Nuclear terrorism is among the main concerns globally. In 2009, Barrack Obama warned that there still existed the risk of terrorist organizations acquiring nuclear weapons, which pose a significant threat to global security. Additionally, there were efforts made globally to secure the vulnerable nuclear material worldwide within four years. Terrorist organizations, for instance, Al Qaeda, have been looking for nuclear weapons and even recruited nuclear weapons scientists to help them in developing nuclear weapons.
Nuclear terrorism is still a primary concern for countries globally. To meet the rising energy demand, the government and people are being involved in developing nuclear power plants. Additionally, there is also an increasing amount of nuclear materials outside the IAEA safeguards, thus posing a significant security threat. To protect nuclear plants, there must be strict security measures set in place. Security measures may include physical barriers, electronic detection, and assessment systems. Additionally, background checks of employees ought to be done to avoid working with terrorist organizations.
In 2007, the New York Police employed a radiation detection device to monitor traffic in response to an unverified report of a terrorist plot to transport a radiological device in the city. The technology has proven beneficial and is being used in the military organization to reduce the risk of nuclear terrorism. Nuclear attacks have negative impacts not only on a city but also on a nation’s economy. The IAEA is focused on preventing nuclear attacks with the help of military organizations and scientists. Among the ways is by holding a review conference before 2021. Due to the current global concern of the Covid-19 virus, the conference may not occur. Additionally, with the increasing use of nuclear technology, there need to be measures that manage nuclear energy use.