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Revised reflection

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Revised reflection

The state of national educational policy is significant. Societies approve students’ achievements in schools while at the same time disapproving of laziness among the students. Students face obstacles in their quest to attain success in the eyes of those they hold in high regard, such as parents and teachers. These challenges hold many of them back from realizing their purpose and potential. Unfortunately, the parents and teachers that these students should be relying on for motivation and learning do not seem to comprehend these challenges fully. This state exposes students to the vulnerability of being misjudged by society as being lazy and incompetent. Student Success or failure is determined by factors that extend beyond laziness and students’ mindset.

In the views of Price, “Lazy behavior is not an active choice.” Price goes further to offer insights on how he does not view laziness as the reason for students’ setbacks in school but its contextual and situational factors. Dweck’s approach focusses on the mindset of the student and the role it plays in determining the success or failure of the student. (Sun)

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