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While most companies have an IT department, most of the time, the department finds it hard to complete all the company requirements. It is often that IT departments are overstretched because of being understaffed and having too much work. The team usually finds it hard to balance existing solutions while leading the integration of new technologies. This is especially the case for businesses that are looking to deliver digital transformation across their operations. This usually calls for the company to hire an external team for support services.


The inability of the internal IT department to deliver can also come as a result of the team being spread thinly across the staff. This can result in complex IT issues and projects being delayed or sometimes not being completed entirely. A decline in IT services results in a reduction in end-user productivity as well as internal customer satisfaction.


Introducing Air IT


Air IT is the solution to your IT needs. Air IT was established in 2015. We take pride in the fact that we are a highly accredited and award-winning IT and communications service provider. We are proud to be one of the only two MSPs to receive the 3-Star SDI certification. We also independently ranked one of the most progressive MSPs in the world and number 1 in the Midlands. We work with experienced and talented teams that provide commendable services. Our services complement the skills and requirements of an internal IT team, managers, and service desks. Our aim is only to extend and enhance your internal resources, IT capabilities, skills, and increase stability and operation value. We, therefore, work towards helping you and your customers by improving your internal efficiencies.


How can we help?


Our services are tailored to meet the different needs of varying IT managers and teams. Some of these services include;


1st and 2nd front line support


At your request, we will place an experienced team of qualified professionals at your disposal. The professionals will collaborate effortlessly with your internal team and function as the 1st line of support for day to day end-user support needs and services. Our teams will also work to agreed SLAs with case management, and remote resolutions arrived at by using leading-edge IT service management systems, tools, and advanced ticketing capabilities. The user requests can be received by phone, email, and webchat. We also offer a self-service portal with self-help capabilities.


We are keen to work on SDI, ITIL, and ISO aligned processes. All our technicians are fully certified, KPI driven, and pay keen focus on first touch fix. Through bi-annual satisfaction surveys and incident-based user-based feedback, we lookout for the needs of our customers and ensure constant improvements. In the rare cases where our front-line team cannot resolve issues, we either pass them back to you or handle the issue internally with the help of our 3rd line escalation team. Our team even provided on-site engineer visits if need be.


3rd line escalation services


If you prefer to deal with all of your front-line support issues, you can always choose our 3rd line expertise as a resource in case of challenging support issues. Our 3rd line technical staff is equipped with several years of experience in the industry, in-depth training, and certifications to the highest levels. Our team is, therefore, the resource you need for critical issues, urgent and complex tickets, and user requests. Our team can provide remote or on-site services depending on the situation. The team is trained to work collaboratively with your internal team and complement your skills and core competencies.


Emergency support


Our emergency support team is trained to handle sudden and urgent issues that your in-house team may find hard to address. From complex one-off to intermittent issues, our team is equipped to handle the problems as quickly as possible.


Overspill or overflow services


If your internal IT department is experiencing a large volume of support requests and tasks that they cannot handle on their own, you can also hire our services. Our expert team will help you eliminate the problem of overflow and work as an extension to your internal team. We will pick up the excess during high demand seasons and become part of your team for as long as needed. From 1st to 3rd line service desk and on-site support, our team will blend in perfectly where required.


Out of hours’ cover


If your in-house team works during the daytime or needs support for your infrastructure and users outside regular business hours, weekends, and on public holidays, we can always assist. We provide out of hours’ services when your team is not available. We will, therefore, help you avoid the overhead of employing additional staff. Our team will integrate with your system and procedures to deliver a standardized and seamless experience so that users do not notice that the team handling the issues is different.


On-site staffing and secondment


Our teams are available for long and short-term secondments that will allow you to scale your organization quickly and with the least risk and commitment. We provide quality and trustworthy services.


Extra project power


We also provide additional workforce and technical resources for project rollouts like upgrades, installations, and relocations. Therefore, you can reach us if you need additional expertise and an extra set of hands.


Support for remote office


If you have multiple offices and a single IT team, we will provide support and technical resources. They include on-site visits to your satellite offices and deal with issues that your team cannot handle.


Infrastructure management


We will help you make your IT estate run efficiently and safely and free up your resources. This will give you time to focus more on your core responsibilities. We will provide services like full management and event monitoring of your infrastructure availability, performance, and health. We will also monitor your hardware round the clock and flag potential problems as soon as they happen.


Specialist project delivery


If you need extra help delivering a critical business project but lack the skills and expertise to implement this internally, our services can come in handy. We will work with you and help you identify the return on your investment and offer a full range of project delivery services.


Managed Cybersecurity


While most IT teams majorly focus on protecting themselves against external security threats, our team also focuses on internal risks. We use unintentional and unauthorized employee access to computers, data, and programs. We offer cybersecurity services that will help you uncover the threats occurring within your network.


Vendor management and procurement


We partner with major technology vendors that help to bring the latest innovations to the table. Therefore, we can partner pass the advantages of the new technologies to you in terms of procurement, specification of solutions, and technical expertise.


Strategic assistance


We have the experience to design and implement services, solutions, and strategies that will help you deliver a wide range of business goals. We will collaborate with our team to achieve a clearly defined roadmap that will help you form a solid platform and aid future growth and success.


Advice and consultancy


We will provide advice and consultancy services before you implement major change. We will give you access to experienced consultants that will provide you will all the assistance you need. We will also work with you to identified areas for future improvement and any potential risk.



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