Summary of the 2019 SIM IT Issues and Trends
The 2019 SIM IT Issues and Trends Study is a journal composed of the findings of the Society for Information Management’s 39th Anniversary IT Issues and trends study brought to the table in March 2020. The main idea was to look into all issues and concerns that affect the IT world, organizations, and leadership. Below is a summary of all the arguments put to place by the authors of the journal.
Top IT Management Issues and Concerns
The authors of the journal broadly discussed this point in two sections; The management issues of organizations and the issues and concerns that IT leaders face. In both, they came up with ten issues and concerns and came up with trends of comparison from the year 2009 to 2019. Cybersecurity, IT alignment with the Business, Data analytics digital transformation and compliance and regulation were the top five IT management concerns brought up in the findings.
Technology Investments and Worrisome Technologies
Their findings were majorly on organizations’ most massive IT investments, the technologies that should get more assets due to their problematic nature, and the workforce skills that are most difficult to find yet most important. Cybersecurity was ranked top as most important to the organization as well as most worrisome to IT leaders. Business intelligence or, instead, analytics was ranked first in the topmost massive IT investments of organizations and those that should get more assets due to their perturbing nature.
Participating Organizations and their IT Practices
The authors brought out the findings of all that take place in the IT organizations, which include the structure, governance, revenue, location, and budget. IT workers’ salaries were noted to be increasing from the year 2009 to 2019, having software and application development and maintenance being top in the list of IT outsourcing services from 2018-2019.
IT Performance Measurements
In the years 2018 and 2019, it was noted that 62.3% and 62.9%, respectively, of companies report to the CIO, and IT procurement was the business process with the highest percentage of cybersecurity consideration. Cybersecurity training was mandatory in organizations by 77.6%compared to 65.9% of the latter.
CIO Tenure, Reporting, Background and Activities
Here an analysis of who spends time with the CIO and CIO’s previous employment was made. Interactions between CIO and CFO have a slight downward trend with a stable apart frequency of these interactions from the 2019 4.7% drop.
In conclusion, SIM IT trends and study findings were the same as those of the past two years as the CIO job continues to be more complicated. However, the general conclusions were made to give hope to all who find hope in being an IT professional.
Work Cited
Kappelman, Leon. “The 2019 SIM IT Issues and Trends Study.” Mis Quarterly Executive (2020): 30-36. Document.