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Separation of powers

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The U.S Constitution

Separation of powers

Separation of powers exists to protect people from decisions made by those in power in a nation. The societal structure allows for the structuring of power which influences some people to make decisions that have significant impacts on the lives of the citizens. Some leaders take advantage of their political and societal powers, thereby manipulating the law to fit their needs. The separation of powers helps to curb the abuse of power in the different arms of government. It helps to keep in check the leaders through the enforcement of substantive and procedural mechanisms, therefore, acting as a form of checks and balances. It is an integral point in society.

The principle began in the Massachusetts Constitution before its adoption in the federal government. Its description of the governmental structures was in existence even during the times of Aristotle. The document stated that the three arms of government could not perform the duties of the other, for example, the judiciary could not perform the functions of either the legislature or executive (Scalia, 1983). The failure of separation of power contributed to overlapping roles. After the separation of power, the Judiciary, Executive and Legislature each got their specific roles and mandates, creating a boundary on the functions of each body. The Legislative power was vested solely in the Congress, which would oversee all legislation of the nation according to the Constitution. The Executive power was vested in the President, who then became the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The courts were given the power to decide cases, acting as a check and balance for the legislature and executive. Due to these developments, judicial independence was achieved. During the revolution, separation of powers was necessary as it allowed the settlers to curb the forceful collection of rent. Today, the relevance of the separation of powers is seen across the parliamentary and presidential systems, and also in the political context (Strauss, 2019).

Great Awakening

It comprised of evangelical movements that led to the rising of the church whose values had been on a steady decline. The attitude of religion slowly crept back into the society, reshaping American history. The two awakenings led to the revival of the citizens to transform their nation at a time when the British monarchy was bent on enforcing more rules and new taxes on the people. It even led to European immigrants taking identities as Americans. The firsAwakeningng caused a direct impact on the war for independence, where people resisted the tyranny of the monarchy and motivated the creation of a republican government and civil institution in America (Quirion, 2015).

They contributed to the realization of two things; the liberty to separate themselves from an established power and the freedom from judgment. The reformation of principles and the concept of theology was reformed during the firsAwakeningng. In the 1770s, the politicaAwakeningng continued with the call for true, equal, and impartial liberty that was directed by God’s laws. The revival of the Puritanism spirit brought the reformation thought (Quirion, 2015).

ThAwakeningng played a significant role in the social and political awareness of the society as it was one of the inter-colonial movements that raised awareness among the people. The Second Great Awakening began in 1800 and led to the uprising against slavery, which eventually resulted in a civil war (Fogel, 2000). There were calls whose primary aim was the elimination of all barriers that led to unequal treatment. They advocated for the right of the indigenous people, black people’s rights, women’s rights, and the abolition of slavery (Fogel, 2000). The movement resulted in seven different constitutional amendments. Also, religious diversity was created, which led to better tolerance for different religions. The tolerance for religious freedom was adopted in the Constitution, where the freedom of exercising one’s faith. It eventually led to the revolt against Britain in 1776 in the quest for freedom after new issues emerged, such as the Quartering Act, which provided that the Americans house British soldiers, import duty, and more taxation, which reduced the merchants’ profits. Today, most human rights are encompassed in the Constitution of the United States. Components such as the abolition of slavery, women’s rights, and the rights of indigenous Americans took place, thereby elevating human rights.


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