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Research template for capstone APA

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[Title Page]

Your Name

Saint Mary’s University Of Minnesota

Schools of Graduate & Professional Programs

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor’s Degree in

Public Health (OR Psychology)

[Instructor’s Name]

Submission Date [example, August 21, 2019]


Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction




Chapter Two: Literature Review

[Topical Heading]

[Topical Heading]

[Topical Heading]

[Topical Heading]

Chapter Three: Conclusion






Title of Paper

Chapter One: Introduction


What is your topic?  What is your research question?  What are you trying to find out about your topic?  What problem needs to be solved?  What challenge needs to be met?


Why is the topic [question, problem, challenge] important?  For example, how many people will be affected?  What special group of people will be disproportionately affected?  What are the consequences of not finding a solution or answer?


            If you use terms that are unknown to the general population—for example, specialized terms used only in your field—then define those terms here.  If you are using a generally-known term in a specialized way—for example, if you define poverty as a specific income level for a specific family size—define the term here.  For each term, cite a scholarly or professional source (or sources) from which you derived your definition.  Do not cite a dictionary, encyclopedia, or wiki.  If you have only one term to define, do not create a separate section; define the term at the beginning of the literature review.  List each term as a Level three heading, like this:

Term one.  Write the definition as a complete sentence, even if it requires repeating the term.  The definition begins on the same line as the Level 3 heading.

Term two.  Type the definition here.

If you do not need to define terms, skip this section.


Chapter Two: Literature Review

Begin the literature review on a separate page.  Create the page break by clicking Insert, Page Break at the end of the text on the previous page.  Do not create a page break by pressing the Enter key repeatedly.

First Subtopic Heading

The literature review is more than a reporting of factual information.  It should address a debatable point or answer a research question.  You will synthesize information from the literature in order to reach an original conclusion.  Based on the literature you read, what can you conclude about the topic and share with your readers?  The headings of the literature review reflect the subtopics of your main topic.  Literature review headings are Level 2 headings, like this.

Second Subtopic Heading

As an example of topical headings, pretend you are writing a literature review about the best way to secure electronic data in a clinical setting.  When you read the literature, you learned that there are three aspects of data security in a clinical setting: staff training, application software, and data input.  You might want to use each of these subtopics as headings for your literature review and discuss the best practices for each, as in the follow examples of headings:

Staff Training

Application Software

Data Input

If one of your subtopic sections becomes long enough to divide into smaller subheadings, you can use Level 3 headings for these subsections, as follows:

First level three heading.  Begin text here and allow it to wrap to the left margin as in this example.

Second level three heading.  You must have at least two headings at each level (because you cannot divide a section “into 1.”  You may not need to use Level 3 headings at all.



Chapter Three: Conclusion

            In the final section of your paper, your “voice” comes out front and center.  Here is where you tell readers what you learned in terms of your original purpose.  For example, to what extent was your research question answered by the literature you read?  [For example, “The literature read for this review suggests that . . . (answer)”].  To what extent was it not answered?  [For example, “The literature did not address . . . “] Why?  [For example, “None of the literature reviewed included  . . . “] If your question was not completely answered, what further steps do you (or someone else) need to take?  [For example, “To understand . . . , one would need to . . . “]. If you were trying to solve a problem or meet a challenge, did you find a satisfactory solution or guideline?


            How could your findings be applied in your field?  Under what circumstances might they be useful and to whom?  What changes might occur?  How would those changes be beneficial?


            Briefly, in just a few sentences, restate (a) what you were trying to find out or solve, (b) what the literature said about it, (c) what you concluded from the literature, and (b) how your conclusions will be beneficial to your field.



American Academic of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. (n.d.). Code of ethics.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011, August 31).  Keep food and water safe after a disaster or emergency [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Fung, I. H., & Cairncross, S. (2007). How often do you wash your hands? A review of studies of hand-washing practices in the community during and after the SARS outbreak in 2003. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 17(3), 161-183. doi:10.1080/09603120701254276

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-191; § 1173 et seq.Retrieved from

Walz, B. J. (2010). Foundations of EMS systems (2nd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.



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