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The social network is where sharing of information is achieved from a neighboring residential internet link that will give the internet a shared connection in the community. It is standard procedure in apartments on a day where users would pay for the Network while people in the house might are using the same service as a shared network to get the Internet on their computers. The history has proven the people have the desire to seek to have a connection to the internet to start sharing with individuals who need it (Wu, 2020). Social networking of the Internet is also a process that allows internet users to meet a wider community of people through social sharing. However, with the introduction of the USB connection to the east to reach all households and offer the best of connectivity, it has now been established so that the companies of the internet service providers with the WI FI bank have made social networking possible. This will make it cheap and open for people in the area of WIFI connections to promote social networking for different groups in the right way by linking and IP address to networking to provide the best possible care to all customers. The greater international gathering places like the rail station, the airports, the shopping centers use this mobile marketing in their regions to start giving each user the greatest of WIFI-enabled internet access. This makes it easy for businesses to regulate and manage in places, while still facilitating such facilities to access new services, such as unpiloted soft drink disposal, where the group is huge (Dakiche,2019). It limits the usage to a small degree while still making it possible for the company to do so under these circumstances. Online networking the Internet is a perfect way to make people and systems work together.
Dakiche, N., Tayeb, F. B. S., Slimani, Y., & Benatchba, K. (2019). Tracking community evolution in social networks: A survey. Information Processing & Management, 56(3), 1084-1102.
Wu, D., Liu, B., Yang, Q., & Wang, R. (2020). The social-aware cooperative caching mechanism in mobile social networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 149, 102457.