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Temperament essay

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Temperament essay


Blake’s father is having trouble understanding why his son is so different from his siblings. What he does not realize is that personality and temperament may seem similar, but they are not the same. Blake has a different temperament from his siblings, who are easy babies.  Blake is a difficult baby, and he differs from his fraternal twin Lucas in terms of temperament, and this is because fraternal twins do not have the same temperament as is the case for identical twins, although it is hereditary. Blake’s case is going out of hand with his inability to sit for any activity and being persistent in it, and quite recently, he was violent on their vacation.

Even though temperament problems do not lead to behavior problems, his temperament can be managed by controlling his environment, and this can be done through Blake’s mother exerting control over Blake. The reason for singling Blake’s mother is because studies have shown that control issues that stem from temperament can be fixed by the mother exerting control. Control will take the form of warning, prohibiting or scolding Blake when necessary. Being responsive to both parents when Blake is having tantrums will help make him less emotional and, in turn, make him more controllable. Inconclusion,  despite Blake’s temperament issues, they can be managed and, in the long run, not affect his behavior or cause him to be maladjusted all is not lost with Blake.


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