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Specialist Text about Pinterest – Pinterest Trends

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Specialist Text about Pinterest – Pinterest Trends


Keyword research is an essential element for any site that intends to stay relevant for a long time. As such, many different platforms tend to work round the clock to achieve this relevance. Similar efforts apply to search engines like Google and Pinterest. Consequently, the recent keyword search tool introduced by Pinterest can be essential for all businesses that intend to sell and market their services and products online. But what is Pinterest Trends all about? Read on discover exciting details about it.


Why You Need to Rank well on Pinterest


Pinterest, like any other search engine, regularly comes up with changes that enhance its functionality. If you intend to have your site rank highly on Pinterest, then you need to keep up with these rules and changes. Do not panic when new rules are introduced. On the contrary, you should quickly learn what such changes mean for your business and adjust accordingly.


Smart entrepreneurs find ways of navigating such rules and still thrive in business. They see how these changes work and apply them to their business. These entrepreneurs understand that the quicker they fix such changes, the sooner they can get back growing their business.


Keyword research is a crucial part of any successful online business. Most Pinterest users search for specific keywords whenever they log in to the search engine. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that all your posted content answers the keywords users search for. Ensure that your site is among the first ones that are discoverable whenever a specific keyword is searched. For this to happen, you must understand all the relevant keywords sets used at a time. Use the new keyword tool to attain this.


What does Pinterest Trends Mean?


This is a keyword tool established in January 2020, and it currently applies to all interested US-based audiences. Users can only take advantage of the tool’s benefits when they understand how it works.


First, acknowledge that the new keyword tool helps informed business owners understand the significance of keyword searches. Pinterest Analytics can help you gauge your online performance, but you must understand how to apply keyword search basics first. The process of search engine optimization can often get complicated and may need the help of a specialist. For a site to be correctly optimized, you should understand keyword usage. It starts with knowing which keywords to use before you even get to how to use them.


Before introducing the new Pinterest keyword search tool, tracking the keywords users search for was a nightmare. It is, therefore, a relief to many that this tool currently exists. Website owners and anyone who pins content on Pinterest can finally search for specific keywords and keep track of its volumes.


Users outside the US can still take advantage of this tool by simply using a VPN to hide their addresses. However, they should be prepared to find trends that work in the US and not their locality. Naturally, the statistics may not be useful to them unless their target audience is US- based.


How to Use the New Tool


It is one thing to know that a tool exists and another to put it to good use. The new Pinterest keyword tool comes with several benefits, including helping users understand which content to post. The fact that internet users search for specific things at a time makes tracking easy. Website owners and other business owners should only pin relevant content that will be needed by users on the platform. Those who do this can be assured of staying relevant over the years. Pinterest users need fresh but informative content only.


Apart from knowing what to post, the tool also makes it possible for post owners to come up with exciting descriptions. The descriptions must be relevant enough to attract readers. You can easily come up with relevant descriptions when you have access to popular keywords searched. Write targeted descriptions that help answer the questions in these keywords. It is also possible to browse popular pins using the search tool.


Pinterest Trends is also an excellent guide when planning your seasonal content creation calendar. If your business has a seasonal element, you may want to know when to pin posts to get the best results. When you post content that people need, your post will gain a lot of traffic and possibly attract potential customers to your business. Before the existence of this tool, business owners relied on estimations when posting specific content.


Fortunately, the new tool makes things easier. It calculates the periods when specific pins are relevant. For instance, websites and business owners can know when people search for business content. They can then post relevant content during that season. They also avoid posting useful posts when no one is searching because it will be a waste. The tool can also be used to project future needs, making it possible for business owners to plan their content.


Promotional Purposes


Users of the keyword search tool can also use promotional pins to tap into the possibility of already existing trends and keywords. This will help you know when to run specific types of ads based on the season. Understand that what may work for a certain season will fail in another. Knowing this difference will help you save resources and time.


For example, business and marketing ads are great when pinned in January to March, and not so useful in December. The new keyword tool will help you target the right audience.


Remember that the goal of advertising is to capture the audience’s attention based on what they have been searching for. Running the right campaigns at the right time helps business owners achieve this. For instance, most recipe pins will be highly searched during holidays as people try out new dishes to impress family and friends. As such, anyone seeking to write a post should consider pinning content that revolves around cooking and recipes. Ensure that the content is queued a month in advance to make it to the site at the right time. Your strategy and planning matter most.


Why Pinterest Trends Is Here to Stay


Over 320 million people globally use Pinterest to inspire themselves. Pinterest captures a lot of things ranging from fashion and design to recipes of the most exquisite dishes. Considering that over 2 billion fresh ideas are saved on this platform, it is indeed a big deal for online businesses to use this to their advantage. Using this platform well has the potential of converting many online searchers to actual customers and clients.


Surprisingly, a lot of Pinterest analytics for a website may change when the keyword search tool is used. Use it to understand emerging trends and future business insights based on what people search for. Carefully observing the results generated by this tool can help business owners note any signals pointing towards changed consumer behavior, and their evolving tastes and preferences.


The tool is a welcomed idea by many website owners who post on Pinterest. Major brands stand to gain a lot from its usage. The ability for them to plan and make future moves puts them ahead of their competition. Apart from that, these businesses get to validate their assumptions on consumer behaviours, interests, tastes, and preferences. When brands monitor new trends, they can adjust their products and services to suit these emerging needs.


Advertisers also get a chance to refine their content when they know what to avoid every time they plan. The algorithm used by Pinterest to achieve these results has been developed over the years, and this makes it possible for users to monitor new unique trends that keep emerging.


Most successful brands observe popular trends on Pinterest and leverage them in their advertisement. Companies that manage to stay ahead of such trends tend to reap big from them. Continued use of the Pinterest search tool makes it possible for businesses and web owners to note specific recurring trends. Such reports are good for content creators, Pinterest users, and business owners. People will know what to go for based on the keyword they search, while businesses get to know about the expected trends in the future and prepare for them.


Getting Started


As long as you are in the US, taking advantage of the new Pinterest Keyword tool is easy. If you want to know the historical view of top searches in the US last year, this is the tool to use. Below are the simple steps you need to follow:

  1. Using your mobile or desktop browser, open the tool.
  2. On the top right corner, choose the country whose data you want to see. In this case, you want to see data from the US.
  3. On the top search bar, enter the term you want to search for or choose one of the already populated featured topics.


You may not always find the term you search for, but this should not worry you. Remember that this tool is just a few months old. New keywords are added each day. Check again in a few days, and you are likely to find what you are looking for.


What Are the Top Trends?


Right under the search bar is the section labelled ‘Today’s top Pinterest trends section.’ This encompasses all of the most searched content in the different categories, including food, beauty, drink, fashion, and other daily searches that people are interested in. It also allows you to view top trends in the US, UK, and Canada. You also get to see the breakdown of top trends in the most popular categories on Pinterest. If you are doing a study of what to pin, this would be a great place to start.


Additional Benefits


Apart from the benefits discussed above, the tool has so much to offer regular users. It is especially useful when trying to make pins rank better. Some of these benefits are:


  1. Term Comparison


Users can search and compare different terms based on their popularity. You need to enter more than 4 terms in the search bar at the same time. The intent is to find out the most popular keywords of the past 12 months. For you to remove the terms from the ‘compare view’ section, simply click the X symbol on the right-hand side for each term.


  1. Autocomplete Suggestions


This feature exists within the tool. It helps make your searches faster. Usually, the results generated are those of real searches that have already happened on the platform. You will love the fact that relevant searches will always pop up first, giving you better ideas of what to use.


  1. Graphs


Pinterest works by normalizing search volumes. It only considers the ratio of searches for every trend vs. the total number of searches happening on the platform at any given time. For easy comparison of terms, the term’s highest point is indexed to 100 while the lowest to 0 for every plot. All the other points will be proportional to the highest and lowest points.


  1. Related Terms


This is the section that is at the bottom of the graph. Scroll right to see if there are terms you may want to include in your comparison list.


  1. Popular Pins


This is an extra feature, just like the related terms. It comes under the related terms section and shows the top searches at the time. Click to open these searches in a new window.




It is easy to take advantage of a tool whose functioning you fully understand. The Pinterest keyword search tool is a beautiful addition to the platform. Business owners and other content creators will love the fact that they can now pin specifically targeted posts in a relevant manner and make the most out of the search results.

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