Tentative Thesis:
Free media enables people to keep in touch and remain knowledgeable about matters that most concern them.
Article 1:
Samples, John. “Why the government should not regulate content moderation of social media.” Cato Institute Policy Analysis 865 (2019).
In this article, after showing both sides of why we should or should not control media power, Samples claims that as much unregulated media may have negative effects on people, a controlled media is way worse. The main reason for using this article is because it gives a thoroughly researched background of how media platforms have grown over the years which puts my research into context.
Article 2:
Happer, Catherine, and Greg Philo. “The role of the media in the construction of public belief and social change.” Journal of social and political psychology 1.1 (2013): 321-336.
The authors claim that media power should not be controlled because it has a vital role in informing the public about what happens around the world and especially in areas that citizens cannot reach. I will incorporate this article because it provides numerous supporting ideas and gives the benefits of having a free media.
Article 3:
Huesmann, L. Rowell. “The impact of electronic media violence: Scientific theory and research.” Journal of Adolescent Health 41.6 (2007): S6-S13.
Huesmennn points out that unregulated media power where information that entices violence is shown generously in movies, video games, television, and the internet increases the possibility of increased violent behavior on viewers. I choose this article because it has very strong counter-argument points for my research.
Article 4:
Karppinen, Kari, and Hallvard Moe. “What we talk about when talk about “media independence”.” Javnost-The Public 23.2 (2016): 105-119.
The article claims that the notion of media liberation has currently undergone some major changes which have given rise to controversies between what free public and commercial media services are. I have included these articles in my research because it the clear distinction between a regulated and an unregulated and it shows the various ways media freedom is regulated.
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