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Week 1

“The text discusses the elements of modern computing architecture however is largely silent on the individuals who played a role in its development. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE such individual. The individual should have had a significant influence on the development of computers and/or components of modern computing architecture.”

Title and Reference:


Title: “Alan Turing: The Father of Modern Computer”


Copeland, B. J. & Proudfoot, D., n.d. Alan Turing, Father of the Modern Computer. [Online]

Available at:





This article describe about Alan Turing who played an important role in modern computing system. In this article the author stated that Alan Turing establish a universal computing machine that is capable to complete any work. The article stated the story of “Turing’s ACE.” It is a conceptual model. It is basically one of the finest stories in the past of workstations. Turing invent that type of machine in which contain limitless memory. This machine stores the data and instruction and also include a scanner that moves the data in back and forth motion. In this article, Copeland praise the Turing for his invention. He said that it was the great idea to invent this computer machine because it can store both data as well as instruction that saves the memory and time of the system. Turing showed that all data and instruction are stored in the form of symbol and the scanner read this symbol by symbol. This machine can carry various types of computation. In other word we can say that Turing machine has a fixed structure and can store all the coded instruction in the memory, it can change cloud itself; like one machine is dedicated to one task can change into machine dedicated to a different one. Hence, the author describes the Alan’s contribution in development of PCs or/and constituents of current computing architecture. It is useful article because it comprises the contribution and timeline of modern computer system development (Copeland & Proudfoot, n.d.).



Week 2

“The text discusses the components and activities of operating systems however is largely silent on the individuals who played a role in their development. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE such individual. The individual should have had a significant influence on the writing or development of operating systems.”

Title and Reference:

Title: “Linus Torvalds Reflects on 25 Years of Linux”




Clark, L., n.d. Linus Torvalds Reflects on 25 Years of Linux. [Online]

Available at:




The article describes about an individual that play a role in OS development. I choose this article because it discusses the Linus Torvalds who invent Linux OS. The article stated that Linux Torvalds pronounced a new OS, Linux on 25th August, 1991. The author stated that it was his own project. The kernel produced by him comprise of total 10,000 lines of source code for the OS. The OS lines of code developed by him simply execute on similar kind of hard disk that he utilized in the development. Nowadays, Linux Kernel OS supports above 80 diverse architectures. It is a big professional venture that Torvalds didn’t anticipate in initial public declaration 25 years before. During the time, he no longer composes much source code for the kernel. Also throughout previous 15 months, he was accountable for signing-off on only 0.2% of patches as per the kernel report. The article also states that he remains attentive on making release procedure and development on path. He quoted while developing new OS that “it really did take a while before it turned professional, and some of us still struggle with it at times.” The article describes the efforts and mistakes of Torvalds in developing the Linux OS. The article is relevant and describes the responsibilities and role of a developer for developing an operating system. It shows that an individual experiences many technical and social issues involved in arranging a project. Also, Torvalds being the developer of Linux OS consider license for the development not just source code (Clark, n.d.).




Week 3

“The Internet didn’t just appear – it was an evolution from earlier networks. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE of the networks that led to the development of the modern Internet.”

Title and Reference:

Title: “The evolution of the Internet: from military experiment to General Purpose Technology”




Naughton, J., 2016. The evolution of the Internet: from military experiment to General Purpose Technology. Journal of Cyber Policy, 01(01), pp. 5-28.



The article describes about the development of the Internet from previous networks. There are several networks that are contributed in its development. But I choose this article because it discusses about ARPANET. It is a unique network that result in further advancement of the up-to-date internet. The article states that network was developed not only via fundamental affordances of its supporting technologies, however equally by ideological, social, political and economic aspects. The ARPANET emerges as the “resource-sharing” network in 1966. The work on design of the network in a collegial manner performed in the defense business and it continued for subsequent two years. It stated that for this network development, the contract was offered to Beranek, Bolt and Newman collectively a Boston consultancy business having solid relations with MIT. The ARPANET help to grow internet as to provide sharing of assets like mainframe PCs that ARPA has supported in different investigation hubs across the nation. Along with these challenges internal in the development task, ARPANET was developed with great speed. By the year 1972, the network was fundamentally completed. It shows an experiment that 15 main sites were each linked and functioning. From the opinion of the current standard, three characteristics of the ARPANET venture stand out.

The article shows that ARPANET offers an appealing case study in the range to which innovations are communally formed. It also stated that “Although the ARPANET was based on the packet switching technology that characterises the modern Internet, it was a unitary network: the subnet of identical, centrally managed IMPs constituted the core of the system (Naughton, 2016).”




Week 4

“Ethernet is an example of a Layer Two (L2) data link protocol that is discussed in the text. Find and summarise a resource that describes the features and uses of ONE other L2 protocol that is not discussed in the text (i.e. NOT Ethernet).”

Title and Reference:

Title: “Cisco Networking Academy Connecting Networks Companion Guide: Point-to-Point Connections”





Cisco Networking Academy, 2014. Cisco Networking Academy Connecting Networks Companion Guide: Point-to-Point Connections. Cisco Networking Academy, 08 May .




The article describes about the Point-to-point protocol (PPP). I choose this article because it discusses the PPP uses and operations. It includes the benefits of LCP, PPP, protocols, and creating a “PPP session.” It is one of the protocols of a computer network and communication. It is used between two directly connected (point-to-point) computers to transfer a datagram. It is used for the connectivity of basic level that provides linkage among the computers. It enables the heavier and faster connections that are needed for communications Of broadband. Another name of it is “RFC 1661.” The RFC is a creation of the “Point-to-Point Protocol Working Group” of the “Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).” It provides a standard method of “Encapsulating Network Layer protocol” data over “point-to-point Links”. It also describes an “extensible Link Control Protocol”, and recommends a family of “Network Control Protocols (NCPs)” for creating and arranging different layer protocols of networks (Cisco Networking Academy, 2014).

It is helpful for “full-duplex communication”. The main elements of the protocol are: “a way to encapsulate multi protocol datagrams; a Link Control Protocol to establish, configure and test the data-link connection; and a group of network control protocols” that organize and form several layers of network/system protocol (Cisco Networking Academy, 2014).

The article stated that P2P delivers Layer 2, or data-link, service, regarding the “OSI model”. It is utilized on a range of “physical media”, including “twisted pair copper wire, satellite links and optical fiber links. It provides services from “a dial-up modem connection to a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypted Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection. PPP utilizes a variation of “High-level Data Link Control (HDLC)” for parcel encapsulation. The article is useful and reliable because it featured uses and aspects of layer 2 data link layer protocol e.g. Point-to-Point Protocol (Cisco Networking Academy, 2014).





Week 5

“The text mentions the role of hackers in attacks on networked infrastructure. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE famous or well-known hacker.”

Title and Reference:


Title: “Why Kevin Mitnick, the World’s Most Notorious Hacker, Is Still Breaking Into Computers”




Hesseldahl, A., 2015. Why Kevin Mitnick, the World’s Most Notorious Hacker, Is Still Breaking Into Computers. [Online]

Available at:





The article describes a well-known hacker. “Kevin Mitnick” is one of the most famous hackers of the world. He was likewise a best-selling author and the topmost speaker of cyber security. As per the report of FBI, “he was most wanted because he hacked into 40 major corporations just for the challenge”. Nowadays he is a trustworthy security expert.

The article stated that he hacks the world’s top telecommunications and technology companies including Fujitsu, Nokia, and Motorola computer system. By using an email, he had gained access to the company’s business network that trapped workers into opening a malicious accessory recognized as malware. He was able to leap around fortify the IT systems of the mill. Because there is an installed malware by him. It caused the material damage that was due to the productions network damage. He again Mitnick was arrested in 1995 after a highly publicised detection by the FBI. He was arrested for the five years. After that, he was free on bail in 2000. These days he runs a consultancy of computer security. He uses the term social engineering for the hacking activities instead of hacking. He expressed in the article that, “We do not expect a steel plant to be connected to the internet and to hack-able that is entirely unexpected.” The article offers the detailed explanation on this renowned hacker.





Week 6

Society is increasingly reliant on networks and network technologies but they are evolving at a rapid pace. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE example of a future networking technology or trend that will impact society.

Title and Reference:


Title: “The 5G economy: How 5G technology will contribute to the global economy”


Campbell, K. et al., 2017. The 5G Economy: How 5G technology will contribute to the global economy. IHS ECONOMICS & IHS TECHNOLOGY, January.pp. 4-31.




The article describes the 5G network technology that will impact the society and global economy. I choose this article because 5G is a future emerging technology that will influence not only society but international economy in future. The author stated that researchers sees 5G technology as a catalyst that will force mobile technology in the special domain of “General Purpose Technologies or GPTs.” The article assessed the potential of about 2 exclusive 5G technology use cases. These use cases of future network technology will impact profitability and improve financial operations across a wide range of business sectors. The article moreover analysed the main role that “5G value chain”. It stated that 5G will play a crucial role in constantly improving and extending the present mobile technology system. Lastly, it defined the total contribution of 5G network to sustainable and positive economic development. Whereas the article emphasis on long-term monetary contributions of this future technology. It is imperative to identify that 5G technology is starting to evolve. The article stated that 5G utilization will rise sustainable long-term progress to worldwide existent GDP. I find this article quite beneficial as it explains the 5G technology and its benefits to sustainable development. It stated that 5G technology will extend and leverage the research & development (R&D). It increases the principal investments in previous mobile innovations to progress mobile to a system that offers much required ubiquity, less latency and flexibility needed for future practices. Hence, 5G will create new types of advanced applications, increase business revolution and raise economic growth (Campbell, et al., 2017).



Week 7

“The text mentions social business and the impact of the use of social networking platforms. Find and summarise a resource that describes the history of the development of ONE such social media platform.”

Title and Reference:

Title: “The Real History of Twitter, In Brief”



MacArthur, A., 2017. The Real History of Twitter, In Brief. [Online]

Available at:




The article discusses about the actual history of the Twitter. Twitter is one of the most popular social media platform used by individuals and businesses. I pick this article because it defines the past of the growth of Twitter, a social media platform. In the article, the author states that Twitter launched as a result of innovative idea of its founder, Jack Dorsey in 2006. I have chosen this article because it stated that Dorsey has initially supposed Twitter as an “SMS-based communication platform.” It stated that group of associates might preserve tabs on what one another doing built on their updated status. It originated as texting however not completely. The original tweet directed as message on 21st March, 2006. It expresses a phrase with text “just setting up my twttr”. The author describes the historical development of Twitter in phases from first launching the platform, first tweet to its present growth in the article. The content of the article is relevant and useful because it not just offers the historical development of Twitter but also different features of the social media platform. The initial idea of Twitter was being checked at Odeo, a corporation experiencing a rough time. Jack and its associates supported the buyback and obtained the rights in 2006. It stated that above 60,000 tweets are supposed to send each day in year 2007. It stated that “2007 South By Southwest Interactive Conference” perceived a big blast of Twitter use. Finally, the article expressed that Twitter’s client base has raised to above 200 million lively users. The most freshly, at an event in March, 2013, Biz and Jack were given the patent they implemented for system back in year 2007.




Week 8

“With the advent of mass data collection and storage has come data mining. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE example where data mining has been used successfully by a business. You should not use any examples covered in the textbook.”

Title and Reference:

Title: “Data mining applications in healthcare”




Koh, H. & Tan, G., 2000. Data mining applications in healthcare. Journal of Healthcare Information Management, 19(2), pp. 64-72.




This article describes the use of data mining in the field of health care. I select this article because it explains that data mining has been successfully practiced in healthcare business. As we all know the data mining is generating new data by using pre-existing data. Data mining is broadly and intensively used by various organization. The author explains that how data mining become popular day by day in the health care system. Data mining has various advantages in every type of health care industry. Like with the help of data mining the health care broker identify the abuse and fraud. With the help of data mining healthcare association create the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) decisions. Data mining helps the Physicians to identify the best practices and actual treatments as well as patients also get the best and affordable services. Data mining uses three system approaches in health care organization that are; the analytic approach, the best practices system and the adoption system. For proper reporting and tracking of information data mining needs applicable technology and appropriate analytic technology. The article I found is useful because it explore the various application of data mining. In short we can say that this article discuss the major area of data mining used in the health care organization. Data mining work as a back bone when there is lack of interaction and knowledge. The article also explores the limitation of data mining as well as highlight the future directions (Koh & Tan, 2000).






Week 9

“One of the greatest success stories in application development in recent times has been the popularity of mobile apps. Find and summarise a resource that describes the story of ONE successful mobile app developer.”

Title and Reference:

Title: “The Accident That Created An App Millionaire”




Ziegler, M., 2013. The Accident That Created An App Millionaire. [Online]

Available at:




The article defines the successful story of a mobile application developer. I choose this article because it explains about the story in form of an accident that results in creation of an application “Millionaire” respectively. The author describes the story of a real estate professional, Chad Mureta that discovered a mobile application. The article describes that one day he was going down the throughway in Charlotte, North Carolina on the path back to home from basketball court. He saw other individuals happily using social media and sensed something was actually missing with such particular life. It gave him a thought to bring a change. The article likewise stated that Emoji app was developed by him in the past. The application invented by him supposed to offer access to smiley and funny emocotians or faces. He invented another mobile application like “FingerPrint Security Pro” that will be downloaded in complete about 50 million times. He is not the regular technical expert who took away in his residence room. The article stated that he initiated his million dollar application from the hospital bed. When he met with an accident and recovered, doctors said to him that it was a magic. He received an iPod a day before he met with an accident. He saw Best Buy that bring a thought of exchange it with new iPhone. The article stated that Chad’s iPhone is the solitary thing to stay alive in the accident. The article is very information and useful because it defines chad’s journey from hospital bed to an application empire. Without any technical knowledge and coding expertise, he believed his willpower. He identified his strengths like business mind and creative behind the application project. The article stated that total budget he got for the application development was $1,800 only. Within just three months after implementing the idea, the application was given to the Google App Store. Hence, the article presented his success story in a concise manner and depth (Ziegler, 2013).



Week 10

“While information systems and technology deliver many benefits to society, they can also result in (sometimes inadvertent) negative effects and outcomes. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE example of where the use of an information system or technology has led to negative consequences for humans.”

Title and Reference:

Title: “The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals”




Jung, B., 2017. The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals. [Online]

Available at:





This article discusses about the negative impact of the social networking media. I choose this article because it defines that social media is one of the Information Technology that might outcome in negative consequences and effects. As we all know that knowledge is power. These social media sites are like twitter, Facebook, Skype etc. individuals connect with each other on these sites. There is no doubt that social media provides a lots of knowledge but there are various types of negative impacts on the society. It creates false sense of connection. The main thing that degrade the social media networking is that it’s cyber-bullying. Because the social media networking provide the immediacy and due to which the user are vulnerable to the practices. The uses of social media networking decrease the productivity. Because various clients and employees are connected with each other through the social networking media. When they communicate about their profession and status then they divert mind each other which decrease the productivity. The main and biggest negative impact of the social media networking is privacy. The author in the article explain that social media encourage the individuals to be more public about their personal experience or personal life. Because everyone can post on it about their life, experience as well as status etc. People spends a lots of time on the social media and due to which their all concern on the public. They don’t have enough time for their family as well as friends. I find this article very informative because it defines the negative impacts of using Social Media along with its several limitations. Conclusively I can say that in this article, the author explain the limitation of the social media networking and its negative impacts on individuals (Jung, 2017).














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Poor resource selection; resource is too broad or lacks relevance to the task; summary fails to explain what the resource was about; the relevance and/or usefulness of the resource has not been explained.



Good resource selection; resource is relevant to the task; summary is adequate but may require either more detail or is too long; the relevance and/or usefulness of the resource has been explained to some extent, but needs additional information.



Excellent resource selection; resource is highly relevant to the task (the resource is probably highly specialised); summary is detailed yet concise; the relevance and usefulness of the resource selection has been clearly explained.










Reference/URL provided does not link to resource (and resource cannot be located or determined from details provided) OR

Reference/URL provided does not relate to the summary (i.e. summary is not of resource content / contains content not contained in the resource)

Resource is generic AND/OR covers multiple technologies/examples rather than focuses on a single technology/example

Resource not referenced correctly/not in Harvard format


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