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Sickle Cell Disease

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Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell disease comprises many disorders of the red blood cells which in most cases are inherited from one person of another. People with this condition have abnormal hemoglobin S which is in their red blood cells. Sickle cell disease is the most well known genetic disease worldwide which can only be detected by a blood test. The disease can start at an early age where a person has reduced immunity which contributes to increased infections.

In an article on “Management of Sickle Cell Disease: A Review for Physician Education in Nigeria (Sub-Saharan Africa),” sickle cell disease is dominant in Sub-Saharan Africa which makes it a burden when it comes to management. It is common in Nigeria where it is part of the clinical practice for the doctors in most hospitals within the region. The article tries to review the disease and how it can be managed as it is a common clinical case for the physicians. According to the research done, 5 to 7 percent of the population in the world suffer the symptoms of the disease, and the burden is high in the sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Sickle Cell Disease is the common hemoglobinopathy which is believed to be caused by mutation of a beta-globin gene. Different people contract the disease differently where others are due to genetic makeup while some are affected by the environment they live in. The disease is characterized by many different symptoms which occur in the form of other diseases. The management of these symptoms differs from one another which n require the clinician to understand the cause and the characteristics of the condition.

A patient with sickle cell disease is likely to contract many diseases including cerebrovascular disease, anemia, Acute abdominal pain, an Aplastic crisis among others. This calls for better management of a patient with sickle cell disease to minimize chances of contracting other diseases that take advantage of the hemoglobin condition. In controlling the rate of sickle cell anemia in Nigeria, public education has been suggested to be effective as well as an implementation of strategies that will prevent further transmission. More care is needed for pregnant women with the condition as they are likely to be affected by anemia.

Another article on sickle cell disease, sickle cell disease is becoming an increased global health problem. This is because in every year, the recorded number of children born with sickle cell anemia approximate to 300,000. This can be due to gene mutation, and the number is expected to increase in the coming years if management practices are not enhanced. The fact that the disease is genetic, it is hard to limit its prevalence which means the efforts required are in the management of the condition rather than treatment. The article supports that the region that is highly affected by Sickle cell disease is the Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, India and h Mediterranean basin. The number of people with sickle cell disease is expected to rise as this condition is genetic. The rise will affect people with high and low income which is an indication that controlling the spread of the disease can be a challenge to the government. Sickle cell disease is a serious condition as it reduces the life expectancy of the infected by at least 30 years. This means that the condition is life threatening which require proper management and interventions to control further mutations in those affected areas.

In an article on “Management of sickle cell disease in the community” sickle cell disease can be detected where an individual has acute illness and progressive organ damage. Sickle cell disease has highest prevalence in high-income people which means it is less common to the people in low-income countries. The article discusses various ways of managing sickle cell disease as early as possible because early diagnosis can lead to increased life expectancy of the individual. When the condition is detected t its early stage, the patient can easily be managed as any condition associated with sickle cell disease will be treated in its early stages.

Sickle cell disease is characterized by many different conditions which are detected to know that someone is suffering from a disease related to sickle cell anemia. The disease affects different parts of the body which can lead to failure of some organs. Patients suffering from the condition are diagnosed with various infections which can lead to admission in hospitals and sometimes death. During the management of children with sickle cell disease, penicillin prophylaxis is given which protects children from other related infections. The medicine can be administered throughout the life of the child to boost their immunity which lengthens their lifespan. Sickle cell disease increase risk of pregnant women where they are likely to get complications during their pregnancy period. This does not support that pregnant women with the condition have reduced fertility as they can normally conceive which requires then to seek reproductive health advise when they are pregnant. They are given preconception counseling to get them prepared for the pregnancy.


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