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“Should the federal minimum wage be increased from the current rate of $7.25 per hour?

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For Prof.Lindsey; these are the instructions

The assignment is an argumentation/persuasion essay worth a maximum of 25 points.  The prompt is as follows:


“Should the federal minimum wage be increased from the current rate of $7.25 per hour?

Why/Why Not?” (Use your best opinion for it)


A properly completed assignment is a short essay (500-700 words) with a clear thesis, a few topic sentences, some supporting details that are organized into grammatically-correct sentences and paragraphs, with an introduction and a conclusion, and with (2-4) sources quoted or paraphrased and cited in a consistent manner.  (Consistency is required, not MLA, but if the student has completed English Composition classes, the student should be familiar with MLA and is welcome to use it on this assignment.)


Points for this grade can be earned in five categories:

thesis, organization, grammar, argumentation, and use of evidence.


  Remember! This is just a sample.

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