The Big City Primary Care Md. Group
Issue 1
Opening up a satellite facility in Little Town needs several considerations. Some topics, such as licensure of the medical facility, need to addressed before commencing the plan. This process ensures there are quality services and growth in health services
Legal issue
Licensure is the process in which the governmental entity permits the health facility to operate—some of the issues that Big City Primary Care Md. Groups may face include not meeting the required standards and abilities.
The Big City Primary Care Md. The group must ensure they meet all set standards and can handle the common issues.
Considering the facility to be constructed in Little Town is a small facility, it may lack enough supplies sufficient for the 8,000 people. Some of the possible inadequate supplies include beds, linen, and laboratory equipment. Other issues that may affect the licensure of the facility include an inability to handle waste and controlling hazards such as fire and infections in the area.
Issue 2
Medical liability can be termed as regulation by litigation. This issue can affect an organization’s functionality in many ways.
Legal issue
Medical liability results in lawsuits against the facility due to a lack of quality care. A patient could sue the medical facility for negligence, lack of quality care, errors in practice, injuries sustained, among others. These issues connect liability to quality.
Therefore, The Big City Primary Care Md. Group has to ensure it meets the set standards, and also errors are avoided as much as possible. In this case, too, the facility needs to be insured against such claims.
Therefore, in case they occur, the facility will not be financially disabled when they compensate the patient. This precaution is not a necessity, but it can lead to the closure of such a small facility if the issue is not taken care of.
Issue 3
Supervision issues could also arise in the facility considering its size and the number of employees. For successful functioning health facilities, supervision is essential but not a necessity. However, from research carried out in the past, it is clear that supervised personnel in local health facilities perform better than those without any supervision.
Legal issue
The Big City Primary Care Md. The group health organization is only planning to open up a satellite facility with very few personnel to cover the 8,000 population. Therefore this means that the medical facility will be overwhelmed and hence likely to put all hands on deck. In so doing, the employees will lack supervision as those in charge will have been assigned essential duties to attend to.
The facility should consider adding more employees to the facility or add part-time staff from the main facility to assist the current full-time staff assigned to Little Town medical facility.
In the case the Little Town satellite medical facility staff lack supervision, they might end up delivering low-quality services. Also, little attention is likely to be given to a patient or a situation.
Issue 4
Another issue likely to face the Little Town medical facility is risk management between the facility in Big Town and Little town facilities.
Legal issue
Telephone coverage will have to be recorded differently and then compiled, unlike before, where all this was done in the same facility. Also, the satellite staff is likely to feel out of touch from their previous place of work. Medical records are also an issue of concern where the satellite facility in Little Town will have to manage their files before then taking the documents to the main facility in Big Town facility.
The best approach is to make the process electronic, and any changes in records are also updated automatically in the main center.
Using the electronic process will ensure patient records are not omitted when recording or transferring the files to the original documents in Big Town. Also, a lot of time would be wasted moving the records from the satellite facility, which is 150 miles away.