charity. I would need to do thorough research about where the funds go before feeling comfortable about donating.

Participant 7:

Name:Shainaz Punjani

Age: 62

Gender: Female


  1. Have you ever heard of this organization? If you have, please say where you have heard of them. If you have not, explain why you think you have not.


Yes, I have heard of them. I have encountered volunteers soliciting donations and I have also seen commercials and youtube ads.


  1. Do you donate to this organization or have you donated, and if so why did you choose it?


If you answered yes to the above question, will you continue to donate to this organization in the future? Please explain why or why not.


I have donated in the past, when approached by volunteers.


  1. What would you say the main purpose of this organization is?


To support and promote women/girls lives and to not suppress them.


  1. What emotion does this video (#1)  evoke from you?


Sadness and anger.


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 1) ? They can be negative or positive.


Emotional, insightful, helpful/educational.


  1. What words and traits best describe this video (# 2) ? They can be negative or positive.


Educational, helpful, successful


  1. Which of the two videos appealed to you more and why?


Video one appealed to me more because it played on my emotions and had a greater impact on me because of this.


  1. Are you more likely to donate after watching these videos, then before you saw them?




  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much much do you trust donating to charities.


1, I do not think enough of the funds make it to the needy due to too much overhead. I have a hard time trusting charity.


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 How likely would you be to donate to this organization?


8, because I’ve donated in the past.


  1. .Do you think donating to this organization could make an impact? Why or why not?


I think it could make an impact when combined with other donations, but I don’t feel confident about how much of what I donate actually makes it to the cause.


  1.  Would you consider volunteering for this organization?




  1. Do you have any concerns regarding this organization?


Same as what I stated earlier, where the money goes. I also have concerns about whether those representing the organization and soliciting donations are actually affiliated with Plan International Canada.













Interview Results

Participant 8

Name: Jules Chun

Age: 54


General participant information:


  1. Do you have a university degree or a form of post-secondary education? Please outline which one you have obtained if you have.
  • Yes, from Wilfrid Laurier University for Anthropology


  1. Have you donated to any charities within the last year, and which one(s)?
  • Yes, I have donated to world vision for over 10 years
  • Sick kids at the grocery store (one-time donation)


Video Questions


  1. Which of the two videos appealed to you more and why?
  • The first one appealed to me most because it shows you how the children live in these third world countries and gives you insight into their lives
  • Shows their living environment and their daily lives, girls especially
  • It hit home for me because we forget that girls have it harder than boys (education, family support)
    • Female support is very important, and their role is important
    • There is an expectation for girls
  1. Are you more likely to donate after watching these videos, then before you saw them?
  • I would have to find out more about Plan Canada because the about us and the videos do not show the extent to where the money is going
  • But with world vision and sponsoring a child you know exactly where your money goes to
  • I would need more information – how the money is breaking up into categories and who it is given to


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you trust donating to charities.
  • A 7 because I am not 100% sure how the money will be spent (overhead vs. going to the communities)




4.What emotion does this video evoke from you?

  • Sadness, disappointment, questioning, more thinking/searching within myself for why
  • It is good that there is an organization who puts videos out like this to send out a message/video to educate people on what’s going on out there
  1. What emotions did video 2 make you feel?
  • More informed rather than as sad and heartfelt as the initial one


Interview Questions:


  1. Have you ever heard of this organization? If you have, please say where you have heard of them. If you have not, explain why you think you have not.
  • Yes, I have heard of Foster Parents Plan – I think they changed the name eventually to Plan International
  • I saw them through TV advertisements a while ago


  1. Do you donate to this organization or have you donated, and if so, why did you choose it?
  • No, I don’t donate to this organization


  1. If you answered yes to the above question, will you continue to donate to this organization in the future? Please explain why or why not.
  2. If you answered no to the above question, please explain why you do not donate to this organization.
  • Because I donate to World Vision which also helps children – and I can see directly who I am donating to


  1. What would you say the main purpose of this organization is?
  • The main purpose is to help bring aid, support, and visibility to children – especially young girls
  • Also help mothers support their families


  1. What appeals to you the most about this organization?
  • They are trying to make a difference for children and females


  1. Do you agree with this organization’s plans and initiatives?
  • Yes, I like the I am a girl initiative – because females in many countries get the short end of the stick in comparison to males
  • Third world countries have gender inequalities, and this helps females gain equality at a young age


  1. What words and traits best describe this organization? They can be negative or positive.
  • Inspiring
  • Hopeful
  • Strategic
  • Focused
  • New generation
  • Should broaden their reach


  1. If this organization were a person, could you describe who they would be and some personality traits? They can be negative or positive.
  • I think of powerful females when I think of this brand – ex. Angelina Jolie, Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle
  • Outspoken


  1. What is the organization’s promise, or what do you think they promise you/donators?
  • They promise that they will bring forward the issues and try to provide solutions
  • They promise that they will shine more light on the situations and in turn provide monetary aid to unfortunate communities
  • Such as creating these heartfelt videos that will hopefully trigger a response


  1. How do you feel when you donate to this organization or how do you think you would feel if you were to donate? Please explain why you would feel this way.
  • Happy, hopeful – helping a good cause


  1. What other causes do you support?
  • Ride for Heart
  • Donating for cancer research
  • Terry Fox
  • Camp Oochigas (cancer research for children)
  • Donating to Tim Horton’s camps for children
  • Sick kids charity


  1. Do you think it would be easy to donate to this organization?
  • Yes, you just click and put in your credit card


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 How likely would you be to donate to this organization?
  • 3 – I already donate to World Vision and donate to one charity at a time
  • World vision got my attention first


  1. Do you think donating to this organization could make an impact? Why or why not?
  • Maybe – I am not sure because I do not know enough, and I do not know their business plan
  • Based on the videos I watched, I am not sure how they disperse their money or their plans to approach the problems they outlined


  1. Would you consider volunteering for this organization?
  • Maybe – depends on how much time they would need, when, where, who etc.


  1. Would you consider this organization to be successful?
  • Yes, they seem like an established and large charity and their I am a girl campaign gained a lot of attention


  1. How likely are you to recommend this organization to friends, family or colleagues?
  • Yes, likely that I would recommend this organization because this is a good cause to support


  1. Do you have any concerns regarding this organization?
  • No because I have never heard any negative things about this organization in the media and they have been around for awhile


  1. What would make you like this organization more?
  • More social media presence
  • If they showed a video of examples of things, they have been doing that has worked


  1. How would you describe Save the Children? Describe first impressions, brand traits, emotions, images that come up when you think of them, etc. (If you have not heard about Save the Children please watch these short videos and describe your first impressions and feelings about the brand

, Also please look at their about us page


  • They are inspiring, they make themselves seem like they are there when tragedy hits
  • They focus on all children
  • I like the wording – save the children – it is straight to the point and shows you what they’re doing
  • I like the logo – the stretched-out arms is inviting or a child opening up their arms saying save me


  1. How would you describe Care Canada? Describe first impressions, brand traits, emotions, images that come up when you think of them, etc. (If you have not heard about Care Canada please watch this short video and describe your first impressions and feelings about the brand
  • Care gave a case scenario – you also saw the face of the people behind care, you saw the CEO
  • They have really personalized themselves and shows you who’s accountable
  • They are very transparent with what they do
  • Good marketing – shows what they have done, where they are now, and where they want to get to
  • Good logo – all the hands show the togetherness which is a core value of theirs
  • Inspired
  • I like the word “care” rather than plan international it is more heartfelt and catchy


  1. How does this organization compare to its competitors? (Save the Children, Care Canada).
  • I think save the children is comparable to plan international Canada
  • I think I am more likely to donate to plan Canada rather than save the children – because of their marketing efforts and I think they’re more well-known
  • Save the children may have been around more but I am more aware of plan canada
    • I am more familiar with them


  • The name plan international does not evoke enough emotion or suggestions as to what it is a brand and what they do
    • Care tells me that it is an organization that has to do with helping people
  • I would give to Care over Plan International I feel like I know more about what they are about and they have better communication of their strategy
  • It hits my emotions more











Participant 9

Sarah Banks

Age: 27

Gender: Female


General participant information:


  1. Do you have a university degree or a form of post-secondary education? Please outline which one you have obtained if you have.
  • Yes, Bachelor of Commerce from McMaster University


  1. Have you donated to any charities within the last year, and which one(s)?
  • Yes – Sick kids


Video Questions


  1. Which of the two videos appealed to you more and why?
  • The first one appealed to me more because it sparked more emotions, however the second one was also informative. I would have preferred more information about what they have accomplished/financials.


  1. Are you more likely to donate after watching these videos, then before you saw them?
  • Probably not, I find all charities have similar videos like this. Even though it is sad to see children and girls living like this, I am not 100% sure where my donations would be going to.


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you trust donating to charities.
  • About a 5, it depends on the charity, but I am still skeptical of how they spend it. I like charities where you can donate to a specific child or family and get updates on how they are doing rather than donating and pooling into various things.


  1. What emotions did video 1 make you feel?
  • Sad about what is going on in the world, it really puts your own life into perspective. We go through our lives thinking about “first-world” problems when children are dying from not getting the basic human necessities.


  1. What emotions did video 2 make you feel?
  • Similar to the first video but did not make me as emotional. Probably the lack of visuals.


Interview Questions

  1. Have you ever heard of this organization? If you have, please say where you have heard of them. If you have not, explain why you think you have not.
  • Yes, I have heard of them I have seen them at Fairview Mall and they have approached me with the I Am a Girl campaign. I have also seen some ads on social media platforms I believe.


  1. Do you donate to this organization or have you donated, and if so why did you choose it?
  • I have not donated ever to this organization.


  1. If you answered yes to the above question, will you continue to donate to this organization in the future? Please explain why or why not.
  2. If you answered no to the above question, please explain why you do not donate to this organization.
  • I just have not donated to any charities currently/recently. I have also not been approached by them via door to door sales like I have with other organizations such as SickKids
  • Also, I would probably donate to World Vision to sponsor an individual child.


  1. What would you say the main purpose of this organization is?
  • To help children in third world countries, especially girls. Helps them obtain education, food, clean water, healthcare, etc.
  • Fund initiatives
  • Helps raise awareness of these problems occurring in poor parts of the world


  1. What appeals to you the most about this organization?
  • The I am a Girl campaign resonates with me because I am also a female and I know we do not get equal opportunities as males – I believe it is especially bad in third world countries
  • Helping children prosper as they grow up and building a good foundation for them


  1. Do you agree with this organization’s plans and initiatives?
  • Yes I think they are doing a great thing by helping young children and families in need


  1. What words and traits best describe this organization? They can be negative or positive.
  • Promising
  • Helpful
  • Modern
  • Giving
  • Thoughtful
  • Large organization
  • Progressive
  • Successful
  • Millennial focused
  • Equality
  • Feminism & equal rights
  • Opportunities
  • diverse


  1. If this organization was a person, could you describe who they would be and some personality traits? They can be negative or positive.
  • A friendly and bubbly young person who is passionate – probably female
  • Optimistic, positive
  • Friendly person who tries to change the world in a positive way


  1. What is the organization’s promise, or what do you think they promise you/donators?
  • Their promise is that they advocate for equity and rights for kids in the third world countries with donators/donations/volunteering
  • They promise to make a change among kids and families


  1. How do you feel when you donate to this organization or how do you think you would feel if you were to donate? Please explain why you would feel this way.
  • I would feel good donating to a charity that specifically advocates for the rights of children
  • I would feel good knowing the lives of children are positively impacted w/ my donations
  • However, I would question where my money is actually going


  1. What other causes do you support?
  • Sick kids
  • World vision


  1. Do you think it would be easy to donate to this organization?
  • Yes, you just pay online


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 How likely would you be to donate to this organization?
  • I think I would need to read into other organizations first – I do not know enough about Plan Canada to instantly donate to them/make them first choice
  • I would also like to see their reviews from other donators
  • I do like that they are female-oriented and children’s rights activists
  • 6 or 7


  1. Do you think donating to this organization could make an impact? Why or why not?
  • Yes, because supporting children at a young age helps propel them forward in life – thus helping them secure a better future
  • This overall can help the status of the future family & economy


  1. Would you consider volunteering for this organization?
  • Yes – but I have not seen any opportunities available anywhere
  • If they approached me, I would likely sign up depending on how long I had to volunteer for


  1. Would you consider this organization to be successful?
  • I think they have been successful yes
  • I have seen them being advertised previously within the past 10 years – not as much recently though
  • They are probably one of the 10 most popular charities in Canada
  • I think the I am a Girl campaign has made them quite popular


  1. How likely are you to recommend this organization to friends, family or colleagues?
  • Likely – I think they are a good organization that has been successful with their campaigns
  • However, I think my network already has their set organizations/charities they donate to and I am not sure if they would be willing to switch (ex. World vision, salvation army, etc.)


  1. Do you have any concerns regarding this organization?
  • Will they be able to make more successful campaigns like the I am a Girl one?
  • I think their name should be more linked to what they do
  • How are they addressing COVID-19 and dealing with the economic downturn?


  1. What would make you like this organization more?
  • More ways to sign up maybe.
  • More active on social media (without being annoying)
  • Partner with bigger social names to raise awareness


  1. How would you describe Save the Children? Describe first impressions, brand traits, emotions, images that come up when you think of them, etc. (If you have not heard about Save the Children please watch these short videos and describe your first impressions and feelings about the brand

, Also please look at their about us page

  • Save the children responds to emergencies that have affected children such as droughts, tsunamis, and other natural disasters
  • They seem more like an emergency response charity, but I think they still try to help improve the daily lives of needy children
  • They also state they are one of the oldest charities responding to children’s needs and therefore must be well established
  • However, this is the first time I have heard of them – meaning their marketing efforts may not have reached people of my generation considering they are an older organization
  • Their brand name shows exactly what they do – save the children – which is straightforward
  • I would associate this brand with the older generation


  1. How would you describe Care Canada? Describe first impressions, brand traits, emotions, images that come up when you think of them, etc. (If you have not heard about Care Canada please watch this short video and describe your first impressions and feelings about the brand Also please look at about us
  • Care focuses on “togetherness”
  • Their video was informative about how they bring everyone together and they work together to help reduce the social problems that plague the less fortunate
  • They did not really explain exactly what they do but from their About Us page it seems as though they also focus on equality for women and girls
  • They seem like a smaller brand – which means they may not have as much funding as the other organizations
  • I have never heard of them, but they seem like they are headed in the right direction
  • Their name “care” is good it sparks emotion


  1. How does this organization compare to its competitors? (Save the Children, Care Canada).
  • I still think Plan is the most recognized of the 3 similar charities
  • I would probably still choose Plan as my number one charity because I have been exposed to them the most and I trust them to utilize my donations accordingly
  • I have not seen any information about the other two charities and thus I don’t know if they will even use my money towards children or towards their expenses



Participant 10

Name: Hailey Dudzic

Age: 25

Gender: Female


General participant information:


  1. Do you have a university degree or a form of post-secondary education? Please outline which one you have obtained if you have.
  • Yes I finished university – I went to Western University for business


  1. Have you donated to any charities within the last year, and which one(s)?
  • I have recently donated to the black lives matter movements


Video Questions


  1. Which of the two videos appealed to you more and why?
  • The first one because it really triggers your emotions with the pictures of the children and women
  • It specifically targets me as I am a woman and I feel empathy for girls and women who do not have the same privileges as me


  1. Are you more likely to donate after watching these videos, then before you saw them?
  • Yes, because it makes me feel bad and I feel like I should spend some of my money on the needy as I am young and I should put my money towards something more valuable


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you trust donating to charities.
  • 7 – because sometimes I feel like they are not giving 100% of my proceeds to the charity
  • But this one is well known and established so I would presume they are giving to their causes
  • If it is a more reputable name, I am more inclined to donate


  1. What emotions did video 1 make you feel?
  • Sadness


  1. What emotions did video 2 make you feel?
  • Positivity, optimistic
  • Someone is doing something to help girls, women, and gender inequality


Interview Questions:


  1. Have you ever heard of this organization? If you have, please say where you have heard of them. If you have not, explain why you think you have not.
  • Yes, I have heard of them – there are always people standing at bloor/Yonge or Dundas square with their logo and they ask pedestrians about their thoughts and try to explain their cause to them


  1. Do you donate to this organization or have you donated?
  • No
  1. If you answered yes to the above question, will you continue to donate to this organization in the future? Please explain why or why not.
  2. If you answered no to the above question, please explain why you do not donate to this organization.
  • Because I have not been that aware of them and I haven’t found a call to action when I am looking for charities


  1. What would you say the main purpose of this organization is?
  • Help women and girls in third world countries that do not have access to education or basic necessities
  • Raising money and donating to third world countries
  • Building institutions/resources for underprivileged children and communities


  1. What appeals to you the most about this organization?
  • They give back to females and try to close the gender inequality gap that is very prevalent in certain countries – some boys get more education than girls for example


  1. Do you agree with this organization’s plans and initiatives?
  • Yes – because I am a woman who has been fairly privileged and has had access to all the basic necessities and there are some girls that do not have this access
  • Therefore, this program helps the future economy of many countries that cannot help themselves


  1. What words and traits best describe this organization? They can be negative or positive.
  • Feminism
  • Equal opportunity
  • Annoying – always stopping in the streets
  • Helpful
  • Sensitive
  • Positive
  • Well-known
  • reputable


  1. If this organization was a person, could you describe who they would be and some personality traits? They can be negative or positive.
  • Optimistic individual who encourages everyone to help but may not receive it all because of their loud personality


  1. What is the organization’s promise, or what do you think they promise you/donators?
  • They promise to help the lifestyles of children in third world countries
  • They promise to put your money towards bettering the children


  1. How do you feel when you donate to this organization or how do you think you would feel if you were to donate? Please explain why you would feel this way.
  • I would feel generous and that I am giving back to the world
  • I would feel like I am helping children achieve their full potential who may not be able to without my help


  1. What other causes do you support?
  • Black Lives Matter
  • World Vision
  • I support environmental causes such as low waste, reducing my carbon footprint


  1. Do you think it would be easy to donate to this organization?
  • Yes because you can go online and do it


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely would you be to donate to this organization?
  • 5 because they support a good cause that I believe in
  • I can relate to their supporting of females and female empowerment


  1. Do you think donating to this organization could make an impact? Why or why not?
  • Yes because they would put my money towards helping children and females
  • Even the smallest amount could help people who need it (I hope)


  1. Would you consider volunteering for this organization?
  • Yes – but I would not stand at corners and approach people


  1. Would you consider this organization to be successful?
  • To my knowledge yes – they have good marketing and promotional materials which makes it seem like they have achieved a lot


  1. How likely are you to recommend this organization to friends, family or colleagues?
  • Likely – because I think they positively impact the world and society
  • They have helped economies
  • Because they are trustworthy and an established organization


  1. Do you have any concerns regarding this organization?
  • Concerns about putting $ towards women and backlash from those who do not support feminism
  • COVID-19 concerns about how they will operate into the future


  1. What would make you like this organization more?
  • If they set up programs/sign up booths in my local neighbourhood – I feel like I don’t really know of them other than the ones that are kind of annoying at the corners in downtown Toronto
  • Promoting it in local schools, university, etc. to raise more awareness and collecting donations rather than bombarding pedestrians on the streets


  1. How would you describe Save the Children? Describe first impressions, brand traits, emotions, images that come up when you think of them, etc. (If you have not heard about Save the Children please watch these short videos and describe your first impressions and feelings about the brand

, Also please look at their about us page

  • Sense of urgency and emergency response
  • Empathetic
  • Problem solving
  • Doctors and nurses helping people in third world countries
  • Didn’t see too much noticeable/impactful branding
  • Branding seems to be images of children in impoverished environments/environmental problems
  • Saddening









  1. How would you describe Care Canada? Describe first impressions, brand traits, emotions, images that come up when you think of them, etc. (If you have not heard about Care Canada please watch this short video and describe your first impressions and feelings about the brand Also please look at about us
  • More heartwarming and personal/sensitive
  • Focus on family attributes and focus on relating to audience and their own personal stories rather than show dramatic events
  • Their brand is more focused on togetherness and happiness
  • Less superficial & dramatic


  1. How does this organization compare to its competitors? (Save the Children, Care Canada).
  • Save the children seems more severe and makes me feel like I should take more action than Plan Canada
  • More likely to donate to save the children
  • I have never heard of save the children – branding efforts for save the children is less prevalent than plan canada
  • I feel like I could easily build a relationship with Care Canada versus plan canada
  • I feel like if I were to donate to Care I would know where my money is going compared to plan based on their personal approach
  • I am more likely to donate to care over Plan Canada
  • I would donate to care out of all 3




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