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Slave and free states in America before the civil war

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Slave and free states in America before the civil war

There were 15 slave states and 19 free states in America before the civil war. Before the Cold War, slavery in the North had a slow part. The slavery proportion in the northern states never got beyond 5 percent of the total population. In the southern states, people lived primarily under slavery. Forty-two percent of the people all slaves of the southern states resided in Virginia. Although slaves in the south by 1680 comprised less than a tent, by 1790, it grew by a third.

The primary reason for the inevitability of the American Civil was the fundamental division of the South and North states’ economic structure in America. The North states needed tariffs for their new industries’ protection while the Southern states was an anti-tariff. Therefore, the North and South states were incompatible.

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