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Tencent institutionalized China’s Education Sector with the launch of “Tencent Education”

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Tencent institutionalized China’s Education Sector with the launch of “Tencent Education”

Tencent had its eye on the Chinese education sector for a long time now, and finally, last week they made the big move. Tencent announced its formal venture into China’s online education sector with multiple products and services. They have named the initiative as Tencent Education which aims not just introducing new educational services and platforms but also promoting better collaboration of different teams and departments. What this basically means is that Tencent Education initiative is going to focus on the teamwork of different departments for all-round development.

Teamwork Over Competitive Approach –

The education sector is extremely competitive in China, and with the launch of Tencent Education China, Tencent wants to be a leader in the sector like it is in various others. Instead of going the usual route of competitiveness that brings more creativity and innovation, Tencent Education initiative is going to focus on teamwork and collaboration going forward. Since this is a relatively new approach and it involves teamwork, there are a lot of requirements and obstacles.

For example, teamwork needs a proper data system, a solid technology foundation, efficient safety measures, risk management and various such aspects. According to Dawson Tong, Tencent Education China initiative currently has over 20 products, and these are spread over six of Tencent’s businesses group. These products and services will be managed by these eminent groups, and therefore, the support will be excellent and professional.

The Emergence of Tencent Online Education –

Tencent has already served over 15,000 schools as well as over 70,000 educational institutes so far. In the process, it has benefited over 300 million users in the process over the years. Among the services, there are personal development classes for students as well as adults, face recognition service to constantly monitor the activities of the students in the classroom and provide detailed report for improvement and much. It is questionable whether the students should be monitored and recorded like that, but this is going to assist the teachers in assessing every student. They can help individual students to improve and enhance productivity and offer customized teaching for better understanding.

In fact, Tencent Educational Games deserve special mention in this connection. There are various Tencent Educational Games available make the students learn through games. This is a very popular means, and it is getting a lot of traction, and it is a backbone for the success of Tencent’s initiative. Therefore, there is a direct link to Tencent Education with Tencent Games.

This is also an initiative within Tencent due to which it is witnessing a complete reorganization like Alibaba. Tencent wants to bring multiple sub-companies under one umbrella, and the promotion of collaboration among departments is going to be on a very large scale. For example, Tencent is already underway to consolidate non-WeChat social and associated services. These include QQ, news apps, app store, web browser, video services and much more. All these products and services will be under one single division.

Conclusion –

There is no doubt that Tencent online education products and services are going to revolutionary move in the Chinese education system. With Tencent Education, Tencent is changing their competitive approach and replacing it with collaboration for the wellbeing of the entire sector. The initiative is working great for the time being, and if the growth is consistent, we can see the launch of various innovative products and services related to the online education system. These products and services can change the way education is imparted for betterment.


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