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The author’s primary argument skimming has been used in active reading, but it is not always correct as it may be downright wrong. The author has an implied thesis that many people prefer using skimming in active reading, which may not yield much in terms of the outcomes. Therefore, many people prefer skimming in active reading even though it may not yield much as it may be partial. The fundamental vocabularies in this argument include active reading, heuristics, skimming, and arguments. These vocabularies are essential in understanding what the author is talking about and how the author continues to handle different things in daily reading.  The author provides evidence from the journalists “five Ws and one H” in explaining his point of view. The five Ws include who, what, why, when, and which, while the one H is the How. The “five Ws and one H” is essential in asking the relevant questions that must be answered. Therefore, these are the evidence that is provided by the author in advancing the arguments. The main assumption that shapes the author argues that many people prefer skimming and ensuring that they can be subjective in what they are reading. The author has used a candid tone in explaining the ideas. The author is truthful and straightforward in ensuring that there is honesty and unreserved. The work falls under the genre of expository writing since it applies practicality in explaining the author’s major points. The intended readership of this piece are scholars who are researching on different literary works. However, readership affects the content and delivery of the message. Thus, this piece is essential in painting the correct understanding of the reading of different articles.

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