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The case of Mr McMahon

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The case of Mr McMahon

Based on the case description of Mr. McMahon, it shows that Mr. McMahon is addicted to drug and substance abuse and that the reason for passing the drug test. However, Mr. McMahon has passed the drug abuse test and thus be entitled to a two-year probation term, there is only one option of choosing to request the court to order treatment so that he is helped to live healthier lives while still on probation, and prevent further criminal consequences of drug abuse. Furthermore, Mr McMahon’s case is very serious because he discloses his long-term habit of drug abuse thus proving that he has no more control over the addiction. The recommendable solution is devising an addiction treatment program as he serves the probation term. Particularly, for Mr McMahon, his sentence in prison is suspended because that is the first case reported in court regarding drug abuse. His case is extreme and thus is not just entitled to a warning, but he is rather taken to court so that his case is evaluated to decide if his probation term should be altered or revoked. However, Mr McMahon’s probation is extended to two years, and his jail sentence is terminated.

Standard conditions that Mr McMahon must follow in this case include avoiding any illegitimate substance while on probation and refrain from any illegal use of a disregarded or illicit substance. Furthermore, he should report to the probation officer within 15 days after he is released from imprisonment to prove that he is fully rehabilitated and does not engage in drug abuse anymore. Also, Mr McMahon must ensure that he maintains his full-time employment whereby he works for not less than 30 hours in one week because his employment is lawfully recognized and permitted (Pickering, 2020). Furthermore, Mr. McMahon should report to the probation officer whenever he wishes to change his employment from being a worker in the construction industry and reporting, in this case, must be in 10 days before changing occupation when for any anticipated transformation, and within 72 hours if the transformation is unexpected. However, Mr. McMahon observes all the standard probation conditions put forth concerning his case, and thus he is thrown away from jail and allowed to serve a two-year probation term. Again, Mr. McMahon is a probationer for drug and substance abuse and therefore he must attend drug rehab, counseling, and other associated treatment programs until he is declared healed of his addiction condition.

Special conditions that Mr McMahon must ensure that he tells the truth regarding all matters questioned by either probation officer or the Drug Court Program, and comply with all requirements mentioned in the standard condition section to avoid severe punishments. Furthermore, he must not consume any drug or substance in his residence because possession of such may lead him to lifetime jail or high fines. Again, Mr. McMahon should not take any form of the narcotic prescription unless it is from a medical practitioner, and he must present the new prescription to the probation officer for evaluation. However, Mr. McMahon must prove to the court that he has gained complete control over his addiction condition at the end of the probation term because failure to this will lead to an extension of the probation term or even a jail sentence since it will show that he has not yet decided to abandon drug abuse behavior (Schwalbe, 2019). Ultimately, when Mr. McMahon breaks any of the probation special conditions as noted by a probation officer, he will be forced to pay a fine amounting to $500.






To: Supervisor

From: Probation officer

Date: July 22, 2020

Subject: Supervision plan for Mr McMahon

It has come to my attention that Mr. McMahon has been sentenced to a two-year probation term following his conviction regarding his addiction condition of drug and substance abuse, particularly cocaine.

I will strictly supervise all his activities regularly by visiting the construction site where he works to examine if he may possess illicit drugs or consuming any illicit drug to ensure that he does not continue abusing drugs. I will also be making regular visits to Mr McMahon’s place of residence, and summon make appointments with him to come in my office so that I carry out drug tests as per his probation terms (Kratcoski et al, 2020). I will further confirm the details of Mr. McMahon including his legal name, birth date, and any other details in his profile which are necessary for use while carrying my surveillance process. I will also find out the current lifestyle of Mr McMahon by reviewing his records of work in his employer’s office.

By doing this, I will be able to identify any possible offenses which Mr. McMahon may have committed, and thus it will be easy to prove the impact of his addictive behavior. For example, when I realize that he was once convicted of sex offenses, it will be rational to conclude that he is severely addicted and his immoral behavior is interlinked to drug influence.

Ultimately, when Mr McMahon is not found guilty of any societal crime during probation, it is can be concluded that his drug abuse treatment program is helpful. Again, when he follows all probation conditions during the entire probation term, he will be declared healed and fully rehabilitated and thus will be set free by the court.

I will be glad to discuss this recommended supervision plan with you soon.















Kratcoski, P. C., Kratcoski, L. D., & Kratcoski, P. C. (2020). Probation and Community-Based    Programs. In Juvenile Delinquency (pp. 321-352). Springer, Cham.

Pickering, A. (2020). Substance-Free Probation Conditions for Drug-Addicted Criminals:             Reformation or Criminalization. Suffolk UL Rev.53, 21.

Schwalbe, C. S. (2019). Impact of probation interventions on drug use outcomes for youths          under probation supervision. Children and Youth Services Review98, 58-64.



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