Social Media
The premise that censoring the content shared on social media services limits the freedom of speech is authentic. However, freedom to speech is founded on several limits, such as the requirement that liberty does not infringe on the rights of other people (Damon, 2019). The content to be shared through social media platforms should be censored to avoid the spread of propaganda that might threaten the unity and safety of the world. Social media platforms such as Facebook are private entities but should adhere to the regulations set to ensure the peaceful interaction of people.
Disallowing lies on certain social media platforms, suppresses the spread of a specific type of information. Subjects such as paid advertisements containing false information are proposed to be targeted b the article (Damon, 2019). However, the censoring cannot be said to be targeting the working class because it is the information that is censored and not the users.
As a Supreme Court judge, the priority should be given to the interests of the civil society. Censoring false and misleading information is essential in ensuring that society is not deceived into making wrong decisions through the spread of false information (Damon, 2019). The social media platforms should be responsible for the type of information allowed to be transmitted. The issue of disinformation can be addressed b proposing policies that will regulate the type of information to be allowed through social media platforms.
The ruing that social media content should be censored has a significant impact on democracy. The spread of propaganda through social media platforms has been an undeserving advantage to some candidates during election campaigns. The ruling will ensure that campaigns are based on truth and that candidates do not rely on false information for political advantage.
Damon, A. (2019, November 9). World Socialist Web Site. The Democrats’ campaign for internet censorship: Who is to determine what are “lies”?