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Sociological Imagination Activity

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Sociological Imagination Activity















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Sociological Imagination Activity


Question One

In my opinion, non-religious people are likely to commit suicide more than religious people. This is because, outside religion, virtue is very limited, and there is so much freedom to decisions and actions without restrictions. Contrary to religion, which has several attributes and doctrines which guide behavior and actions. Most of the world’s religions believe in a supreme being who provides standard ways of life, which are strictly adhered to by the believers. Almost all of them forbid suicide as it is punishable by the Supreme Being, and this punishment is graver than the suicide itself. Therefore, the religious people would not commit suicide in fear of such doctrines. The non-religious people have nothing that restricts them from the action, something outside humanity, and therefore, if it seems the best thing to do, they will proceed and take their lives.

Question Two

Suicide cases among married people are more likely to be higher than single people. This is because, when married, there are so many family responsibilities that an individual is subjected to, hiking stress levels. There may be cases of mistrust or violence in marriages due to several factors, such as disagreements and differing opinions. The single counterparts that are those who have never been married are likely to register low-stress levels due to fewer responsibilities. In this case, stress resulting from duties serves as the primary variable causing the suicides. Difficulties dealing with children, with spouse and meeting bills, cause the stress among the married and the divorced. The factor may not be shared among the unmarried, therefore reducing their chances of committing suicide.

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