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Secret Tips On How to Be a Top Philanthropist After Retirement.

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Secret Tips On How to Be a Top Philanthropist After Retirement.

Retirement planning is a process that involves various steps. One needs to have a good financial cushion to make it fun, secure and comfortable. The aftermath steps of retirement is another area of concern.

According to philanthropist Richard Ivey giving back to the society or charitable giving is the best step that one should engage in after retirement. To him, the philanthropist work in Canada has become a tax-saving strategy and measure of resource use by donors.

So one has to business ideas to ensure that your philanthropic work is achieved. Here are the tips that can help you

Invest your time first, then money.

Your expertise and knowledge are worth as compared to profits. Sometimes organizations require more advice and guidance for it to attract talents. Investing more time in an organization will enable one to develop managerial skills and learn how to use the various resources. And once one has done this, then he/she can extend the money to it.

Take some few risks

To take calculated risks, maybe right in philanthropist work. It is believed that many philanthropists can feel comfortable when taking a risk, the risk motivates them to give more. A good example is the Juris Doctor/MBA programs that Jay Hennick began in the University of Toronto and Ottawa in Canada that have lasted for a decade now.

Have a wise step approach to giving

Many philanthropists want to see good use of their money and ensure they have made a difference. Most of them protect their investment by building a long-term relationship with their organization. To minimize your risks of having a massive investment in one thing, try to spread out to many donations.

Have a clear goal and expectations

When one approaches his giving in the same way as his investment, then he needs to consider the appropriate return. Good performance should be able to increase your investment of at least 20 per cent and be able to create efficiencies within your area and size of the community.

According to Marla Dan, the new philanthropist demands more return of their money. They are more concerned about where their investment is going to and what it is going to do and managed. This helps to understand whether their expectations are going to be achieved.


There are various next steps that one can engage in after retirement. The philanthropist work is one of them that many retired individuals should be in. The philanthropic works involve providing inspiration and lessons to society.



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