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Steps Involved in Staff Recruitment

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Steps Involved in Staff Recruitment

            Staff recruitment is the principle function of an organization’s human resource officer. The officer must carefully conduct an effective recruitment process by following the right recruiting steps. This paper discusses the steps that a chief human resource officer would when recruiting new employees for a new office in a different state. Because business expansion is a critical exercise, this document focuses on other important elements including outsourcing, recruiting media, types of the required positions and the duration for completing the entire recruitment process. The paper also examines the stakeholders involved in the preparation of the recruiting plan as well as the type of costs incurred in the process.

Development of a recruiting plan is the first step for a successful recruitment process that identifies and attracts a pool of the best workforce. The entire recruiting process involves various stages including planning, strategy development, searching and candidate screening as well as candidates’ evaluation and control (Al-Kassem, 2017). In this planning stage, the human resource officer identifies the vacancies, analyzes the tasks while conducting job description as well as specification and evaluation. Various U.S employment laws guide recruiters during the recruitment process (Al-Kassem, 2017). Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964 and the equal employment opportunity law discourage discrimination of employees because of their race, disability and other natural conditions. Besides, the company should realize the benefits of expansion regardless of the initial costs involved in developing an office in the new market. As such, outsourcing is one of the best strategies for creating a robust workforce that can help the organization grow and become profitable in the new market.



Recruiting media

While recognizing the power of different types of media, this plan will incorporate print, electronic and social media to recruit a pool of qualified, skilled and experienced workforce. The Chief Human Resource Officer will advertise for the identified vacant positions in the local newspapers and social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin (Chungyalpa, & Karishma, 2016).  Recent research shows that hiring qualified and skilled workers from the local community within which the company operates increases the company’s acceptance while increasing performance and sales (Al-Kassem, 2017). Local newspapers will help to reach out to the most qualified and skilled workforce in the region. On the other hand, social media is one of the most effective ways of reaching out to candidates with the required skills and experience for different positions to help run the new office.

Types of positions required

The most fundamental positions necessary for the smooth running of the new office include general manager, human resource officer, accounting officer, marketing and sales officer as well as the information technology specialist. Each of these positions requires distinct qualifications, skills and experience as detailed below.

Genera manager

the new office will need a general manager to carry out all the administrative works and creation of strategic plans for the new office in line with the primary company. The general manager must, therefore, be visionary while providing leadership to the entire workforce in the office (Chungyalpa, & Karishma, 2016). The suitable candidate for the position will oversee the operations in the new office while developing both short-term and long-term plans for the branch. The company will be successful when the general manager enhances cooperation and coordination among other employees. Of importance, the general manager must have adequate information concerning the region and state regulations to help in the marketing efforts. As such, the suitable candidate for the position must have worked in a top leadership position for at least five years. As the overall head of the new office, the general manager will report to the top manager in the headquarters.

Marketing and sales officer

Marketing is a primary and critical activity for the success of any business. The marketing and sales officer will research the most viable markets within the state and communicate or advise the general manager on the most feasible market in the region. The officer will identify all the competitors and customer preferences concerning alternative products and services (Al-Kassem, 2017). As such, the marketing officer will help in determining the prices of different products and services. Marketing officer must have excellent communication skills, reporting and analytical skills to help make good decisions for the company.

Accounting officer

The right candidate for this position will have adequate accounting skills with at least a master’s degree in finance and certified public accounting. The finance or accounting officer will advise the general manager on all financial matters while reporting the financial status of the business at least after every three months and when needed. The officer will be the custodian of all receipts, invoices and other financial related documents on behalf of the new office. The suitable candidate must have professional certification from the state and other accounting authorities.

Human resources officer

The new office’s human resources officer will be responsible for the hiring of new workers and firing of employees. Besides, the officer will establish employee motivation strategies to increase staff performance and overall company productivity. The officer holding this position must have adequate knowledge of employment laws while understanding the kind of individuals who can effectively fill vacant positions towards enhancing business performance.

Information technology officer

Leveraging technology helps companies improve their performance (Abzug, 2017). As such, the new office will require different technological devices including computers and network infrastructure. The officer will have sufficient knowledge, skills and experience on cloud computing, software and hardware installations, network administration and network security maintenance. The candidate must have at least a masters degree in information technology and a minimum of five years of work experience in a similar position.

Recruiting process timeline

The entire recruiting process will take a maximum of 60 days. With full knowledge of the need for the recruitment process, the chief human resource officer will spend a maximum of 7 days while preparing job descriptions and employee profiles. By using electronic, print and social media, the human resource officer will spend 15 days finding the candidates and another 7 days while managing the candidate’s applications. Selection of the right candidates for various tasks will spend 21 days while making employee appointments and induction will spend a maximum of 11 days.

Stakeholders in creating recruiting plan

Creating a recruiting plan will involve different stakeholders including the company directors, company legal advisers and the head marketing manager (Chungyalpa, & Karishma, 2016). Besides, the process will need information from the suppliers, customers and the company’s finance officer to provide funding information.

Involved types of costs

Advertising costs are the most fundamental costs in the entire recruiting process (Al-Kassem, 2017). The recruiter, applicants and other involved staff will travel in different locations at different times and thus travelling costs will form the second type of recruiting costs. Recruiter bonuses is another type of cost that will be incurred during the process.

In conclusion, the recruiting process is complex and critical, especially during company expansion. The recruiter will be successful only by developing an achievable recruiting plan and hiring the right persons for the positions. Effective scheduling and costing will help to recruit the right persons for the positions towards enhanced company performance.



Abzug, R. (2017). Recruitment and selection for nonprofit organizations. The nonprofit human resource management handbook: From theory to practice, 87-100.

Al-Kassem, A. H. (2017). Recruitment and selection practices in the business process outsourcing industry. Archives of Business Research, 5(3).

Chungyalpa, W., & Karishma, T. (2016). Best practices and emerging trends in recruitment and selection. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Organization Management, 5(2), 1-5.




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