The Analysis of Administration of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Food Laws
Supplimental Nutrition Assistance Program and Food Laws
The supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), is the largest food assistance program whereby participants can buy any kind of food and beverage. It started as a program to solve food insecurity. The main topic given to this article is the Analysis of Administration of SNAP and food laws. People discussed in this articles include Congress, who addressed the program’s name as SNAP. Other people are Harkin and Coburn who are senators that tried to alter a Farm Bill that allow SNAP show-casing projects in two states to enhance buying healthy foods. Some places discussed involved in this article include New York City and Washington DC. The topic is related to the article in that the article indulges in the exploration of the SNAP, particularly in the administration process and some of the food laws involved. The topic is of interest in that the states are concerned about the nutritional value of food supplements and focuses on elimination of unhealthy food particularly in low-income households.
Public Support
In a survey carried out on 3000 adults, seventy-seven percent of the respondents are convinced that SNAP benefits advantages should rhyme with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA’s) and 54% believed that SNAP should be reorganized into a particular food package the same as Women Infants and Children (WIC). (Pomeranz & Chriqui, 2015).
State bills to amend SNAP
A state bill review during the 2013-2014 legislative session shows that legislators see it achievable to make particular foods based on under SNAP in reference to poor health quality (WIC). (Pomeranz & Chriqui, 2015). They suggested several bills which would allow states to hunt for waiver from USDA, lead a pilot or pass an aspiration, in which Congress is urged to eliminate particular food from SNAP
suitability. Some bills gave specifications, defining products as foods of very little health value. Some bills for instance specified foods such as cakes, ice cream, energy drinks, carbonated soft drinks etc.
State tax laws
States own various laws on food retail tax. Food bought with SNAP benefits does not include the state. Tax laws shows that states elaborates differences among food stuff and takes the administrative duties that are correlated with describing food that constitutes each category. Majority of states lack a definite elaboration of food. They avail large-scale lists of what passes the test of food or eliminations to non-taxable food.
WIC Retail Administration
WIC, a program of USDA that avails confederate funds to state organizations to give several benefits to expectant and post-partum women of low-income brackets and children not more than five years old who are at high health risks . USDA issued a rule enhancing WIC nutritional needs to elevate the constituents of fruits and vegetables, minimize juice, eliminate white potatoes and substitute whole milk with low fat or mil with no fat at all. The disorder of the WIC bundle with health science was found to greatly improve the accessibility and variety of nutritious foods in WIC approved stores which additionally advantaged the major community.
Pomeranz, J. L., & Chriqui, J. F. (2015). The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Analysis of Program Administration and Food Law Definitions. American journal of preventive medicine, 49(3), 428-36.