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Same-sex marriage

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Same-sex marriage

Marriage happens to be both universal and crucial. All across the nation, people tend to get married in every region, race, religion, ethnicity, or even social class. Same-sex, on the other hand, tends to be a marriage of companions amid two individual of the same-sex. I support that same-sex marriage needs to get permitted since homosexual couples are not any different from any other citizens, and they deserve the same fundamental rights as heterosexual spouses.

Recently, numerous nations across the globe happen to acknowledge same-sex marriage as a legalized marriage. Some American citizens firmly brace same-sex marriage and believe in equality for all people. Over the years, the topic of same-sex has got discussed and asserted since the theory of marriage emerged (Smith, 2015). Marriage happens to be a relationship that many individuals are sanctioned to have. Whether it is amid heterosexual or same-sex spouses, it needs to be a fundamental right enjoyed by everyone.

Over the past years, lesbians and gay relationships have slowly come into existence, and the origins of high interests in same-sex couples are diverse (Smith, 2015). In the past, the tradition of marriage tends to have always taken place between a man and a woman. Therefore, by evaluating how the tradition of marriage is currently transforming and making use of case decisions, a dispute can get established where marriage needs to be a fundamental right for all individuals.

Same-sex spouses need to uphold that they need to have the same rights to marry, just like heterosexual spouses. It is vital that same-sex spouses and heterosexual couple articulate advocacy for the rights that should get granted to them. Even though numerous nations across the globe have legalized same-sex marriage, there are some states and people who happen to be against the union.

I believe that all people need to get treated equally despite their sex and get allowed to marry, which is their fundamental right. Same-sex marriage happens to be mainly based on discrimination and whether the homosexual couple has a civil and fundamental right to get married (Smith, 2015). I can’t entirely agree with any prejudices and injustice given to same-sex individuals, and I believe that all people are accredited to a fundamental right to marry and get married. Therefore, the outcome of some people not understanding that marriage needs to be a fundamental right for same-sex individuals leads to discrimination and treating same-sex couples differently.

The fact that not every nation has legalized same-sex marriage, numerous spouses are getting discriminated since they are not conferred the right to marriage. This discrimination does impact not only the same-sex community but also the nation as an integral part. Also, a spouse, whether heterosexual or homosexual, needs to get an exclusive right to privacy since it is a fundamental entitlement (Ball, 2003). A right to privacy is required for all people since it is a basic need of life. If the heterosexual married spouses get privileged to privacy in their lives, and individual decisions, then the same-sex or bisexual married spouses need to get given the same rights. The basis of an individual is established on personal choices which get made, and this expands to both heterosexual and same-sex individuals.

When the couple or spouses are together, they need to discuss their personal affairs that occurs between two companions, and these rules should extend to both the heterosexual spouses and same-sex couples. Including your partner and giving them notification of essential decisions and life affairs helps in strengthening marital relationships which are critically crucial for same-sex couples (Smith, 2015). There is a dishonour surrounding same-sex couples since society does not consent in their lifestyle. Therefore, the couple needs to share a firm and robust bond to uphold a healthy relationship.

I support the fact that same-sex conventions within professional companies have drained attention to homosexual issues and have offered forums for the exhibition of research findings. In the sociology field, an emerging identity of the diversity of current lifestyles has extended the traditional focus on family and marriage to agitation for more distinct forms of relationships (Brandzel, 2005). Therefore, there has been a change in sociology from surveying homosexuality entirely from the viewpoint of deviance to looking at homosexuality as a section of work on substitute lifestyles or sex roles.

Just like heterosexuals, numerous same-sex individuals also want to establish a stable and even enduring relationship, and some of them manage to do that. According to research, the psychological and social features of committed and devoted relationships amid homosexual partners are highly similar to those of heterosexual partners. Therefore, like heterosexual partners, same-sex partners also create deep emotional affection and commitments. Both same-sex and heterosexual couples happen to face the same issues regarding intimacy, loyalty, love and stability, and they pass through the same processes to convey or communicate those issues (Ball, 2003). The study also manifests that same-sex couples have levels of relationship satisfaction that happen to be similar to or even higher compared to those of heterosexual couples.

Same-sex marriage should be allowed to homosexual couples because being denied their fundamental right to marry fortifies the dishonour connected with a minority sexual identification. I believe that living in a country where same-sex marriage is prohibited can result in chronic social stress and also mental health issues, and this stigma may end up undermining the health growth of adolescent and even young adults (Smith, 2015). The families and friends of the same-sex couples who get denied the marriage rights may also go through adverse physical and mental health problems same to those encountered by their loved ones.

Numerous people who recognize themselves as homosexual tend to get terrified to disclose their real identity to the universe since they are afraid of exception and disappointment from their family and friends. Therefore, same-sex spouses happen to go through many hardships for them to live a healthy life (Smith, 2015). Preferable, no individual needs to get discriminated because of their sexual orientation.

Numerous studies have directly made a comparison on homosexual and heterosexual patients has discovered that the same-sex partners tend to be as fit and able parents just like heterosexual partners, and their children happen to be psychologically healthy and well balanced just like those of heterosexual partners (Smith, 2015). Even though some people are against the homosexual couples raising children, there tend to be numerous same-sex couples who bring up their children in loving, caring and protective environments, for instance, popular actor Neil Patrick Harris together with his husband David Burtka, who are recently raising two kids below the age of five (Smith, 2015). Same-sex couples should be allowed since they are not any different from heterosexual spouses, and both deserve similar fundamental rights, including bringing up children without facing any discrimination. Children raised by same-sex couples tend to perform well in schools, just like those of heterosexual spouses, and these children are evenly popular amid their peers. Therefore, same-sex spouses are only as able to raising a well-nurtured kid as heterosexual spouses.

I believe that marriage grants social and economic support to spouses in loving relationships which may lead to considerable health advantages. Married couples tend to generally experience excellent physical and mental health compared to cohabiting spouses. Besides, same-sex spouses in legal unions tend to be more likely to remain in a loving and committed relationship compared to those denied marital rights. Therefore, I think that there is no reason to deny the marital rights to the same-sex couples since doing so can unfavourably affect them together with their family and friends and also deny them their fundamental rights which the heterosexual spouses have.

I support that same-sex couples have the same rights and are as much human just like the heterosexual spouses. Therefore, same-sex individuals should freely engage in sexual deeds with each other in their privacy without having the persistent fear that they will get discriminated, arrested, sentenced and charged.

The homosexuals have been fighting for their rights for years now, and in 2004, the United States of America finally started to validate the same-sex marriage. For over fifty years, same-sex couples and heterosexual individuals have expressed their distress about equality. They have appeared on the state and federal level, where some cases got favourable rulings for the complainant, while others got disappointing outcomes (Brandzel, 2005). Therefore, in some states, interracial spouses could now get legally married to each other, since the civil right is for everyone.

It is evident that some nations believe that same-sex marriage should get legalized but factors like the tradition of marriage, political parties and religion are averting that from taking place (Brandzel, 2005). Those aspects are gradually changing, and numerous organizations and groups are beginning to accept same-sex marriage and bisexuals. I support that prohibiting same-sex marriage is immanently discriminatory, and nations need to ensure equal protection which is under the laws of all groups of individuals. Therefore, countries should not exclude same-sex couples from their marriage laws since they deserve the same fundamental rights as heterosexual spouses, and no group should get unlawfully denied those rights.

In conclusion, the future of same-sex marriage is transforming nearly daily, and I believe that the strength and flexibility of same-sex couples, even in the middle of the social and cultural stresses whereby same-sex spouses are uniquely in jeopardy. The same-sex couples, just like the heterosexual couples, need and deserve to get tailored, research-based brace when they are in misery. The same-sex marriage also needs to get allowed for bisexual couples since they are not any different from the heterosexual couples, and they deserve the same fundamental rights given to the heterosexual spouses.



Ball, C. A. (2003). The Positive in the Fundamental Right to Marry: Same-Sex Marriage in the Aftermath of Lawrence v. Texas. Minn. L. Rev., 88, 1184.

Brandzel, A. L. (2005). Queering citizenship? Same-sex marriage and the state. Q: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 11(2), 171-204.

Smith, S., 2015. [online] Available at:






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