Sped DIS 5
Some of the big takeaways I have learned regarding the field of special education is that special needs children have more support from different agents as compared to other fields. In such a case, various organizations have come on board to ensure the learning of children with disabilities at both regular schools and special needs schools is friendly to them like any other child. Some of those organizations, such as the Disability Rights Mississippi organization ensure that different stakeholders do not violate the rights of the special needs children. As a result, they ensure that laws such as IDEA, NCLB and IEP are observed keenly. However, despite, the availability of the organizations most of the parents, guardians and teachers might not be aware about the existence of such organizations. Therefore there is a need for such organizations to advocate for special needs educations. The second takeaway is that the field of special education is growing rapidly and therefore provides a good opportunity for one to build a career in it. Since the issue of special needs education has become common to many states, more teachers are needed in learning institutions to assist the learners. Besides, organizations that work hand in hand with learning institutions also require individuals who experienced in the field of special education.
In order become a stronger special educator I need to learn more about the following organizations. They include Autism Society of America, World associations of persons with Disabilities, National Association of Special Education Teachers and Council for Exceptional Children. The organizations are essential to me as an educator because they provide information concerning special education regulations, teacher resources, advocacy support and general information regarding educating students with special needs.