The main themes, as well as common codes, were produced using iterative category development. The following were the three key themes:
Reduced relational interest and facilitation of beginning communication from the passengers
Lack of proper ways of maintaining relationships
Low awareness and adherence to airport norms.
The explanation of these themes is done below with accompanied by italicized descriptions and illustrations.
Reduced relational interest and facilitation of beginning communication from the passengers
This category of a theme related to the initiation of the social contract, proximity of both passengers and staff behaviours as well as the apparent interest of engaging in communication. This theme is different from the next theme about Lack of proper ways of maintaining relationships as this code was specifically the primary demonstration of communication and behaviour aspects in airport culture. Conceptually, these aspects correspond with behaviours and communication in the airport. (Pote & Wright, 2018).
Failed social engagement
On multiple scenarios, Passenger boarding the plane demonstrated Lack of social connection, leaving the staff who were giving directions on what to do feeling ignored, unheard and relationally frustrated. For example, Mr John was always on his phone, he seemed to care what was happening on his phone…He never reacts to being corrected by his fellow passengers.
Disinterest/Ignores in questions
This subtheme included instances in which the airport staff were frequently disinterested or ignored by the passengers. For example, Miss Jane concentrated on playing puzzles on his phone even when others had conversations, she seemed not to look around or make eye contact with both the staff and fellow passengers.
Does not initiate the conversation
The staff often failed to start conversations or interject themselves with the ongoing conversation , showing Lack of relational interest. For example Mary (the manager ) had a somewhat black, direct look when I first walked in the airport to do my observation on the aspect of communication and behaviour. No smile recognition , [no change in his face, in response to my presence]. In response to [my greeting] “I’m [name]”, she said “ok” with no smile or change in expression.
Lack of proper ways of maintaining relationships
The theme focuses on behaviours involved in establishing and maintaining relationships and proper communication in the airport. Examples of this theme include the length and depth of communication, engagement degree, the presence of empathic responses, and the appropriateness or thoughtfulness of responses during communication with both the sta and the passengers.
Abnormal Response
This subtheme included un-prefaced or tangential interruptions or interjections to conversation or a failure to respond in a manner that facilitated or sustained an interaction. [{ Both the airport staff and the passengers often made interjections that seemed to have salience to them or, alternatively, left dead space or long uncomfortable pauses in the conversation].
Impoverished Verbal Content and Short Answers
Passengers demonstrated an inability to maintain social synchrony in giving short, blunt replies. Naomi (Staff): Why don’t you show me your National identification card ? Passenger: [to spouse, perplexed] Why would she want to see my national Identification card? Naomi: [Nonverbally motioned with interest in seeing the national identification Card.] Passenger: [Searched inside his wallet and gave the ID to the staff, said some information but rarely gave context; gave no stories or commentary about what was in the ID, despite the staff verbal and nonverbal expression of interest].
Lack of Empathic Responding
Several participants exhibited incongruence between conversational content and their affective responses, such as a failure to offer empathic gestures or words of consolation in response to the airport. While hostess was instructing what to do or not to do inside the aeroplane, on of the passengers seamed disrupted always fidgeting on her seat. The hostess looked ass her and did not exhibit a response to the fidgeting Passenger or initiate any signs of affection [no attempt to ask her what was wrong]…
Poor awareness and adherence to airport norms
The theme included violation of the airport communication norms such as manners and appropriate use of humour in the airport.
Inappropriate laughter or humour
This subtheme includes telling of improper information, sharing humour by the passengers, which is relevance to the airport staff and unprompted laughter not connected to any identifiable trigger. The Passenger began laughing out loud for no apparent reason on his way to the aeroplane. The Passenger continued to laugh and did not change his behavior; despite him seeing that [others] appeared annoyed with him. He apparently did not realize the effect he was having on them or that they were responding to his laughing.
Over self-disclosure
Some staff over disclosed some personal information pertaining to both themselves and the airport that would otherwise be private such as private financial information. He would make socially inappropriate remarks like announcing in public the value of air ticket from one destination to another “loved ice cream, and has Pick’s disease, but does not have diabetes.”
The current study provided a concrete example of the aspect of communication and behaviour that occurred in an airport culture. The qualitative analysis yielded three key themes that emerged from the observation mentioned above. These finding can help a person who is looking forward to work in the airport and help both the staff and passengers change positively. The current findings can serve as a paradigm for generating observational tables, coding systems, and quantitative methods for dealing with airport staff passengers. There were limitations to this qualitative study. They included the potential for my bias during observation, a small sample size of 10 passengers and three staff members in the airport, and natural restrictions of qualitative methods. My observation bias was probably inevitable when choosing and recording communication and behaviour aspect in the airport culture during this observational study. This study describes the aspect of communication and behaviour in an airport culture. These findings offer a source for future studies regarding this aspect in airport culture. In particular, the use of observational research in natural settings may advance the assessment of interpersonal communication and behaviors of people in the airport. Thus, future studies using this approach may yield further information regarding the aspect of communication and behavior in the airport culture that can help in the recognition and management of this culture.