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The Christian Youth in the Era of Social Media

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The Christian Youth in the Era of Social Media



Social media has transformed how people interact with each other. The concept of outreaching to many people without meeting them is a new concept that has grabbed the world without warning. Christianity is a significant beneficiary and casualty of the hype behind social media. There are many benefits that the church and religion have received from the use of social media. However, many negatives aspects have impacted the spread of Christianity and the Gospel (Nwachukwu 2). The youths are the beneficiaries and victims of the growing influence of social media. As such, their roles have transformed from viewers to direct participants and have greatly affected the Gospel. There are a vibrant transformation and a new sense of purpose for the Youths in the age of social media with the intent of proclaiming the Gospel of God through condemning evil, preaching the Gospel, and acts of mercy from social media.

Literature Review

Various researchers, theologists, and policymakers have conducted studies to understand the impact social media has on the youth. The analysis of the social media among the youth in the Catholic Diocese of Moshi and the implications for youth faith-sharing conducted by Faustine Tarimo focuses on the impact of social media on the faith of the youth and how they are using social media to spread the Gospel. The article fully expounds on the effects of external factors and compares them to social media and how they influence the faith of the youth. The article The New Thing: Faith in the Age of Social Media by Rahiel Tesfaramariam focuses on the influence of social media on the decision making of the youth on religious-based issues. It covers controversial subjects such as abortion and homosexuality.  The article the church and social media: application of social media in the church’s mission of evangelization expounds on the impact of social media on life today by targeting evangelism. It highlights the roles of the youth in the church of today.

Youth have used social media to advance the evangelization of the Gospel. In Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Christ orders the disciples to spread the Gospel. He does not specify how and the methodologies but states that he will walk with the disciples in everything. The youth have found a ministry in social media to preach the Gospel. As of 2018, the catholic church in Nigeria had introduced training of the use of social media to its priests and religious leader (Leadership Nigeria par 1). These pieces of training are conducted by the youth who have taken upon themselves to educate the older generations on how to further the use of social media in spreading the gospels. This role is continuously growing, and as social media continues to expand and newer means coming up, the youth in Nigeria are steadily getting involved in spreading the Christian faith, even challenging religious leaders if they do not agree with their views.

The youth are using their social media platforms to fight injustice. They have formed platforms that they use to fight injustices such as dictatorship (Tarimo 10).  For instance, in May 2019, Bishop Kukah requested the catholic youths to oppose the Social Media control bill that the government was passing (Samasumo). The youth rallied behind him, terming the bill totalitarian leading to its final defeat. “Be ready! Let the truth be like a belt around your waist, and let God’s justice protect you like armor” (Ephesian 6:14). The youth follow this verse, understanding that they have to fight against evil in whatever form it comes. Social media has enabled them to have the opportunity to express their anger against social injustice, corruption, and criminality shown by leaders and those in power (Wise 3). The power of the youth in fighting social injustice can only be well described by 2 Timothy 2:22 “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.”

Social media is a dangerous tool that can destroy the youth. The youth are faced with increasing options arising from the use of social media (Tesfaramariam 5). As Paul states to the Corinthians, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) temptations will always be on the rise. Social media sites are effective in the recruitment of followers into religious cults and demonic sects such as the Illuminati. At times, Youths are the main target due to unemployment (Nwachukwu 3). They have to choose between following their social media friends who offer destructive advice and the teachings of Christ. Additionally, pornography, violence, and other evils lurk in social media. Youth are targets of so much evil from social media that is pulling them away from God(Musa par 4). False prophets are using it to extort money from unscrupulous people, especially the youth.

I have actively involved myself in the spread of the Gospel. I despise sin, and however sinful of a person I am before God, I try to avoid it. Social media has transformed how I interact with people across all the spheres. I can use it in the spread of the Gospel. Two days ago, I posted the verse, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” (Romans 1:16). The verse garnered a lot of responses, and a Muslim contacted me requesting how he could become a Christian and specifically a Catholic. I showed him the way. Social media has changed how I can evangelize the Gospel. However, it is not all simple. There are many temptations that arise with the use of social media. At the time, I receive advertisements from pornographic and demonic sites that I have to turn down in search of the true Gospel.


            The role of the youth in the age of social media can only be summarized by the words from Ecclesiastes 12:1 “Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them.” The youths are becoming more engaged in spreading the word of God through social media platforms. While there are various negative effects such as the spread of atheism and false religions, pornography among other vices, the youth have embraced the positives engaging in worship as digital disciples and digital priests, pastors, and other preachers among other activities. Currently, the vibrancy of the Gospel is resonating across the globe, with conversions to Christianity occurring from preaching and the condemnation of evil by the youth across the world. Youths in the age of social media are transformed with vibrancy and a new sense of purpose in proclaiming the Gospel of God through condemning evil, preaching the Gospel, and acts of mercy from social media.

Works Cited

Leadership Nigeria. Catholic Church Offers Social Media Training To New Priests. 2019.

Musa, Gerald M. “Catholic Church In Nigeria: The Challenges Of The Use Of Social Media.” NCPDF Seminar 2018. Lagos: NCPDF Conference, n.d. 1-7.

Nwachukwu, George. The Church And Social Media: Application Of Social Media In The Church’S Mission Of Evangelization. 2020.

Samasumo, Paul. Bishop Kukah: Nigerians must resist totalitarian Social Media Bill. 2019.

Tarimo, Faustine. “The Analysis of the Social Media Among the Youth In the Catholic Diocese of Moshi and the Implications For Youth Faith Sharing.” Theses, Essays, and Senior Honors Projects. John Carroll University, 2017.

Tesfaramariam, Rahiel. “The New Thing: Faith in the Age of Social Media.” Reflections 2011: 1-17.

The Bible. English Standard Version (ESV). The Good News Bible. (2001)

Wise, Justine. “Social Media and Christian Ministry: Reaching the World for the Kingdom of God.” Think Digital 2018: 5-15.





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