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Sustainability is a concept related to sustainable development, that is, formed by a set of ideas, strategies and other ecologically correct attitudes, such as not exhausting nature’s resources, treating the environment with respect; be economically viable, such as: looking for ways to promote economic growth without harming the environment; be socially just. This theme involves ethics, education and social justice, it depends on the collective; and culturally diverse, valuing diversity, promoting respectful relationships with everyone and especially with the environment, generating benefits for all. In this article we will address the importance and all benefits and privileges that we obtain due to sustainability and sustainable development.

Keywords: sustainability, sustainable development, environment, ecologically, importance.





Sustainability is a concept related to sustainable development, that is formed by a set of ideas, strategies and other ecologically correct attitudes, such as not exhausting nature’s resources, treating the environment with respect; be economically viable, such as: looking for ways to promote economic growth without harming the environment; be socially just. This theme involves ethics, education and social justice, it depends on the collective; and culturally diverse, valuing diversity, promoting respectful relationships with everyone and especially with the environment, generating benefits for all. In this article we will address the importance and all benefits and privileges that we obtain due to sustainability and sustainable development.

Keywords: sustainability, sustainable development, environment, ecologically, importance.










  3. ANNEX 20

Sustainability is a concept based on alternatives that are totally ecologically correct, economically viable, socially fair and culturally diverse. In other words, being sustainable means respecting the environment and all its natural resources, meeting the needs of technological advances and innovating together, but always thinking about the best for our planet, without compromising its livelihood and that of future generations. Sustainable development is a concept within sustainability, which aims to make references to the environment and the conservation of natural resources, always innovating with the generations but favoring the plant. So we can claim that sustainable development is the ability to take advantage of nature’s resources without damaging the availability of these elements for future generations. In other words, we use it responsibly, we use it but it does not affect the environment, this means applying a measure of consumption of raw materials taken from nature so as not to affect the future of humanity, combining economic development with environmental responsibility.

Currently we know that there are renewable natural resources and there are also natural resources that are not renewable, that is, those that do not renew themselves naturally or through human intervention, such as uranium, iron, among others. However, it is a mistake to think that renewable natural resources will be inexhaustible, as their misuse may be extinguished, with the exception of winds and sunlight, which are not directly affected by economic exploitation practices.

Thus, it is necessary to adopt measures to conserve these resources, the generation innovates, technology advances but does not corrupt the environment, sustainable development does not exist only so that they remain available in the future, but also to reduce or zero the environmental impacts generated by our exploration. Thus, it is understood that the environment of forests and other natural areas, in addition to water channels, soil and other elements also need to maintain a certain availability and will not cause damage to society and the environment.





2.1 Sustainability


The word sustainability is connected exactly to the idea of ​​consuming something, without exhausting its capacity to be consumed by everyone. Its concept defines the way that we, human beings, use natural goods and resources, to complete our needs, without depletion and supply for the next generations. It is simple, to be sustainable is to use and take care so that the neighbor that you are going to consume is not missing, thus forming a solidary chain that seeks to conserve the environment in the best possible way, a true cycle.


Maurice Strong first used the concept of ecological development in 1973 to distinguish another concept of development policy. (Brusecke, 1996) Ignacy Sachs (1993) formulated basic principles based on the existence of five aspects of ecological development:


  • Social sustainability: It is a block of actions that aims to improve the quality of life of citizens. These actions must reduce social inequalities, expand rights and guarantee access to services (education and health especially) that aim to provide people with a complete approach to citizenship, they are important only for the least favored people. although put into practice permanently, they have the ability to improve the quality of life of the entire population. A smart reference is the decrease in violence in proportion to the extension of the public quality educational system.


  • Economic sustainability: It is a set of economic, financial and management practices aimed at the economic growth of companies and countries, protecting the environment and ensuring the protection of natural resources for future generations. The biggest challenge in the economic policy of companies or the government is to achieve economic growth, profit, income and job creation without harming the environment. One guideline is to use clean and renewable energy (such as wind and solar), but if possible.


  • Ecological sustainability: Includes considering the physical and biological basis of the development strategy, that is, not exceeding the environment’s capacity to absorb and Dilute natural pollutants, to predict that the consumption of natural resources cannot be renewed. This means that the renewable resources of all ecosystems on the planet will gradually replace non-renewable resources and change the form of consumption. At this level, the economic use of each ecosystem requires technologies appropriate to it. Long-term ecological preservation requires the support of genetic resources and biodiversity. In many cases, variability originating in the limited term is necessary for the long-term sustainability of ecosystems. In order to reduce this diversity through the use of technology and management, this can threaten the long-term durability of the system. A typical example is that attempts to control and stabilize agricultural pest populations have led to potentially fragile ecosystems.


  • Spatial sustainability: The aim is to determine a better description between economic activity and the geographical distribution of human settlements and to create a cycle of sustainable development. The concept of sustainability involves multiple aspects: environment, society, economy, culture. For example, spatial sustainability involves the search for a geographical and spatial balance between urban and rural areas and the prioritization of new forms of civilization based on sustainable use renewable resources.

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Cultural sustainability: It means recognizing and considering people’s customs and traditions, such as language, forms of agricultural production, beliefs and healthy habits. Sachs (1997) also pointed out that cultural sustainability can be the most difficult aspect to achieve, as it implies that the modernization process must have internal roots, seeking changes compatible with the cultural continuity that prevails in the background. In classical development, I was only interested in economic growth, so I despised and destroyed different cultures. In the concept of ecological development, culture is respected, as are solutions that use ecosystems. They must create, use and improve the technology created by them, which is the contribution of culture to promote development.

These principles are closely related to the theory of self-determination that self-determination has advocated since the 1960s. These five aspects reflect Sachs’ understanding of development in the new proposal “Ecological Development”, which proposes clear actions. It demands compatible with the improvement of the quality of life and environmental protection. Ecological development itself is an alternative strategy to the international economic order, emphasizing the importance of local models based on appropriate technology, especially in rural areas, in an effort to reduce dependence on technology and culture.


As we all know, any action by human beings will change the atmosphere without exclusion. we also understand that human beings can never remain without the environment. This sustainable communication is extremely important, so that the two components of man and nature can live in harmony without harming both.


The impact of sustainability is measured by the impact of the environment on human survival. Due to the lack of natural resources, including water, oxygen, minerals, soil, energy and scorching sun, forests, animals and humans can never survive. Therefore, we can measure the urgency of maintaining these resources in a sustainable manner. Many people realized the need to apply the concept of sustainability in their daily activities, such as consuming natural products, avoiding excessive consumption of chemicals, reusing packaging, separating waste and encouraging recycling, reducing pollution in transportation and other activities. Appropriate environmental education should be given to children and young people. These actions will bring benefits in the medium and long term, perhaps because of that it is difficult for the whole society to participate. Sustainable development


The United Nations research on climate change proposed the term “sustainable development” in reply to the social and environmental difficulties that human beings experience since the middle of the 20th century. At the World Council for Environment and Development (CMMAD) (also known as the Brundtland Commission), chaired by the Norwegian Gro Haalen Brundtland (also known as the Brundtland Commission), at the UN General Assembly (known as “Rio 92”) In the process of preparation , a report called “Our Common Future” was prepared. This report contains information collected by the research and analysis carried out by the Committee in the last three years, focusing on social issues, especially in land use, occupation, water supply, housing, social, education and health services, in addition to managing urban development. The report revealed one of the broadest definitions of the concept: “Sustainable development has several ways of meeting current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. “.


The Brundland report believes that widespread poverty is no longer inevitable, and urban development must prioritize meeting the basic needs of all people and offer opportunities to improve people’s quality of life. One of the main concepts discussed in the report is “equality”, The conditions for society to permanently share decision-making through the conduct of democratic processes to provoke urban development. He emphasized that the use of financial and human resources in urban matters must be decentralized, and political power is needed to favor cities of local size. With regard to natural resources, he assessed the capacity of the biosphere to absorb the effects of human activities, noting that poverty can now be seen as a basic theme of environmental issues and the search for sustainability.


The concept of sustainable development was signed in the document “Agenda 21”, developed at the meeting “Rio 92” and was incorporated into other global development and human rights agendas, but, according to the superiority of the authors who wrote about the matter, the concept still it is under construction, as Carla Canepa (2007), José Eli da Veiga (2005) and Henri Ascelard (1999).


Although this is a questionable concept because it does not define what is the current demand or what is the future demand, the Brundtland report has attracted the world’s attention, that is, to discover new forms of economic growth without limitation The urgency of natural resources and growth economic. It never damages the environmental resources. In addition, it defines three basic principles to be achieved: economic growth, environmental defense and social equality. Even so, the report is still criticized as the main cause of the unsustainable state of the planet, mainly due to the lack of population control and the suffering of underdeveloped countries, which is only a secondary factor of pollution caused by developed countries in recent years.


The Third Club of Rome report (1976) pointed out: “Before we run out of geophysical limits, the huge difference in income between rich and poor countries will cause serious social unrest.” The Ottawa Conference (Ottawa Charter, 1986) established five requirements for sustainable expansion, namely:


The combination of protection and development;

I met the basic needs of each human being;

Sight equality and social justice;

Provide social self-determination and cultural diversity;

Maintain ecological integration.


For the World Commission on Environment and Development (CMMAD, 1988, 1991), the goals derived from the meaning of sustainable development are related to the progress of the city’s development and aim to maintain the use of reasonable natural resources for production activities. These objectives include:

Renewable growth;

Changes in growth resources;

Meeting the basic needs of occupations, water, energy, food and basic sanitation;

Ensuring a sustainable level of population;

Resource-based support;

Technological transformation and risk management;

Repositioning of international economic relations (CMMAD, 1988, 1991).

Leila Ferreira states in her book “The environmental issue: sustainability and public policies in Brazil” that:


The pattern of production and consumption that characterizes the current style of development tends to consolidate itself in the space of cities and these increasingly become the main focus in the definition of development strategies and policies

(FERREIRA, 1998).



Therefore, it is of great importance to find sustainable alternatives to test the dynamic quality of life in the city and provide a reference for the urban planning process. For José Eli da Veiga, even if the problem of sustainable development has not been solved, it can be considered a mystery. In his book “Sustainable Development: Challenges in the 21st Century”, he pointed out that the concept of sustainable growth is a fantasy in the 21st century, although he tries to protect the urgency of seeking a new scientific paradigm that can replace the “globalist” paradigm. “(VEIGA, 2005). Another definition for” sustainable development “or” sustainability “was described by Satterthwaite as:


Responding to human needs in cities with minimal or no transfer of production costs,

consumption or garbage for other people or ecosystems, today and in the future



Sustainable development must be the result of social, economic and environmental maintenance. In addition to Agenda 21, another important document written in Rio 92 is the Earth Charter, which received wide participation from representatives of non-governmental organizations and civil society. It brought important warnings to the environment and was corrected by UNESCO in 2002 and approved by the United Nations:


We are facing a critical moment in Earth’s history, at a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future faces both great dangers and great promises. To move forward, we must recognize that, in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and forms of life, we are a human family and a terrestrial community with a common destiny. We must join forces to generate a sustainable global society based on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of peace. To achieve this, it is imperative that we, the peoples of the Earth, declare our responsibility to each other.

others, with the great community of life, and with future generations

(The Earth Charter, 2002).



After the 92nd Rio Conference, other world conferences were held, such as the Johannesburg World Conference on Sustainable Development, held in South Africa, ten years later, and Aspásia Camargo reviewed the last ten years between Rio conferences. He also pointed out that South Africa’s positive view of the Rio 92 Summit has many frustrations, but the most important thing is to recognize that sustainable development is a possible and acceptable solution to the environmental and social problems facing the world (CAMARGO, 2004). The entire country is not expected to fulfill its important role in the global environmental and social structure. however, several discussions about the term “sustainable development” raise the question that development can be carried out without damaging the environment.


In this way, the concept of sustainable development described in “Our Common Future” was incorporated into Environmental Law. Based on “autonomous disciplines that regulate the principles of all objectives and guidelines, these principles and guidelines must be designed for all environmental standards, guide the functioning of science and avoid your doubts or deficiencies in the interpretation of environmental standards” (RODRIGUES, 2002).


The environmental law must be based on specific principles and standards, whose premise is to seek a balanced relationship between man and nature by regulating all activities that may affect the environment. The fact that sustainable development is supported in Brazilian society and can become part of the legal discipline through the Environmental Law allowed the term to define a new development model for Brazil. Therefore, for Carla Canepa, the characteristic of sustainable development is not a fixed and pleasant state, but a step of change: in this step of change, the development of resources, the management of technical applications and the institutional apophysis. The changes are adapted to the present and the future “(CANEPA, 2007).


Sustainable development is a long-term process of social learning, guided by public policies guided by the National Development Plan. Therefore, many actors and social interests that exist in society become obstacles to public policies that hinder sustainable development (BEZERRA and BURSZTYN, 2000).



Sustainability and sustainable development


The analogy between sustainability and sustainable development tends to understand the interrelation of a single system composed of human and environmental activities. This interpretation has a dual purpose: to assist human needs; maintain systems that support life on Earth (LAMBIN, 2005; BRINSMEAD and HOOKER, 2011). Therefore, sustainability includes systematic and sustainable development related to human needs and well-being. Human beings are not independent and isolated, they are part of a complex network of natural phenomena inserted in a single global system, believes Moldan et al. (2002). (2012) called numerous relationships and interdependencies.


Sustainable development is to understand the sustainability guideline and the long-term final target is estimated (HOVE, 2004). Sustainability includes goals or parameters (final goals) defined by scientific standards that measure and monitor the results of using sustainable development strategies. In view of this, to achieve the sustainability of a given global system To increase the level of sustainability, a sustainable development process must be adopted to confirm Prugh and Assadourian (2003) and Sartori et al. (2014). Stiglitz, Sem and Fitoussi (2009) emphasized that human beings need to assess the extent to which a satisfactory level of sustainable development is relevant.


The sustainable development process is supported by actions related to technology, finance, management and, mainly, to the strategic skills to achieve sustainable development, which is consistent with Horbach (2005) and Dempsey et al. (2011). It is necessary to emphasize that sustainable development actions can change the quality path of the system.Jabareen (2008) believes that such actions can deeply intervene in sustainability. The criteria that lead to sustainable extension are based on the sustainability foundation. This reflection is consistent with the long-term perspective, the observation of the importance of regional and / or local conditions, the understanding of the nonlinear evolutionary dynamics of integrated and indivisible human environmental systems, etc. (MOLDAN et al., 2012). The long-term view is related to the view that the useful life of the global system is uncertain, a period during which sustainability must be maintained at a healthy level. However, this global system is undergoing adaptation and evolution, requiring changes in the way as levels of sustainability are measured and constant finishing of strategies to maintain this level resulting from sustainable development.


This reflection is supported by Gauss et al. (2013), he believes that, based on sustainable development and sustainable development, the objective is to leave a capital reserve for future generations, which should be at least similar to the inheritance obtained by the current generation from previous generations. Sustainable development brings together two opposing ideals – capitalism and ecology – in the common objective of improving the quality of the system (sustainability). This position was also observed in Sachs (1993), who believes that sustainable development attracts a large number of followers from different areas, concerned with ecology (regarding sustainability) and focused on the sustainable development of the economy. Jabareen (2008) pointed out that sustainable development has the capacity to resolve ecological crises without affecting economic relations. consequently, with the appreciation of sustainable development, the aim is to resolve the paradox through the environment (sustainability) and economics (development). Sneddon, Howarth and Norgaard (2006) pointed out that the starting point of this contradictory alliance officially started with the publication of the Brundtland Report, which showed people’s concern with the dilemma related to the environment and development. In short, the connection between sustainable development and sustainability is clear.


In addition, sustainable development can be achieved through the comprehensive and global management of the human environmental system. Jabareen (2008) emphasized that, in order to protect the environment in this system, social and economic issues must integrate the process of sustainable development. This sample of payment must reside through the agreement of all interested parties at the international, national and regional levels, including public, commercial and social policies. Conclusion


Globally, the use of the terms sustainable, sustainable development and sustainable development is significant and timely, but due to the creation of these terms, they do not yet have the concept of axiomatic and its theoretical and practical application. China still raises criticism and suspicion. In this event, these research analyzes the attributes of the terms “sustainability”, “sustainability” and “sustainable development” through bibliographic research resources to bring about the conceptualization of their axioms.


The main result shows that the term sustainable is responsible for proposing solutions to the problem of deterioration demonstrated in the interconnectedness of the global human environmental system. The conviction of sustainable development is supported by stages of sustainable development and sustainability, that is, it can be considered an ” umbrella ”. Therefore, considering environmental, social and economic justice, the direction and focus of sustainability and sustainable development must be consistent with the ultimate intention of achieving sustainability.


Sustainability is a procedure that checks the level of capacity or level of complex human environmental systems to assess their distance from sustainable systems. In particular, this assessment is carried out through quantitative attributes called sustainability indicators and indicators. These, in turn, can determine which aspects (environmental, social or economic) (if the system does not reach the required level of sustainability) are responsible and which aspects must be repositioned or corrected.


Sustainable development is a process based on the strategy of bringing the human environmental system closer to the level of sustainability, with the objective of coordinating and perpetuating the life of this complex system over time. This strategic issue aims to break the paradigm and change the understanding and cultural positioning of society, that is, repositioning the negative factors identified by the sustainability indicators, adopting actions and attitudes, increasing their importance. Therefore, by successfully achieving sustainable development and sustainable development, sustainable development can be achieved.


In general, the attributes of sustainability, sustainability and sustainable development have different meanings and cannot be used interchangeably, because each attribute is related to a specific practice. However, they cannot be considered isolated practices, because the successful achievement of sustainability is achieved by combining a series of sustainability attributes and sustainable development. Therefore, the axiomatic concepts of these terms help to determine the responsible areas with different functions, but the ultimate goal is to materialize the idea of ​​a sustainable human environmental system. We must emphasize that this research can be a starting point for further discussion of these terms and help understand its practical and theoretical applications.


The restriction of the results of this research is related to the use of capacity in English: using this language, on average, 85% of global knowledge can be found. In that case, there may be some studies not included in this study, but the information set may not significantly affect the results.

















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