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Technology Is Not Always a Positive

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Technology Is Not Always a Positive

Over the years, technology continues to play a vital role in facilitating planning and logistics, creating job opportunities, facilitating a paperless environment, and increasing efficiency at the workplace. Most importantly, technology allows for the integration and management of big data to discover new business and analytical insights from gathered information. By using technology, data can be collected, analyzed, and stored conveniently. However, the use of technology in handling personal and organization data has increased data misuse (Inieke, 2019). Technology allows unlimited access to data and information at any place and time, which leaves the data vulnerable to cyber-attacks, where unauthorized persons steal or confiscate data and information for selfish reasons. Although there are laws and policies for cybersecurity management and control, hackers still find ways to access it anonymously.

Data misuse often results in identity theft, blackmail, reputation damage, and financial losses. For instance, companies, especially those using cloud technology, relay on a third party, in this case, the vendor for data storage. Giving such access to outside groups may result in a violation of data privacy and confidentiality. Another instance where technology facilitates data misuse is on social media. When signing up to these social media platforms, they harvest the email address and contacts of their users without consent, which is a privacy breach. Besides facilitating the misuse of data, technology can be extremely addictive, where people find it difficult to disengage with their digital devices. Technology has changed the way people communicate and interact with each other (Akram & Kumar, 2017). Since people spend most of their time on digital devices, there are less interactive and communication activities among people at the family and society level. Besides, technology makes people more physically inactive.


Akram, W., & Kumar, R. (2017). A study on positive and negative effects of social media on society. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 5(10), 347-354.

Inieke, O. (2019). Data Security: The Misuse of Technology and Points of Vulnerability in every day Information Systems. International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence (IJDLDC), 10(4), 25-39.

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