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Supply chain management practices in the United Kingdom

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Supply chain management practices in the United Kingdom

Supply chain management (SCM) involves the organization of the flow of goods and services, relocation of raw materials from the source to the manufacturing area, inventory of finished goods, and the transportation of end products from the manufacturer to the consumer. In a supply chain, Networks, channels, and nodes, businesses are interconnected to ensure the provision of goods and services required by the consumers. SCM makes sure products and services move as quickly as possible may it be the raw materials or the final product and at the minimum cost possible. Therefore, we can define supply chain management as the control, design, planning, monitoring, and execution of supply chain activities to generate net value, construct a viable infrastructure, leverage global logistics, harmonize supply with demand, and gauge performance worldwide. To ensure the supply chain is efficient and effective several practices are involved, and they include: Increase inventory velocity, Implement lean logistics/supply chain management, Improve supplier performance, Compress cycle time, Maximize inventory yield, Utilize meaningful metrics, Segment the supply chain and Employ supply chain technology. This research aims at understanding these practices and what affects them in the United Kingdom.

Firstly, the inventory velocity must be Increased. Inventory must move fast; turns ought to be high. It must drift from manufacturing or suppliers’ sites to end-users. The main aim of the supply chain is to reduce inventory and maximize income; therefore, being rich in stock and poor in cash is not the right approach. Products stored in warehouses should be limited as much as conceivable.

Secondly, lean logistics/supply chain management can be implemented. Lean logistics complement supply chain management, and both stress on pulling and not pushing goods through the chain. Lean logistics removes the waste brought by surplus inventory and time and the necessity for the performance of the suppliers.

Thirdly there is a need to Advance supplier performance. For a supply chain to be Successful, supplier performance must be at its best. They must distribute quality goods and do it thoroughly, accurately, and on time. Teamwork is vital. Whether the goods are finished products, either material for manufacturing firms, the need for robust supplier performance is available.

Fourthly supply chain should have the ability to reduce cycle time. Cycle time starts from when the need for a product is determined and lasts until it is distributed to the user or the warehouse.

Inventory yield Maximization. There is an opening of a chance to get the maximum value and total yield for items. If a company does Miss that window, it can be doomed to reduced pricing and return margins. Leaders should comprehend this and use the best practices.

Subdivide the supply chain. Too many companies have one supply chain tactic for everything. This uniform approach undermines performance, sidetracks resources, and creates inert noise from both outside and inside sources that diverts the supply chain operations. They should divide their supply chain and concentrate performance where it is most valuable. Instead of committing a one-size-fits-all supply chain organization, they should segment based on days of inventory or profit margin or comparable significant ways.

Lastly, it is encouraging the use of technology in the supply chain. Supply chain implementation technology is significant in handling a worldwide supply chain. It should deliver visibility throughout the whole supply chain. Tracing and tracking are good, but it fails a vital factor. It is not all about the container and pallet of products. The critical matter is to reach the customer, procure, or build order during delivery. Technology, particularly when tied with an association, can offer that.

However, no matter how good these practices are, they are significantly affected by some factors. As any other system, some external and internal issues influence the operability and the effectiveness of supply chain management practices such problems include: sparse transportation networks, political effects, raw materials convenience and availability, geographical issues, environmental concerns, and government policies to name but just a few.

In conclusion, supply chain management can expand revenue for a company; lead to content end-users; decrease delivery times; and build confidence, sureness, and commitment between suppliers and the company. However, supply chain practices must be integrated to attain projected benefits and provide quick response to customer wants, and this vital for the firm’s survival and accomplishment. Therefore, every company should incorporate these practices into their supply chain and achieve considerable benefits.



Works cited

Beske, Philip, Anna Land, and Stefan Seuring. “Sustainable supply chain management practices

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Esfahbodi, Ali, et al. “Governance pressures and performance outcomes of sustainable supply

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Management, (2009).

Tay, Mee Yean, et al. “A review on drivers and barriers towards sustainable supply chain

practices.” International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 5.10 (2015): 892.


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