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Should a Student′s Ethnicity Be a Consideration for College Acceptance?

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Should a Student′s Ethnicity Be a Consideration for College Acceptance?

How to Write a Good Research Paper Successfully? A research paper is a complex of academic or scientific examples based on some experiment; it is much more difficult than regular essay. It is simpler than a term paper or dissertation. It is crucial for getting a degree in college or university. What are the Main Sections of a Research Paper? There is a common structure of the research essay: it should be written in APA. Generally, writing a paper requires certain components that should be an integral part of the work, and these are: 1. Cover page; 2. Title page – this page is containing the subject of work, the researcher`s data and date of writing; 3. Abstract; 4. Content – is placed on the second page, includes the list of headings for all the chapters with the page numbers indication; 5. Introduction – here you can point out the reasons why you have started to write your paper and represent thesis as well; 6. Body paragraphs (experiment desсrіption and methods) – reveals the essence of work; 7. Findings (a.k.a. Results) 8. Discussion; 9. Conclusion – imply the interpretation of results received during the research and the brief review of the whole work; 10. Bibliography/reference list – means the listing of referenced literature and other information sources; 11. Appendix (if any attachments were present).

Should a Student′s Ethnicity Be a Consideration for College Acceptance?

How to Write a Good Research Paper Successfully? A research paper is a complex of academic or scientific examples based on some experiment; it is much more difficult than regular essay. It is simpler than a term paper or dissertation. It is crucial for getting a degree in college or university. What are the Main Sections of a Research Paper? There is a common structure of the research essay: it should be written in APA. Generally, writing a paper requires certain components that should be an integral part of the work, and these are: 1. Cover page; 2. Title page – this page is containing the subject of work, the researcher`s data and date of writing; 3. Abstract; 4. Content – is placed on the second page, includes the list of headings for all the chapters with the page numbers indication; 5. Introduction – here you can point out the reasons why you have started to write your paper and represent thesis as well; 6. Body paragraphs (experiment desсrіption and methods) – reveals the essence of work; 7. Findings (a.k.a. Results) 8. Discussion; 9. Conclusion – imply the interpretation of results received during the research and the brief review of the whole work; 10. Bibliography/reference list – means the listing of referenced literature and other information sources; 11. Appendix (if any attachments were present).


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