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Response to the first statement

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Response to the first statement

I agree that the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act aims at protecting the patient by saving and sustaining life and promoting a good relationship between patients and health providers. This is achieved through advocating of adherence to medical protocols, thus reducing mistakes. However, the failure of the EMTALA Act to outline the emergency cases has provided a loophole that health providers and medical practitioners exploit to deny patients emergency care putting their lives at risk and reducing their chances of optimal and fast recovery. The lack of adherence to standard protocols in the medical examination of Joan Grants affects her physical and mental well being due to the stress of demanding justice but may result in a lawsuit against Dr. Jones.

Response to the second statement

Participation in Medicare mandates a hospital to abide by the state’s laws and policies; hence, the community hospital is obliged to adhere to the guidelines of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. However, the provision of quality care, as advocated by medical practitioners, requires the medical practitioners’ accountability and responsibility. This is because efficiency in health care reduces human suffering and fastens recovery, reducing cost, and ensuring the sate has an able workforce for economic growth. Therefore Dr. john ought to apply due to diligence in practice and base his clinical judgment on vast knowledge in medical training and experience hence the hospital is not liable for his actions

Response to the third statement

The measures by Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act to curb on dubious practices in healthcare provision ought to focus majorly on the medical practitioner as they are the culprits. This will enable the health facilities not to shy away from reporting dubious practices by medical practitioners to the relevant bodies and to provide relevant records to patients to empower them to seek justice. The thorough and periodic training of the medical practitioners equips them with knowledge and skills to aid their practice. Node adherence to protocols does discredit not only the importance of the training but also a violation to the oath of protecting and saving lives.


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