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Research Summary Number (highlight one):  #3

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Research Summary Number (highlight one):  #3


Article 1- Prior to 1990Article 2- 2010 or LATER
1)      Citation as per APA 6Haring, T. G., Kennedy, C. H., Adams, M. J., & Pitts-Conway, V. (1987). Teaching generalization of purchasing skills across community settings to autistic youth using videotape modeling. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis20(1), 89-96. doi:10.1901/jaba.1987.20-89


Yakubova, G., & Taber-Doughty, T. (2013). Effects of video modeling and verbal prompting on social skills embedded within a purchasing activity for students with autism. Journal of Special Education Technology28(1), 35-47. doi:10.1177/016264341302800104


2)      3-sentence abstract (for example- Experimenters studied effects of X on Y. Experimenters found that Z. Questions raised by findings and/or implications for future research) The experimenters studied how generalization training through watching videotapes could effectively accustom autistic youth into basic community tasks in real-world settings. The experimenters found that the procedure of videotape modeling and practice in a natural shopping environment was an effective way of fostering generalization in purchasing at stores in the neighborhood. The impact on future research is apparent in the loophole left by this experiment on potential sequence effects.The experimenters studied the effectiveness of video modeling and verbal prompting on social skills within a purchasing task sequence in a local grocery store. The experimenters found that intervention through the experiment led to increased performances in social skills and purchasing generalizations when compared to baseline performances. Questions raised by the findings include whether a video prompting strategy may be more effective than video modeling.
3)      Behaviors targeted for change. Please provide complete (operational, if provided) definition.This experiment’s target behaviors included the ability of participants to follow through social and operational procedural steps coherently. The operational aspect points to the step by step routine that the participants are expected to follow in the task analysis. The social aspect is the experiment’s expectation to oversee how the participants relate with the shopping store setting, including how they interact with the cashier.The target behaviors of the experiment included the participants’ ability to complete functional skills. The main focus was on how to embed social practices and a variety of community functioning skills to individuals with autism.

“Specifically, students were asked to stand in line, greet a cashier, smile, pay, say “thank you”, and retrieve the purchased items following video modeling instruction” (p. 37)

4)      Were these behaviors socially significant for participants, the people in their lives, or both? How do you know? Provide a rationale.Participantso      Family/Staffo         Botho

Both. It is a gain for the participants in that they learn to be more collaborative with different social settings and blend in when doing an activity as simple as going to the shopping store. For the people in their lives, the social significance is that their autistic child becomes more accepted into society as he learns to become more independent.

Participantso      Family/Staffo         Botho

Both. When individuals successfully acquire social skills, there is usually a demonstration of more independence, which is suitable for the individual and more social acceptance, which means seamless integration into society.

5)      How did the authors refer to the learners/participants in this article (i.e., participants, subjects, students, etc.)?Throughout the article, the author refers to the participants as “the students”.




The author refers to the participants as “the students”.
6)      What diagnosis, if any, did the participants have, and how did the authors describe it to the reader (i.e., a child with autism, autistic child, etc.)?The author refers to the participants as autistic youths, and in other sections as young autistic adults.The author refers to the participants as students with autism.
7)      What was the dependent variable? Please include the definition in quotes. This may be the same as the behaviors targeted for change.


The dependent variables are the social and operational responses. They are the target of the experiment, as seen in the improvement in responses after the introduction of the videotape modeling.

“The dependent measure was the percentage of total steps, operational steps, and social steps from the task analysis that were independently and correctly performed” (p. 93)

Standing in line – “The student located and stood in the checkout lane and waited for his turn to check out” (p. 39)

Greeting the cashier – “The student greeted the cashier by responding to the cashier’s greeting using his communication” (p. 39)

Smiling – “This was recorded if the student physically smiled when he approached and greeted the cashier and during the final check out” (p. 39)

Paying the cashier – “The student paid for the items with cash by handing money to the cashier and receiving any change” (p. 39)

Thanking the cashier – “At the end of the transaction, the student said “thank you” to the cashier, or said “thank you” in response to the cashier’s thanking him” (p. 39)

At the end of the transaction, retrieving purchased grocery items – “The student got the items at the end of the transaction” (p. 39)

8)      What was the independent variable?The independent variable was the frequency of the sessions for the students.The independent variables of the study were the video modeling and verbal prompts used.
9)      How were the data collected?Through five independent observers, data was collected 38 times through interobserver-agreement collaborated with the instructor. Afterward, the percentage of agreements on the occurrence and nonoccurrence of the correct steps was determined by the point-by-point reliability formula.There were two independent observers following the dependent variables and making separate records for each step. Afterward, the agreement was divided the number of recorded agreements by the number of agreement s and disagreements and multiplying by 100%. Also, a trained classroom paraprofessional familiar with the intervention verified the study’s validity step by step.
10)   Did the experimenters target performance, learning, or both?


Performanceo      Learningo         BothoPerformanceo      Learningo         Botho
11)   What were the major findings? Summarize briefly.





The introduction of training increased the level of operational responses for all three students. Introducing videotape modeling contributed to an increase in both operational and social reactions in probe environments. It also boosted the success of trials with all critical steps being performed correctly.The findings show that the students learned specific social and purchasing skills through video prompts and video modeling exposure before going to the grocery store. Notably, it contributed to the literature base revealing positive results when individuals with autism utilized video instructions.
12)   What did the experimenters do well? What was/were limitations of this study?The experimenters were able to bring in more than one student, which widened the range of applicability of videotape modeling. It simultaneously fosters operational and social responses. The limitation of the methods is the inconsistent effectiveness when concurrent training is not given to participants. Also, the experiment’s success seems limited to surroundings the students are familiar with, and the success of the test cannot be guaranteed in a new environment.The experimenters made it possible to combine the teaching of social skills and purchasing skills in two stores. It created the need to expand the skills incorporated in these studies to integrate these individuals into society eventually.

Limitations include the inadequate number of participants. Having only three participants means applying the model to a more significant population may not reveal similar patterns.

13)   How was this study educationally significant?The experiment’s significance from an educational standpoint is that it promotes behavioral techniques that seek to make generalizations a part of society. Introduction of the videotape modeling led to huge strides in the experiment, both socially and in operational tasks.The significance is evident in the improvements seen in the students’ ability to comprehend the videos and demonstrate the same when placed in the grocery stores. The success of the experiment proves video modeling as a useful tool for embedding social and purchasing skills in students with autism.
14)   Name 2 things you would do differently if conducting this study today.I would have done differently to introduce the students to newer environments after successful experiments in their typical environments. Secondly, I would run one trial for each student without any instructor’s assistance to ascertain improvements. First, I would have incorporated more students with autism to increase the validity of the results in a vast population.

Secondly, the study would include an experimental trial in an unfamiliar environment.

15)   Were there any issues within one (or both) studies that you may not have noticed at the start of this semester? What have you learned about the BACB® Ethical Code that seems relevant here?I have learned the relevance of the BACB Ethical Code, as seen in how both studies conducted themselves. A good instance is in terms of integrity in the results of the experiment. Both studies introduced independent observers to verify the data collection process to ensure the outcome was impartial.


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