The Arnolfinin Potrait
Jan van Eyck has included some items in his work, The Arnolfinin Potrait. These are items such as a dog, oranges, shoes, a burning candle, and a mirror on the wall. I think that the artist included them depict a home environment. As noted, this portrait shows a man and his wife, and by including such items, it becomes easier to evoke a sense of family and home ownership. They are inside their house, and the man is holding his wife’s hand. Further, these items have different meanings in this artwork. For instance, I think that a dog was included to symbolize power and security. The man is supposed to protect his wife and the unborn child.
Secondly, the artist placed several oranges below the window, and considering that the woman is pregnant, I believe that these oranges are symbolizing fertility. This is a young couple, and they are likely to have more children. Further, the woman has removed her shoes, and I think that it means that she is preparing for child birth. There is also a candle burning in the chandelier, and I believe that it symbolizes hope. In this artwork, the woman is pregnant, and seemingly her delivery is due, and candle gives them hope that the baby will be delivered safely. Notably, a mirror reflects images, and I believe that van Eyck include a mirror on the wall to reflect the nature of human life. For instance, the man is reflected as powerful while the woman is worried about her pregnancy. The reflection in the mirror can also symbolize that the woman can lose her life when giving birth, and her husband will be left alone.