Responding to Short Stories
Brady’s statement, “I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am a wife, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother.” Portrays the character and roles that wives play in society. Brady introduces her story with the statement to show the wifely duties that are expected of married women. She shows wives are considered to be responsible for their husband’s wellbeing both at home and beyond. Married women are expected to take care of the entire family, especially for the ones with children. The statement shows that wives are regarded as the caregivers of the family. A woman in marriage has to fulfill various duties, ensuring the entire family is safe and provided for with the basics needs. Wives have to ensure their husbands are well fed, dressed neatly as well as keeps track of their appointments and schedules. Brady finds herself to be the supportive wife to her husband and wishes to have someone to do the same for her. Such a character in a wife pushes the husband to pursue and accomplish their dreams.
Mrs. Mallard’s “heart trouble” consists of developing high anxiety and falling into a depressive state on hearing troubling news involving people she loves. Mrs. Mallard is sickened with the information regarding her husband’s death, which leaves her heartbroken. Chopin introduces the “heart trouble” in her story as an indicator of the unfortunate fate that Mrs. Mallard endures as the story progresses. Her deep devastation leads to her sudden death on realizing her husband is still alive. Mrs. Mallard’s heart trouble causes her death following the overexcitement from the news. Mrs. Mallard’s “heart trouble” symbolizes a wife’s troubling lifestyle after their husband dies. Chopin shows that widows are left lonely and sickly once their husbands die.