Social Media is good for democracy
“With the intense rising in social media use in political activities, there has been a significant universal impact of social media in a democracy. In the contemporary world, it is noted that people need to have information for them to govern themselves. Besides, social Media enables the authorities to convey information both vertically and horizontally. Similarly, peoples’ challenges as well as sufferings can be easily aired out through the existing social media platforms. These features are bound within democracy as they form criteria in which leaders can be elected into the authority. Therefore, social media is suitable for the implementation of democracy in a nation in the following ways;
An efficient and quick address to the contemporary issues in the country is easily achieved through social media forums. For instance, information about the spread of drug abuse, epidemics as well as unemployment issues can be gathered from Facebook, twitter as well twitter. With these data sets, a solution can be easily attained, perhaps through interviewing social media users. As we have observed in many situations, the authorities get information based on the views of the citizens.
Secondly, poor leadership can be ironed out through social media platforms. In the event of poor governance from any leader, it is frequently observed that the public rebukes those articular leaders through media platforms. We have twitter being the leading platform where politicians are analyzed and reprimanded by the public. Therefore, it is easier to monitor the performance of leaders through social media platforms as well as creating influence in an event where the leader should be removed from power.
To wind up, I stand on the fact that Social Media is good for the practice of democracy and monitoring in all the aspects involved”.