Research Topics on Education
Topic 1. Online education
Online education and its modes have been growing rapidly throughout the world due to the influence of new technology and the global implementation of the internet. It has transformed learning and generated great excitement inside and outside higher education. Information system researchers in 1990’s-initiated research online education. Since then, many conferences and journals focus on online education due to increasing internet adoption.
Online education improves the education system but also has pitfalls, such as students drop out of school. The article analyzed online education using empirical study a found that about 9 percent of the students drop out of school due to online education. ( Bettinger & Loeb,2017).
The rapid expansion of the internet has created a significant initiative for universities and colleges to offer online programs. The quality and strength of online education can be improved through the enhancement of online curriculum and instructions. (Sun & Chen,2016). The great diversity of online education has improved the research field, making more students focus on research related to business education.
The data collection using an empirical study found that several factors influence online education, such as:
Factor | Percentage rate % |
Monetary support | 24.7 |
Technical trained online technologist | 15.3 |
Student drop out | 9 |
Technology | 10.8 |
Topic 2. A systemic review of mobile online education in higher institutions
Mobile online education is effective in large scale education. Still, many higher institutions lack theoretical framework, challenges in implementing mobile learning, and poor technology that has led to internet access problems. (Kaliisa & Picard,2017). The article used a survey to analyze the mobile learning attitude among the students in the bachelor of science and science (Viberg & Grönlund,2017).
Percentage % | Attitude toward mobile learning |
3 | Low |
10 | Very low |
15 | Middle |
62 | High |
Topic 3 The benefits of physical education and school sports
This academic review uses theoretical and empirical to analyze the benefits of physical education and sports in schools. (Beni,,2017) The analysis showed that physical education and sports in school contribute to young people’s development and effective concentration. It improves skills and physical competence; it contributes to psychological and emotional development. (Pennington,2017).
Topic 4. Mobile online game for education on animal behaviors
A study was carried out to investigate how children used savannah to learn animal behaviors. This game allows the children to identify the animal based on the rule system, that is the name to know how animals interact with the environment. (Zakaria,,2018) The main problem with the design was that the children had little understanding of how the lion hunting strategies were an effective part of the design. Another problem was the unreliable GPS game servers. The study used a mixed research method that is quantitative and qualitative, which showed that 70% of children aged 11-12 years overcome the technical challenges of building complex systems such as combining game activities. (Gao, Li & Sun,2020).
Topic 5. Mobile online game for education science
The use of mobile learning in science is important, especially during research. The use of mobile technologies in all science level enables the scientist to expand their ability in the field. (Brown, et al.,2018) The key challenges are the lack of effective learning support and problem in solving student competency and active thinking. (Atwood-Blaine & Huffman,2017). The study that employed Systemic Literature Review analyzed 49 studies published in 2003-2016 revealed that over 60% of schools in developed countries experience problems in supporting mobile learning in science.
Atwood-Blaine, D., & Huffman, D. (2017). Mobile gaming and student interactions in a science center: the future of gaming in science education. International journal of science and mathematics education, 15(1), 45-65.
Beni, S., Fletcher, T., & Ní Chróinín, D. (2017). Meaningful experiences in physical education and youth sport: A review of the literature. Quest, 69(3), 291-312.
Bettinger, E., & Loeb, S. (2017). Promises and pitfalls of online education. Evidence Speaks Reports, 2(15), 1-4.
Brown, C. L., Comunale, M. A., Wigdahl, B., & Urdaneta-Hartmann, S. (2018). The current climate for digital game-based learning of science in further and higher education. FEMS microbiology letters, 365(21), fny237.
Gao, F., Li, L., & Sun, Y. (2020). A systematic review of mobile game-based learning in STEM education. Educational Technology Research and Development, 1-37.
Kaliisa, R., & Picard, M. (2017). A systematic review of mobile learning in higher education: The African perspective. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 16(1).
Pennington, C. G. (2017). Moral development and sportsmanship in physical education and sport. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 88(9), 36-42.
Sun, A., & Chen, X. (2016). Online education and its effective practice: A research review. Journal of Information Technology Education, 15.
Viberg, O., & Grönlund, Å. (2017). Understanding students’ learning practices: challenges for design and integration of mobile technology into distance education. Learning, Media and Technology, 42(3), 357-377
Zakaria, N. Y. K., Zaini, H., Hamdan, F., & Norman, H. (2018). Mobile game-based learning for online assessment in collaborative learning. Int. J. Eng. Technol, 7, 80-85.