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The Coloration between Antisocial Personality Disorder and Criminality

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The Coloration between Antisocial Personality Disorder and Criminality















In society, many individuals engage in criminal activities. Some of these individuals are normal, while others have Anti-Social Personality Disorder. In this manner, these individuals are prone to illegal activities. However, little attention is given to these individuals in society. The action, in this manner, can result from high crime rates in the community from these individuals. In consideration, the study aims at finding the correlation between ASPD and criminality. It considers various factors that may lead to individuals with the disorder to engage in crime. Alternatively, it considers scenarios of multiple victims of the chaos and their criminal activities. Also, the study finds a strong correlation between individuals with ASPD and their engagements in illegal activities. The study also gives recommendations that the authority should consider in dealing with criminals with ASPD in society. Some of these ways include the provision of medical care for these individuals, provision of education to these individuals and the community, and offering alternative forms of correction rather than taking them to jail. In consideration of the above factors, society can provide an environment that is conducive to the victims of ASPD. They can also help in promoting a crime-free community as they can help in curbing crimes.









Chapter I: Introduction. 4

Chapter II: Literature Review.. 8

Section III: Methodology. 19

Chapter IV: Results and Analysis. 20

Chapter V.. 22

Discussion. 22

Conclusions. 23

Recommendations. 25

References. 27















Chapter I: Introduction

An antisocial personality disorder is a challenge that affects various individuals across the continent. In this case, individuals with this disorder have a mental condition that impairs their rational reasoning. As a result, they may engage in activities that may cause unrest and violations of other people around them. In relation, the condition distorts the personality of individuals having the effect of this disorder. Also, people having a disability may behave in a manner that may be generally unacceptable in society. The action, in return, can make such people be termed as harmful to society.

The disorder affects individuals from all walks of life. Essentially, the disability starts at an early age and extends to adulthood. Various factors may contribute to individuals having this disability(Shafe & Moore, 2016). There is no exact cause of the disorder among the individual. Also, factors such as the environment and genetics impact on a significant way on the existence of the chaos to an individual. Besides, there are high chances of men getting this disorder than females.

One factor that may contribute to the development of antisocial personality disorder among individuals may include the experience of an individual of abuse during his or her childhood. In this manner, such individuals may develop characters that may be generally unacceptable in society (Shafe & Moore, 2016). Also, a person brought up by parents having the disorder may have a high chance of developing it. The action may result from them coping with the activities of their parents when they are growing up. Alternatively, alcoholic parents hay have a more substantial influence on the children near them. In return, it may be easier for the children to adopt some of the behaviors from the adults surrounding them. These factors, in this manner, can increase the chances of individuals developing the disorder.

Individuals suffering from ant-social personality disorder display various traits, be they, children, or adults. Among adults, individuals with this disorder are often angry. As a result, it is easier to set such individuals to anger, even from a slight provocation (Torrey, 2018). Also, these individuals appear to be arrogant. In his manner, they may do activities without having any consideration of the consequences. In relation, it may be easier for such individuals to engage in criminal activities, which may be a source of harm.

Another symptom of people with this disorder is the ability to manipulate others. In this way, they may influence other individuals to engage in activities that they do not want for their favor. In return, they may contribute to the action of other individuals committing criminal activities. Besides, these individuals can tell lies more often. In most cases, they may engage in lies to have their way and obtain what they want from other people (Torrey, 2018). Such behavior can lead to activities such as stealing among such people. They may take items and commodities of value from other individuals without their consent. Also, people with these disabilities are prone to lawbreakers. Breaking the law may result from their engagement in criminal activities such as lying, drug abuse, stealing, and other illegal activities. The action, in return, may cause them to always be against the law.

Considering the above symptoms among individuals with an antisocial personality disorder, it is evident that there is a higher probability of these people engaging in criminal activities. In this regard, it could be essential to address the issue of this disorder in the society. Providing a better and clear understanding of the disorder among various individuals may help most people in the community (Torrey, 2018). In return, individuals with a clear understanding of the disorder may identify it quickly among individuals who surround them. Alternatively, understanding individuals’ personality with this disability can help generate useful guidelines to deal with such individuals. Parents and guardians can quickly identify the signs of the disorder among the children. The action can help in taking earlier precautions regarding the issue among the children. In relation, they can develop ways of bringing their children up without challenges.

Individuals have to understand the disorder. In return, it may result in providing proper care to individuals experiencing the effect of the disease. Also, people can develop fruitful relationships with these individuals (Vargas, M. (2010). Understanding of these people can also help them to incorporate easily with others in society. In this regard, it is essential to determine if there is any coloration between antisocial personality disorder and criminality. Therefore, the study can provide a clear understanding of the impact of the disease of antisocial personality in matters relating to crime.

In most cases, individuals with this disorder are prevalent in the commitment of crimes. The study aims at determining the coloration between antisocial personality disorders and criminality. In return, it is essential to consider various research questions. The research questions include; do adults with Antisocial Personality Disorder commit more violent crimes or nonviolent crimes? In answering this research question, the action will enhance the understanding of the disorder’s impact on individuals in matters relating to criminal activities. In relation, it can be easier to understand the types of illegal activity individuals with this disorder commit.

The disorder has an impact on both adults and children. In this regard, the disorder can influence even children to commit criminal activities. In this manner, another research question will be, how many children with the diagnosis of conduct disorder commit violent and nonviolent crimes? Answering the research question will help understand the impact of the disorder among the children in matters relating to crimes. In return, it may be easier to understand them and devise various ways of dealing with such cases among the children.

In enhancing the understanding of the impact the disorder has on various individuals and criminal activities, the study will consider different criminal individuals’ cases and their actions. Such individuals include Ted Bundy, Wayne Gacy, and Charles Mansion. These are individuals who are victims of the disorder Vargas, M. (2010). The study will also involve how their criminal activities and how they were able to evade their capture for long.  Also, the study will consider the differences between antisocial personality disorder and condition disorder with DSM-IV disorder. The victims of ASPD and CD disorders receive different treatment from both the law and the public. In this manner, the study will determine the right response these individuals should obtain from their actions. In return, adequate consideration of these individuals and their efforts in the society may help provide a conducive environment for them and others in the community.

Some limitations of this study are that many prospective studies have involved no representative samples, such as those who have been hospitalized or adjudicated. Most studies on ASPD and criminality are done on criminals, so it is hard to get an accurate idea of what successful treatment for these individuals would look like.  Another limitation is that the definition of ASPD seems to be changing quite often, which complicates the interpretation of findings in early studies. Probably the most significant restriction will be that there is a lot of research on ASPD itself but not as much available from a criminality point of view. However, they all address the criminality aspect. It’s just not as through in that sense as I would like.

The hypothesis of the study is, “there is a correlation between Antisocial Personality Disorder and Conduct disorder and crime, both violent and nonviolent.” In relation, the thesis will aim at finding the correlation between antisocial personality disorder and criminality.


Chapter II: Literature Review

Individuals who commit serious crimes are most likely the victims of social disorders. In relation, adults with personality disorders may commit violent crimes such as rape, murder, and assault (Guénaël, 2020). As a result, adults’ commitment to these criminal activities may lead to the infliction of severe physical damage on the victims. However, other illegal activities may not result in serious physical injuries. Some of these crimes include kidnapping. The action is a severe criminal activity that may lead to harmful consequences. However, the work may result where the kidnapper may fail to inflict physical injury on the individual he or she is kidnapping.

There are higher chances of adults with an antisocial personality disorder to commit more violent crimes than nonviolent ones. The action results from the behavior and characteristics these individuals display. Individuals with this disorder are arrogant. In this regard, they may fail to consider the outcomes of their practice (Guénaël, 2020). They may, in this case, engage in dangerous activities without consideration.  Also, it may not see a big deal in committing significant crimes. Their arrogant behaviors may make a substantial contribution to their engagement in violent criminal activities.

In relation, the victims of this disorder lack remorse while committing crimes. In this manner, the action may contribute to the nature of engaging in violent criminal activities. Alternatively, they may roughly handle their victims while committing illegal activities, hence inflicting severe injuries for individuals who may come on their way while committing crimes (Guénaël, 2020). Also, victims of this disorder are violent and hostile. In this manner, these characters may increase their chances of undertaking extreme criminal activities.

Individuals with antisocial personality disorder have a high likelihood of engaging in drug abuse. In return, drug abuse can impair the ability of individuals to reason. The decision making of these individuals may be reduced. In the long run, they may not consider their actions while engaging in illegal activities—their efforts, in this case, maybe fatal on their victims (Guénaël, 2020). Also, individuals prone to drug abuse may be likely to make impaired judgments. In return, their poor decision-making ability may limit their ability to differentiate between what is right and wrong. In matters regarding committing the crime, they may lack proper reasoning. In return, they may commit serious crimes with a substantial negative impact on individuals.

Individuals with these disorders also are prone to lawbreakers. In this manner, they may fail to consider the impact of their criminal actions. Besides, they may fail to consider the consequences of their actions. These individuals, in this case, can commit dangerous crimes without the fear of facing the authority (Guénaël, 2020).  Theft is another character of these individuals. While committing crimes, they may face opposition from the property owners or the power resisting their activity. In action, they may inflict severe injuries on their opponents while combating resistance. In this regard, the work can increase their chances of engaging in violent criminal activities.

Children are also victims of conduct disorders. Children with this disorder may possess behaviors that differ from those of those who appear healthy. In this regard, these children have a high chance of engaging in criminal activities. Some of the characteristics that the adolescents at this age may possess may include bullying (Guénaël, 2020). In this case, they may engage in activities that may lead to the humiliation of their fellow children of the same period. Also, they may often engage in physical fights with other individuals. Picking of quarrels among this group is also prevalent. In return, their action can contribute to physical harm to themselves and other individuals. Also, they may engage in other illegal activities such as shop-lifting, arson and may be disobedient to their guardians.

Children possessing this disability may have a diagnosis of deficits relating to neuropsychological. The gap may have a significant impact on the behavior of these individuals. In relation, they may impair their usual ways of life and their relationship with other individuals. Consequently, their level of understanding can be affected by this deficit. In return, they may face challenges of understanding various situations. Besides, the action can affect their decision-making ability hence increasing their chances of making wrong decisions regarding multiple issues (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). Such children may, therefore, engage in criminal activities without proper awareness. In return, the action can contribute to adverse effects on the illegal actions these individuals engage in.

Also, children with this disorder may experience challenges while undergoing development. The situation in this manner can make them engage in criminal activities in their adulthood. In relation, they may lack a proper relationship with other individuals in society (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). In this regard, the action can increase their chances of engaging in violent criminal activities as they may fail to consider the feelings of their victims. As a result, there are higher chances of children diagnosed with condition disorder engaging in violent crimes. In this regard, the action can lead to an increase in the number of these individuals participating in this nature of crime compared to the number of nonviolent crimes.

In most cases, individuals who engage in criminal activities receive punishment. The act of penance aims at enabling individuals to receive correction and refrain from participating further in illegal activities. The forms of discipline may include imprisonments or fines. However, this is not always the case. There are situations where individuals engage in crimes further despite receiving punishments from their past criminal activities (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). The action that results from re-arresting, conviction, or return of prison by individuals who have a prior engagement in this process is referred to recidivism.

In a research study carried out by an urban institute in the year 2003, there was an indication that seven individuals out of 10 have the chance of being re-arrested after three years since their release. However, the institute was basing its studies on the females. In relation, the study also showed that various factors might contribute to these individuals engaging in such activities (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). These include peers around the social environment of an individual. In this manner, individuals may engage with individuals who may play a part in influencing them to go back to prison. Such individuals may act as a bad influence on them by providing chances that may lead them to criminal activities.

Family is another factor that may contribute to the return of individuals to prison. After returning from a prison or correction facility, individuals may lack a warm welcome from their family members. Also, a family may react in a hostile way towards such individuals. In return, the individuals may presume the action as an unwelcome gesture hence leading to them looking for an environment that can favor their existence (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). In this regard, these individuals may join criminal groups where they receive a sense of belonging. Therefore, the action may increase their chances of engaging in illegal activities, hence making them prone to return to prison.

A community that an individual comes from can contribute to their ability to return to prison. In this case, society has a notion of treating individuals with records in a suspicious manner. The condition, therefore, may be unfavorable to these individuals (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). As a result, they may tend to find an environment that favors their existence. Also, individuals with similar criminal characteristics may group and form criminal gangs. In return, the chances of engaging in crime may rise hence their chances of going back to prison.

Also, criminals prone to jail life may find it difficult to survive in a ‘normal.’ As a result, they may find the environment in society not accommodating for them. In return, some may engage in any activity that may lead them to prison where they may feel ‘fit.’ These individuals may also fear being judged by society for their criminal actions (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). As a result, they may alienate themselves from a culture where good morals and ethics are accepted. In this regard, the effect can lead to their further commitment to crimes hence attracting jail punishment.

Individuals having antisocial personality disorder have higher chances of engaging in criminal activities. Also, they may possess characteristics that may make them prone to committing more criminal acts. In this manner, features such as being reckless in their actions may increase the high chances of engaging in violent crimes (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). Alternatively, it may be difficult for such individuals to cope with failure, especially after coming out of prison an accepting to make a change. In return, the action may lead to them further joining criminal gangs where they may feel a sense of belonging. Besides, individuals with ASPD may have challenges in decision making. They can face the challenge of identifying the activities that are good for them, especially after coming out of prison (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). Also, they may tend to opt for going back to jail rather than facing the unknown in society. In consideration of these factors, there are higher chances of people with ASPD having higher recidivism rates than other individuals who may be considered normal.

Various individuals have been diagnosed with ASPD. However, they engage in criminal activities and actions that are not acceptable in society. Some of these individuals are Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Charles Mansion (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). In consideration, these individuals possessed the same quality that enabled them to carry out illegal activities such as the serial killing of innocent individuals. The common thing about them was that they were victims of ASPD. In relation, they could engage in these activities, which, beyond any reasonable doubt, are ‘abnormal.’

Various factors led to these individuals in committing their criminal activities. However, a significant factor is their common condition of having the effect of ASPD (Howick, 2009). With the disorder, their individuals had the challenge of making rational decisions regarding various aspects of life. In relation, it was easier for them to give in to their destructive desires.

Personal desires are another factor that led these individuals to engage in their criminal activities. For example, despite the popularity that John Gacy had, he could not lead a healthy life. He had desires, which were significant factors that led to him committing crimes. He likes a sex addict. He pursued other individual’s wives and also engaged in prostitution activities (Howick, 2009). His sexual desires also led him to engage in sexual activities with even young men. To satisfy his wishes, he involved in the kidnapping and taking the lives of his victims after sex and burying their bodies in areas around his residence.

Membership of sect groups is a factor that motivates individuals to engage in criminal activity. The case is similar to that of Charles Mansion. The individual was a member of a cult conducting a series of killings, mostly aiming at families (Jones & Carlin, 2016). In relation, Charles was a cult leader where he was recruiting individuals to fuel his criminal acts. As a result, he could carry the killings of various families allowing the murder trials to stay in the test for long. Besides, Charles and the gang ensured they leave blood trail as a clue for their murdering activities.

Sexual desires drove criminals in engaging in a killing spree. Like John Gacy, Bandy was a victim of his sexual desires. As a result, he targeted women and young girls who became victims of his criminal act. He was attracting pity from his victims, forcing them to give aid to him (Jones & Carlin, 2016). In the long run, he could hit them on the head, making them succumb to death. In relation, Bandy could cut the body of his victims to pieces. Also, he could have sex with the dead bodies of his victims. Evidence shows that he could have killed more than 100 individuals from his criminal act.

Although being victims of ASPD, these individuals were smart enough to ensure their capture was taking long. For example, in the case of Bandy, in one of his trials, he was able to escape from the courtroom by acting as his lawyer. The disguise allowed him to escape from the court through the library. Such an action cannot be done by an individual who is not smart enough. Also, proper planning of their criminal activities enhanced their extended survival in their killing game. Recruiting other individuals to help them engage in illegal activities as Charles did was another way of ensuring their continuity of criminal activities and concealing themselves (Jones & Carlin, 2016). In this regard, it may be difficult to trace and follow murder conducted by a large number of individuals in a particular place.

As victims of ASPD, these individuals were not in fear while carrying out their criminal acts. In this manner, their brevity was able to deal with their situations in inefficient ways without leaving traces. Also, they showed a lack of remorse while carrying out their activities (Jones & Carlin, 2016). In return, they could engage in criminal acts without guilt for their criminal acts. In this case, the ability ensured they inflict harm on one victim after the other without having regrets.

These individuals also seemed to derive a kind of satisfaction from their criminal acts of killing. In relation, the situation acted as a driving force toward their illegal activities. Being a member of cult groups also could make a significant contribution to their ability to commit crimes (Jones & Carlin, 2016). The action could result as they were to fulfill specific requirements of the cult. In this regard, they had to continue their criminal activities of killing people to derive satisfaction and fulfill their desires. Some like Gacy were famous individuals. In this manner, it could have been trying for the authority or other individuals to suspect such an individual who commanded respect for criminal activities. In return, the action allowed him to continue conducting his dangerous acts of killing.

Ted Bundy was a criminal who escaped from the hands of the law two times despite the police being around him and having proper knowledge that he was a serial killer. On his first escape, he was to act as his lawyer (Howick, 2009). In this regard, he had the freedom to use the law library in preparation for his defense. In relation, there were no leg shackles or the handcuffs as the judge who was presiding the case ruled. According to Bundy, he was planning for his escape as he felt ‘bored’ as a result of being locked up. In relation, the library provided his escape route. He says that when the police went outside the library to smoke, they jumped through the window and headed for the mountains (Howick, 2009). It was obvious the police were not expecting such a thing could happen. In this way, it was easier for him to escape.

The second escape of Bandy was from Garfield County Jail. In the flight, he used unsecured grate to make his escape. He succumbed himself, allowing him to lose weight to fit through the opening on the ceiling. In the end, he escaped through an apartment belonging to a jailer who was absent. Besides, he was on civilian clothes, and it was easy for him to escape through at night (Howick, 2009). Despite the police being around. Ted was smart in executing his plans for escape. Alternatively, he ensured there is no force involving the police while escaping. In return, it was easier for him to escape without attracting a lot of attention from the police.

Differences exist between ASPD and CD from DSM-IV disorders. The latter is concerned with the environmental factors that affect an individual’s life. Such factors may affect how individuals carry their normal activities in their lives and their relationships with others. These include problems that may exist in the social environment of individuals (Howick, 2009). In this manner, the disorder may result from the actions and treatment that a person receives from those surrounding him or her. In return, the work may tend to influence their way of living and their reaction towards other people.

Also, there exist problems resulting from the occupation individuals.  The activities that individuals carry in their daily lives to earn a living may influence their relationship with other people and how they respond to various matters in their lives. Besides, education that an individual receives is also a factor that can influence DSM-IV disorder in an individual. Studies act as a way of enlightening and opening the minds of individuals. In this regard, the ability of reasoning may vary between individuals who are educated and those who lack education.

There are higher chances of individuals with ASPD and CD disorders to engage in criminal activities. However, the direct rule from the authority for every criminal is to serve a jail sentence. The action may not be sufficient for individuals who are having the disorder. In relation, these people have a high chance of returning to their criminal activities after serving their jail term (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). Factors that may contribute to these individuals returning to prison may include fear of how society will take them. They may also fear to face their new life of freedom. In this manner, the action of imprisoning these individuals may not be valid. In this regard, it is essential to adopt effective measures that will ensure change that will help these individuals lead meaningful lives.

Prisoning of these individuals may not be the best solution. As a result, placing them in a secure mental institution may be a useful measure of helping them to adopt good morals and lead healthy lives. In relation, special care and attention should be accorded to these individuals in these institutions. Those individuals who may be suffering from severe mental conditions may receive treatments that may help them return to normalcy (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). Alternatively, providing education to these individuals in a psychiatric facility may help them change their lives. In this way, they may accept their disabilities and develop ideas that can help them to lead healthy lives.

Individuals with these disorders are prone to violence, destruction of property, and inflicting harm to individuals or animals around them. Taking such individuals to prison cannot help in solving problems such as violence. It will only act as a way of fuelling them further to these activities (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). In consideration, their accommodation to the mental facility may be a better option than in the prisons. In this manner, they may learn how to be social with other individuals. In return, the action may help in enhancing better relationships with others. Also, they can receive education on how to deal with emotions adequately. In the long run, mental facilities may play a significant role in changing individuals’ behaviors ineffective way in comparison with the prison.

Proper care should be given to individuals who are diagnosed with ASPD or CD disorders. In this regard, adequate care can help them deal with issues that may affect them in their lives. They can also lead to healthy and productive lives as other individuals. Alternatively, some disorders are easy to treat when detected at an early age. Their treatment in this manner can help those healthy live lives that are free from the disease (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). Also, therapy can help such people to adopt ways that are positive in their lives. For those individuals with severe conditions, treatment may help them accept their terms and know how to live with them. In return, the actions can help in bettering the lives of such individuals.

Individuals with treatable conditions should take medications for their disorders. In return, medications may help them lessen the effects of the disease or deal with their situations permanently (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). In consideration, it is essential to give care early enough for people with these disorders. In return, the action can help them to avoid challenges that may occur in the future. Such may include an individual’s engagement in criminal activities and hence violating the law.

Therapy and medication is an effective way of dealing with challenges that an individual can be diagnosed with. The action can curb the short-term and long-term impacts of these disorders in individuals’ lives (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). Also, it may be a better way to reduce criminal activities in society that may result from such individuals’ actions. Helping them not only helps them live healthy lives but can also help in the promotion of a society free from criminal activities.





Chapter III: Methodology

The study used secondary sources to obtain data in finding the correlation between antisocial personality disorder and criminality. In relation, the data was from sources that were accredited and of high quality. Also, the data from these sources were relating to the topic of the study. They comprised the number of individuals with antisocial personality disorder and their engagement in criminal activities. In relation, the data put into consideration different crimes that individuals have the disorder commit. It also put into account the age of individuals in the information that is in the study. Additionally, there is the consideration of people from all gender to ensure fair representation.

There were advantages of using secondary sources of data in the study. First, it was given a chance to examine the work of other researchers about similar topics as the study topic. Also, it was easier to obtain data hence saving in both time and monitory costs. Saving on time helped in enabling the proper concentration of an individual on the study. Contrary, this method of obtaining data posed some challenges. One was difficulties in searching and identifying data that was most suitable for the topic of the study. In this manner, one had to sample the works of various authors to determine the one with appropriate data that can suit the purpose of the study. In consideration, there was the use of data of high quality and relevant to the study. In return, the action enhanced the output of the research.






Chapter IV: Results and Analysis

In a given study, there is the consideration of several individuals in prison and their criminal activities. Out of 99 individuals, the table below shows the distribution of normal and individuals who possess a personality disorder.

 Total No of individuals99
Normal individuals28
Individuals with Personality Disorder71











CrimeNormal individualsIndividuals with DisorderTotal
Drug relating crimes61117


In the study, 28.28% of the total criminals in the study were normal individuals, while 71.72% of the entire people were those who were having disorders. Also, many individuals were involved in the criminal act of murder as compared to other illegal activities.










Chapter V


According to the study, 71 individuals were engaging in criminal activities as well as having the disorder. Other normal individuals from the study were only 28 from the total number of 99 individuals. In this manner, it is evident that there are higher chances of individuals who are having the disorder to engage in criminal activities. In this case, many factors may contribute to these individuals engaging in criminal acts. These may include the ignorance of these individuals to engage in criminal activities. They cannot differentiate between normal actions and illegal activities. In return, this contributes to higher crime rates among individuals who are having antisocial personality disorders.

Also, criminals can engage in various kinds of criminal activities. In each category, individuals with disorders are higher than normal individuals. Among 22 individuals committing the criminal act of theft, 17 of them are individuals with the disorder. These individuals make about 77.27% of individuals engaging in theft. In this manner, there are three times the chances of an individual with a disorder to commit the crime of robbery. The trend is the same for individuals in other categories.

Generally, individuals have higher chances of committing the crime of murder. Twenty-four out of the total sample of criminals engage in criminal murder activity. However, there are 15 individuals with the disorder out of the 24 committing the criminal act of murder. The number makes about 62.5% of the total individuals engaging in criminal activity. Also, other illegal activities include rape, assault, and crimes relating to drugs. In these categories also, there are many individuals with the disorder who engage in criminal activities.



From the analysis, it is evident that there is a strong relationship between the existence of anti-social disability disorder and their ability to commit criminal activities. Many individuals who commit crimes are individuals who are having the disorder. In relation, many factors may influence an individual to engage in criminal acts. These individuals lack remorse while committing their crimes or when facing their opponents (North & Yutzy, 2018). In return, they may require fear while engaging in crimes. The action, therefore, can contribute to a large number of individuals carrying the criminal activities.

Also, individuals with the disorder lack the ability of reasoning properly. In return, it may be difficult for them to differentiate between good and harmful activities. As a result, they may engage in criminal activities more often as compared to normal individuals. Also, these individuals may be antisocial. In relation, it may be difficult for them to interact effectively with others (North & Yutzy, 2018). The action can lead them to segregate themselves from other individuals hence becoming ‘loners.’ In this case, there are higher chances of individuals who lead this kind of lifestyle to engage in criminal activities. These may include people who commit murder activities such as being serial killers. In this regard, the position offers higher chances of them engaging in the activities of crimes (North & Yutzy, 2018). From the study also, there is a higher number of individuals participating in the criminal activity of murder. A more significant proportion of these individuals are the ones who are having the disorder. In this case, their lifestyle behavior may be the factor that is contributing to the more significant number of individuals engaging in criminal activities of murder.

Assault is another crime these individuals were committing. In consideration, most of the individuals who were committing this criminal act consist of those with the disorders. People living with Antisocial personality disorder have a high likelihood of being violent. In this manner, the violent act may have contributed to their engagement in this criminal act. Alternatively, their actions can alienate them from other individuals due to existing differences (Shafe & Moore, 2016). In this case, these individuals may be prone to engaging in acts of violence. Also, they may engage in actions that may help them to gain the attention of others. In this case, they may assault others in their way to attract attention or to appear friendly to the others; they may engage in violence with others. The action can make them attract a jail term.

The society is another factor that may influence making many individuals with disorders engage in criminal activities. Discrimination may exist to these individuals in society (Shafe & Moore, 2016). In this manner, they may fail to interact with others as they may feel unwelcome in society. The action may lead them to engage in criminal acts such as murder and theft. Many serial killers are antisocial individuals. The character, in this case, may allow them to plan and execute illegal activities without limitation (Shafe & Moore, 2016). In this regard, this can increase their chances of engaging in crimes. The higher number of individuals with the disorder engaging in criminal activities may result from these lifestyles.

Criminals with an antisocial personality disorder may fear the life of freedom. In return, these individuals are prone to jail. They may engage in criminal activities to find themselves in prison. In this manner, the action can lead to a large number of individuals participating in illegal activities as a way of ensuring they are back in jail. (Shafe & Moore, 2016).  Fear of discrimination in society is another factor that can contribute to a more significant number of individuals in prison. The act can result as most individuals may prefer to stay in jail rather than face the society that does not recognize them.

Jail punishments may not be an effective way of dealing with criminal acts resulting from individuals with ASPD. In relation, these individuals may fail to change at the end of their jail term. In return, they may engage in criminal activities even after receiving jail term punishments.


There are various activities that the society and the authority should carry out to enhance the accommodation of individuals with ASPD disorders in community and reduce their chances of committing criminal activities. One of these factors is medical care. Individuals who are diagnosed with the disorder at an early age should receive the appropriate medical care. In return, the action can help such people to regain their normal conditions (Shafe & Moore, 2016). Additionally, it can be possible to prevent such people from committing criminal activities in the future. As a result, the action can help in reducing the number of crimes committed by individuals in the future. Also, it can be possible to reduce the number of individuals with the disorder in the society.

The society should be welcoming to individuals who return from jail. Most of the individuals who complete their jail term suffer depression as a result of being discriminated against by others. In return, the action results in these individuals engaging in crimes (Storebø & Simonsen, 2016). Committing further crimes leads them to return to prison. In this manner, the action contributes to a higher number of individuals with ASPD in prisons. The authority should ensure it is accommodating these individuals by giving them a favorable environment. It was showing a kind gesture towards them that may the best way to assist them in society (Storebø & Simonsen, 2016). In the long run, these individuals may change from their criminal acts to productive and responsible citizens. A sense of belonging also may help them to integrate well with others. In return, this can help to curb both short term and long term challenges that may result from such individuals. It may also help in creating a society that is free from criminals and criminal activities.

The authority should adopt effective means of dealing with individuals engaging in criminal acts. Special consideration should be given to individuals who have any kind of disorder. In this manner, individuals with ASPD should receive proper care and treatment rather than taking them to jail (Torrey, 2018). The action can prevent these individuals from committing further criminal activities upon their return from prison. Therapy can be another way of treating these individuals. In this case, they can understand the disorder that is affecting them and develop ways of dealing with it.

Also, the provision of education, guidance, and counseling for criminals with this disorder can be an effective way of dealing with these individuals. In this manner, coaching can help them to develop ways of coping with their challenges (Torrey, 2018). Alternatively, educating these individuals and others in society can help to create awareness among individuals in the community. In return, the action can help society members to support individuals with this disorder. Their understanding can also help them to understand and accommodate individuals with ASPD in society (Torrey, 2018). The action in this way can help the community to live in harmony as it can be possible to eradicate criminal activities.

Another way of helping individuals with ASPD is by equipping them with essential skills that can help to engage in beneficial activities in society. In relation, they can use the skills to perform various tasks hence generating income. Also, employment can help to keep such individuals occupied, thus lacking time to conduct criminal activities (Vargas, 2010). As a result, the action can limit the number of illegal activities in the society hence contributing harmony and peace in the community. In consideration, the above factors can help to reduce the chances of individuals with antisocial personality disorder from engaging in criminal activities.



Guénaël, M. (2020). Seven crimes against humanity and other international crimes. International Crimes: Law and Practice

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Knifton, C., Postance, R., & Hemel, D. (2017). Services for individuals with both a learning disability and a mental health disorder. Psychiatric and psychological health nursing, 665-678.

Leopold, K., Ratzer, S., Correll, C. U., Rottmann-Wolf, M., Pfeiffer, S., Ritter, P., Bauer, M., & Pfennig, A. (2014). Characteristics, symptomatology, and naturalistic treatment in individuals at-risk for bipolar disorders: Baseline results in the first 180 help-seeking individuals assessed at the Dresden high-risk project. Journal of Affective Disorders152-154, 427-433.

North, C. S., & Yutzy, S. H. (2018). Antisocial personality disorder. Goodwin and Guze’s Psychiatric Diagnosis 7th Edition, 227-244.

Shafe, S., & Moore, S. (2016). Anti-social personality disorder and conduct disorder (ASPD/CD), ethnicity, and other characteristics of the alcohol treatment population in Trinidad and Tobago. West Indian Medical Journal

Storebø, O. J., & Simonsen, E. (2016). The association between ADHD and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Journal of Attention Disorders20(10), 815-824.

Torrey, E. F. (2018). 14.4 follow-up treatment for individuals with serious mental illness who have committed significant crimes. Schizophrenia Bulletin44(suppl_1), S24-S24.

Vargas, M. (2010). Are psychopathic serial killers evil? Serial Killers – Philosophy for Everyone, 66-77.


















The Coloration between Antisocial Personality Disorder and Criminality

















In society, many individuals engage in criminal activities. Some of these individuals are normal, while others have Anti-Social Personality Disorder. In this manner, these individuals are prone to illegal activities. However, little attention is given to these individuals in society. The action, in this manner, can result from high crime rates in the community from these individuals. In consideration, the study aims at finding the correlation between ASPD and criminality. It considers various factors that may lead to individuals with the disorder to engage in crime. Alternatively, it considers scenarios of multiple victims of the chaos and their criminal activities. Also, the study finds a strong correlation between individuals with ASPD and their engagements in illegal activities. The study also gives recommendations that the authority should consider in dealing with criminals with ASPD in society. Some of these ways include the provision of medical care for these individuals, provision of education to these individuals and the community, and offering alternative forms of correction rather than taking them to jail. In consideration of the above factors, society can provide an environment that is conducive to the victims of ASPD. They can also help in promoting a crime-free community as they can help in curbing crimes.









Chapter I: Introduction. 4

Chapter II: Literature Review.. 8

Section III: Methodology. 19

Chapter IV: Results and Analysis. 20

Chapter V.. 22

Discussion. 22

Conclusions. 23

Recommendations. 25

References. 27















Chapter I: Introduction

An antisocial personality disorder is a challenge that affects various individuals across the continent. In this case, individuals with this disorder have a mental condition that impairs their rational reasoning. As a result, they may engage in activities that may cause unrest and violations of other people around them. In relation, the condition distorts the personality of individuals having the effect of this disorder. Also, people having a disability may behave in a manner that may be generally unacceptable in society. The action, in return, can make such people be termed as harmful to society.

The disorder affects individuals from all walks of life. Essentially, the disability starts at an early age and extends to adulthood. Various factors may contribute to individuals having this disability(Shafe & Moore, 2016). There is no exact cause of the disorder among the individual. Also, factors such as the environment and genetics impact on a significant way on the existence of the chaos to an individual. Besides, there are high chances of men getting this disorder than females.

One factor that may contribute to the development of antisocial personality disorder among individuals may include the experience of an individual of abuse during his or her childhood. In this manner, such individuals may develop characters that may be generally unacceptable in society (Shafe & Moore, 2016). Also, a person brought up by parents having the disorder may have a high chance of developing it. The action may result from them coping with the activities of their parents when they are growing up. Alternatively, alcoholic parents hay have a more substantial influence on the children near them. In return, it may be easier for the children to adopt some of the behaviors from the adults surrounding them. These factors, in this manner, can increase the chances of individuals developing the disorder.

Individuals suffering from ant-social personality disorder display various traits, be they, children, or adults. Among adults, individuals with this disorder are often angry. As a result, it is easier to set such individuals to anger, even from a slight provocation (Torrey, 2018). Also, these individuals appear to be arrogant. In his manner, they may do activities without having any consideration of the consequences. In relation, it may be easier for such individuals to engage in criminal activities, which may be a source of harm.

Another symptom of people with this disorder is the ability to manipulate others. In this way, they may influence other individuals to engage in activities that they do not want for their favor. In return, they may contribute to the action of other individuals committing criminal activities. Besides, these individuals can tell lies more often. In most cases, they may engage in lies to have their way and obtain what they want from other people (Torrey, 2018). Such behavior can lead to activities such as stealing among such people. They may take items and commodities of value from other individuals without their consent. Also, people with these disabilities are prone to lawbreakers. Breaking the law may result from their engagement in criminal activities such as lying, drug abuse, stealing, and other illegal activities. The action, in return, may cause them to always be against the law.

Considering the above symptoms among individuals with an antisocial personality disorder, it is evident that there is a higher probability of these people engaging in criminal activities. In this regard, it could be essential to address the issue of this disorder in the society. Providing a better and clear understanding of the disorder among various individuals may help most people in the community (Torrey, 2018). In return, individuals with a clear understanding of the disorder may identify it quickly among individuals who surround them. Alternatively, understanding individuals’ personality with this disability can help generate useful guidelines to deal with such individuals. Parents and guardians can quickly identify the signs of the disorder among the children. The action can help in taking earlier precautions regarding the issue among the children. In relation, they can develop ways of bringing their children up without challenges.

Individuals have to understand the disorder. In return, it may result in providing proper care to individuals experiencing the effect of the disease. Also, people can develop fruitful relationships with these individuals (Vargas, M. (2010). Understanding of these people can also help them to incorporate easily with others in society. In this regard, it is essential to determine if there is any coloration between antisocial personality disorder and criminality. Therefore, the study can provide a clear understanding of the impact of the disease of antisocial personality in matters relating to crime.

In most cases, individuals with this disorder are prevalent in the commitment of crimes. The study aims at determining the coloration between antisocial personality disorders and criminality. In return, it is essential to consider various research questions. The research questions include; do adults with Antisocial Personality Disorder commit more violent crimes or nonviolent crimes? In answering this research question, the action will enhance the understanding of the disorder’s impact on individuals in matters relating to criminal activities. In relation, it can be easier to understand the types of illegal activity individuals with this disorder commit.

The disorder has an impact on both adults and children. In this regard, the disorder can influence even children to commit criminal activities. In this manner, another research question will be, how many children with the diagnosis of conduct disorder commit violent and nonviolent crimes? Answering the research question will help understand the impact of the disorder among the children in matters relating to crimes. In return, it may be easier to understand them and devise various ways of dealing with such cases among the children.

In enhancing the understanding of the impact the disorder has on various individuals and criminal activities, the study will consider different criminal individuals’ cases and their actions. Such individuals include Ted Bundy, Wayne Gacy, and Charles Mansion. These are individuals who are victims of the disorder Vargas, M. (2010). The study will also involve how their criminal activities and how they were able to evade their capture for long.  Also, the study will consider the differences between antisocial personality disorder and condition disorder with DSM-IV disorder. The victims of ASPD and CD disorders receive different treatment from both the law and the public. In this manner, the study will determine the right response these individuals should obtain from their actions. In return, adequate consideration of these individuals and their efforts in the society may help provide a conducive environment for them and others in the community.

Some limitations of this study are that many prospective studies have involved no representative samples, such as those who have been hospitalized or adjudicated. Most studies on ASPD and criminality are done on criminals, so it is hard to get an accurate idea of what successful treatment for these individuals would look like.  Another limitation is that the definition of ASPD seems to be changing quite often, which complicates the interpretation of findings in early studies. Probably the most significant restriction will be that there is a lot of research on ASPD itself but not as much available from a criminality point of view. However, they all address the criminality aspect. It’s just not as through in that sense as I would like.

The hypothesis of the study is, “there is a correlation between Antisocial Personality Disorder and Conduct disorder and crime, both violent and nonviolent.” In relation, the thesis will aim at finding the correlation between antisocial personality disorder and criminality.


Chapter II: Literature Review

Individuals who commit serious crimes are most likely the victims of social disorders. In relation, adults with personality disorders may commit violent crimes such as rape, murder, and assault (Guénaël, 2020). As a result, adults’ commitment to these criminal activities may lead to the infliction of severe physical damage on the victims. However, other illegal activities may not result in serious physical injuries. Some of these crimes include kidnapping. The action is a severe criminal activity that may lead to harmful consequences. However, the work may result where the kidnapper may fail to inflict physical injury on the individual he or she is kidnapping.

There are higher chances of adults with an antisocial personality disorder to commit more violent crimes than nonviolent ones. The action results from the behavior and characteristics these individuals display. Individuals with this disorder are arrogant. In this regard, they may fail to consider the outcomes of their practice (Guénaël, 2020). They may, in this case, engage in dangerous activities without consideration.  Also, it may not see a big deal in committing significant crimes. Their arrogant behaviors may make a substantial contribution to their engagement in violent criminal activities.

In relation, the victims of this disorder lack remorse while committing crimes. In this manner, the action may contribute to the nature of engaging in violent criminal activities. Alternatively, they may roughly handle their victims while committing illegal activities, hence inflicting severe injuries for individuals who may come on their way while committing crimes (Guénaël, 2020). Also, victims of this disorder are violent and hostile. In this manner, these characters may increase their chances of undertaking extreme criminal activities.

Individuals with antisocial personality disorder have a high likelihood of engaging in drug abuse. In return, drug abuse can impair the ability of individuals to reason. The decision making of these individuals may be reduced. In the long run, they may not consider their actions while engaging in illegal activities—their efforts, in this case, maybe fatal on their victims (Guénaël, 2020). Also, individuals prone to drug abuse may be likely to make impaired judgments. In return, their poor decision-making ability may limit their ability to differentiate between what is right and wrong. In matters regarding committing the crime, they may lack proper reasoning. In return, they may commit serious crimes with a substantial negative impact on individuals.

Individuals with these disorders also are prone to lawbreakers. In this manner, they may fail to consider the impact of their criminal actions. Besides, they may fail to consider the consequences of their actions. These individuals, in this case, can commit dangerous crimes without the fear of facing the authority (Guénaël, 2020).  Theft is another character of these individuals. While committing crimes, they may face opposition from the property owners or the power resisting their activity. In action, they may inflict severe injuries on their opponents while combating resistance. In this regard, the work can increase their chances of engaging in violent criminal activities.

Children are also victims of conduct disorders. Children with this disorder may possess behaviors that differ from those of those who appear healthy. In this regard, these children have a high chance of engaging in criminal activities. Some of the characteristics that the adolescents at this age may possess may include bullying (Guénaël, 2020). In this case, they may engage in activities that may lead to the humiliation of their fellow children of the same period. Also, they may often engage in physical fights with other individuals. Picking of quarrels among this group is also prevalent. In return, their action can contribute to physical harm to themselves and other individuals. Also, they may engage in other illegal activities such as shop-lifting, arson and may be disobedient to their guardians.

Children possessing this disability may have a diagnosis of deficits relating to neuropsychological. The gap may have a significant impact on the behavior of these individuals. In relation, they may impair their usual ways of life and their relationship with other individuals. Consequently, their level of understanding can be affected by this deficit. In return, they may face challenges of understanding various situations. Besides, the action can affect their decision-making ability hence increasing their chances of making wrong decisions regarding multiple issues (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). Such children may, therefore, engage in criminal activities without proper awareness. In return, the action can contribute to adverse effects on the illegal actions these individuals engage in.

Also, children with this disorder may experience challenges while undergoing development. The situation in this manner can make them engage in criminal activities in their adulthood. In relation, they may lack a proper relationship with other individuals in society (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). In this regard, the action can increase their chances of engaging in violent criminal activities as they may fail to consider the feelings of their victims. As a result, there are higher chances of children diagnosed with condition disorder engaging in violent crimes. In this regard, the action can lead to an increase in the number of these individuals participating in this nature of crime compared to the number of nonviolent crimes.

In most cases, individuals who engage in criminal activities receive punishment. The act of penance aims at enabling individuals to receive correction and refrain from participating further in illegal activities. The forms of discipline may include imprisonments or fines. However, this is not always the case. There are situations where individuals engage in crimes further despite receiving punishments from their past criminal activities (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). The action that results from re-arresting, conviction, or return of prison by individuals who have a prior engagement in this process is referred to recidivism.

In a research study carried out by an urban institute in the year 2003, there was an indication that seven individuals out of 10 have the chance of being re-arrested after three years since their release. However, the institute was basing its studies on the females. In relation, the study also showed that various factors might contribute to these individuals engaging in such activities (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). These include peers around the social environment of an individual. In this manner, individuals may engage with individuals who may play a part in influencing them to go back to prison. Such individuals may act as a bad influence on them by providing chances that may lead them to criminal activities.

Family is another factor that may contribute to the return of individuals to prison. After returning from a prison or correction facility, individuals may lack a warm welcome from their family members. Also, a family may react in a hostile way towards such individuals. In return, the individuals may presume the action as an unwelcome gesture hence leading to them looking for an environment that can favor their existence (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). In this regard, these individuals may join criminal groups where they receive a sense of belonging. Therefore, the action may increase their chances of engaging in illegal activities, hence making them prone to return to prison.

A community that an individual comes from can contribute to their ability to return to prison. In this case, society has a notion of treating individuals with records in a suspicious manner. The condition, therefore, may be unfavorable to these individuals (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). As a result, they may tend to find an environment that favors their existence. Also, individuals with similar criminal characteristics may group and form criminal gangs. In return, the chances of engaging in crime may rise hence their chances of going back to prison.

Also, criminals prone to jail life may find it difficult to survive in a ‘normal.’ As a result, they may find the environment in society not accommodating for them. In return, some may engage in any activity that may lead them to prison where they may feel ‘fit.’ These individuals may also fear being judged by society for their criminal actions (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). As a result, they may alienate themselves from a culture where good morals and ethics are accepted. In this regard, the effect can lead to their further commitment to crimes hence attracting jail punishment.

Individuals having antisocial personality disorder have higher chances of engaging in criminal activities. Also, they may possess characteristics that may make them prone to committing more criminal acts. In this manner, features such as being reckless in their actions may increase the high chances of engaging in violent crimes (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). Alternatively, it may be difficult for such individuals to cope with failure, especially after coming out of prison an accepting to make a change. In return, the action may lead to them further joining criminal gangs where they may feel a sense of belonging. Besides, individuals with ASPD may have challenges in decision making. They can face the challenge of identifying the activities that are good for them, especially after coming out of prison (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). Also, they may tend to opt for going back to jail rather than facing the unknown in society. In consideration of these factors, there are higher chances of people with ASPD having higher recidivism rates than other individuals who may be considered normal.

Various individuals have been diagnosed with ASPD. However, they engage in criminal activities and actions that are not acceptable in society. Some of these individuals are Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Charles Mansion (Knifton,  Postance & Hemel, 2017). In consideration, these individuals possessed the same quality that enabled them to carry out illegal activities such as the serial killing of innocent individuals. The common thing about them was that they were victims of ASPD. In relation, they could engage in these activities, which, beyond any reasonable doubt, are ‘abnormal.’

Various factors led to these individuals in committing their criminal activities. However, a significant factor is their common condition of having the effect of ASPD (Howick, 2009). With the disorder, their individuals had the challenge of making rational decisions regarding various aspects of life. In relation, it was easier for them to give in to their destructive desires.

Personal desires are another factor that led these individuals to engage in their criminal activities. For example, despite the popularity that John Gacy had, he could not lead a healthy life. He had desires, which were significant factors that led to him committing crimes. He likes a sex addict. He pursued other individual’s wives and also engaged in prostitution activities (Howick, 2009). His sexual desires also led him to engage in sexual activities with even young men. To satisfy his wishes, he involved in the kidnapping and taking the lives of his victims after sex and burying their bodies in areas around his residence.

Membership of sect groups is a factor that motivates individuals to engage in criminal activity. The case is similar to that of Charles Mansion. The individual was a member of a cult conducting a series of killings, mostly aiming at families (Jones & Carlin, 2016). In relation, Charles was a cult leader where he was recruiting individuals to fuel his criminal acts. As a result, he could carry the killings of various families allowing the murder trials to stay in the test for long. Besides, Charles and the gang ensured they leave blood trail as a clue for their murdering activities.

Sexual desires drove criminals in engaging in a killing spree. Like John Gacy, Bandy was a victim of his sexual desires. As a result, he targeted women and young girls who became victims of his criminal act. He was attracting pity from his victims, forcing them to give aid to him (Jones & Carlin, 2016). In the long run, he could hit them on the head, making them succumb to death. In relation, Bandy could cut the body of his victims to pieces. Also, he could have sex with the dead bodies of his victims. Evidence shows that he could have killed more than 100 individuals from his criminal act.

Although being victims of ASPD, these individuals were smart enough to ensure their capture was taking long. For example, in the case of Bandy, in one of his trials, he was able to escape from the courtroom by acting as his lawyer. The disguise allowed him to escape from the court through the library. Such an action cannot be done by an individual who is not smart enough. Also, proper planning of their criminal activities enhanced their extended survival in their killing game. Recruiting other individuals to help them engage in illegal activities as Charles did was another way of ensuring their continuity of criminal activities and concealing themselves (Jones & Carlin, 2016). In this regard, it may be difficult to trace and follow murder conducted by a large number of individuals in a particular place.

As victims of ASPD, these individuals were not in fear while carrying out their criminal acts. In this manner, their brevity was able to deal with their situations in inefficient ways without leaving traces. Also, they showed a lack of remorse while carrying out their activities (Jones & Carlin, 2016). In return, they could engage in criminal acts without guilt for their criminal acts. In this case, the ability ensured they inflict harm on one victim after the other without having regrets.

These individuals also seemed to derive a kind of satisfaction from their criminal acts of killing. In relation, the situation acted as a driving force toward their illegal activities. Being a member of cult groups also could make a significant contribution to their ability to commit crimes (Jones & Carlin, 2016). The action could result as they were to fulfill specific requirements of the cult. In this regard, they had to continue their criminal activities of killing people to derive satisfaction and fulfill their desires. Some like Gacy were famous individuals. In this manner, it could have been trying for the authority or other individuals to suspect such an individual who commanded respect for criminal activities. In return, the action allowed him to continue conducting his dangerous acts of killing.

Ted Bundy was a criminal who escaped from the hands of the law two times despite the police being around him and having proper knowledge that he was a serial killer. On his first escape, he was to act as his lawyer (Howick, 2009). In this regard, he had the freedom to use the law library in preparation for his defense. In relation, there were no leg shackles or the handcuffs as the judge who was presiding the case ruled. According to Bundy, he was planning for his escape as he felt ‘bored’ as a result of being locked up. In relation, the library provided his escape route. He says that when the police went outside the library to smoke, they jumped through the window and headed for the mountains (Howick, 2009). It was obvious the police were not expecting such a thing could happen. In this way, it was easier for him to escape.

The second escape of Bandy was from Garfield County Jail. In the flight, he used unsecured grate to make his escape. He succumbed himself, allowing him to lose weight to fit through the opening on the ceiling. In the end, he escaped through an apartment belonging to a jailer who was absent. Besides, he was on civilian clothes, and it was easy for him to escape through at night (Howick, 2009). Despite the police being around. Ted was smart in executing his plans for escape. Alternatively, he ensured there is no force involving the police while escaping. In return, it was easier for him to escape without attracting a lot of attention from the police.

Differences exist between ASPD and CD from DSM-IV disorders. The latter is concerned with the environmental factors that affect an individual’s life. Such factors may affect how individuals carry their normal activities in their lives and their relationships with others. These include problems that may exist in the social environment of individuals (Howick, 2009). In this manner, the disorder may result from the actions and treatment that a person receives from those surrounding him or her. In return, the work may tend to influence their way of living and their reaction towards other people.

Also, there exist problems resulting from the occupation individuals.  The activities that individuals carry in their daily lives to earn a living may influence their relationship with other people and how they respond to various matters in their lives. Besides, education that an individual receives is also a factor that can influence DSM-IV disorder in an individual. Studies act as a way of enlightening and opening the minds of individuals. In this regard, the ability of reasoning may vary between individuals who are educated and those who lack education.

There are higher chances of individuals with ASPD and CD disorders to engage in criminal activities. However, the direct rule from the authority for every criminal is to serve a jail sentence. The action may not be sufficient for individuals who are having the disorder. In relation, these people have a high chance of returning to their criminal activities after serving their jail term (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). Factors that may contribute to these individuals returning to prison may include fear of how society will take them. They may also fear to face their new life of freedom. In this manner, the action of imprisoning these individuals may not be valid. In this regard, it is essential to adopt effective measures that will ensure change that will help these individuals lead meaningful lives.

Prisoning of these individuals may not be the best solution. As a result, placing them in a secure mental institution may be a useful measure of helping them to adopt good morals and lead healthy lives. In relation, special care and attention should be accorded to these individuals in these institutions. Those individuals who may be suffering from severe mental conditions may receive treatments that may help them return to normalcy (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). Alternatively, providing education to these individuals in a psychiatric facility may help them change their lives. In this way, they may accept their disabilities and develop ideas that can help them to lead healthy lives.

Individuals with these disorders are prone to violence, destruction of property, and inflicting harm to individuals or animals around them. Taking such individuals to prison cannot help in solving problems such as violence. It will only act as a way of fuelling them further to these activities (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). In consideration, their accommodation to the mental facility may be a better option than in the prisons. In this manner, they may learn how to be social with other individuals. In return, the action may help in enhancing better relationships with others. Also, they can receive education on how to deal with emotions adequately. In the long run, mental facilities may play a significant role in changing individuals’ behaviors ineffective way in comparison with the prison.

Proper care should be given to individuals who are diagnosed with ASPD or CD disorders. In this regard, adequate care can help them deal with issues that may affect them in their lives. They can also lead to healthy and productive lives as other individuals. Alternatively, some disorders are easy to treat when detected at an early age. Their treatment in this manner can help those healthy live lives that are free from the disease (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). Also, therapy can help such people to adopt ways that are positive in their lives. For those individuals with severe conditions, treatment may help them accept their terms and know how to live with them. In return, the actions can help in bettering the lives of such individuals.

Individuals with treatable conditions should take medications for their disorders. In return, medications may help them lessen the effects of the disease or deal with their situations permanently (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). In consideration, it is essential to give care early enough for people with these disorders. In return, the action can help them to avoid challenges that may occur in the future. Such may include an individual’s engagement in criminal activities and hence violating the law.

Therapy and medication is an effective way of dealing with challenges that an individual can be diagnosed with. The action can curb the short-term and long-term impacts of these disorders in individuals’ lives (Leopold, Ratzer, Correll, Rottmann-Wolf, Pfeiffer,  Ritter, Bauer & Pfennig, 2014). Also, it may be a better way to reduce criminal activities in society that may result from such individuals’ actions. Helping them not only helps them live healthy lives but can also help in the promotion of a society free from criminal activities.





Chapter III: Methodology

The study used secondary sources to obtain data in finding the correlation between antisocial personality disorder and criminality. In relation, the data was from sources that were accredited and of high quality. Also, the data from these sources were relating to the topic of the study. They comprised the number of individuals with antisocial personality disorder and their engagement in criminal activities. In relation, the data put into consideration different crimes that individuals have the disorder commit. It also put into account the age of individuals in the information that is in the study. Additionally, there is the consideration of people from all gender to ensure fair representation.

There were advantages of using secondary sources of data in the study. First, it was given a chance to examine the work of other researchers about similar topics as the study topic. Also, it was easier to obtain data hence saving in both time and monitory costs. Saving on time helped in enabling the proper concentration of an individual on the study. Contrary, this method of obtaining data posed some challenges. One was difficulties in searching and identifying data that was most suitable for the topic of the study. In this manner, one had to sample the works of various authors to determine the one with appropriate data that can suit the purpose of the study. In consideration, there was the use of data of high quality and relevant to the study. In return, the action enhanced the output of the research.






Chapter IV: Results and Analysis

In a given study, there is the consideration of several individuals in prison and their criminal activities. Out of 99 individuals, the table below shows the distribution of normal and individuals who possess a personality disorder.

 Total No of individuals99
Normal individuals28
Individuals with Personality Disorder71











CrimeNormal individualsIndividuals with DisorderTotal
Drug relating crimes61117


In the study, 28.28% of the total criminals in the study were normal individuals, while 71.72% of the entire people were those who were having disorders. Also, many individuals were involved in the criminal act of murder as compared to other illegal activities.










Chapter V


According to the study, 71 individuals were engaging in criminal activities as well as having the disorder. Other normal individuals from the study were only 28 from the total number of 99 individuals. In this manner, it is evident that there are higher chances of individuals who are having the disorder to engage in criminal activities. In this case, many factors may contribute to these individuals engaging in criminal acts. These may include the ignorance of these individuals to engage in criminal activities. They cannot differentiate between normal actions and illegal activities. In return, this contributes to higher crime rates among individuals who are having antisocial personality disorders.

Also, criminals can engage in various kinds of criminal activities. In each category, individuals with disorders are higher than normal individuals. Among 22 individuals committing the criminal act of theft, 17 of them are individuals with the disorder. These individuals make about 77.27% of individuals engaging in theft. In this manner, there are three times the chances of an individual with a disorder to commit the crime of robbery. The trend is the same for individuals in other categories.

Generally, individuals have higher chances of committing the crime of murder. Twenty-four out of the total sample of criminals engage in criminal murder activity. However, there are 15 individuals with the disorder out of the 24 committing the criminal act of murder. The number makes about 62.5% of the total individuals engaging in criminal activity. Also, other illegal activities include rape, assault, and crimes relating to drugs. In these categories also, there are many individuals with the disorder who engage in criminal activities.



From the analysis, it is evident that there is a strong relationship between the existence of anti-social disability disorder and their ability to commit criminal activities. Many individuals who commit crimes are individuals who are having the disorder. In relation, many factors may influence an individual to engage in criminal acts. These individuals lack remorse while committing their crimes or when facing their opponents (North & Yutzy, 2018). In return, they may require fear while engaging in crimes. The action, therefore, can contribute to a large number of individuals carrying the criminal activities.

Also, individuals with the disorder lack the ability of reasoning properly. In return, it may be difficult for them to differentiate between good and harmful activities. As a result, they may engage in criminal activities more often as compared to normal individuals. Also, these individuals may be antisocial. In relation, it may be difficult for them to interact effectively with others (North & Yutzy, 2018). The action can lead them to segregate themselves from other individuals hence becoming ‘loners.’ In this case, there are higher chances of individuals who lead this kind of lifestyle to engage in criminal activities. These may include people who commit murder activities such as being serial killers. In this regard, the position offers higher chances of them engaging in the activities of crimes (North & Yutzy, 2018). From the study also, there is a higher number of individuals participating in the criminal activity of murder. A more significant proportion of these individuals are the ones who are having the disorder. In this case, their lifestyle behavior may be the factor that is contributing to the more significant number of individuals engaging in criminal activities of murder.

Assault is another crime these individuals were committing. In consideration, most of the individuals who were committing this criminal act consist of those with the disorders. People living with Antisocial personality disorder have a high likelihood of being violent. In this manner, the violent act may have contributed to their engagement in this criminal act. Alternatively, their actions can alienate them from other individuals due to existing differences (Shafe & Moore, 2016). In this case, these individuals may be prone to engaging in acts of violence. Also, they may engage in actions that may help them to gain the attention of others. In this case, they may assault others in their way to attract attention or to appear friendly to the others; they may engage in violence with others. The action can make them attract a jail term.

The society is another factor that may influence making many individuals with disorders engage in criminal activities. Discrimination may exist to these individuals in society (Shafe & Moore, 2016). In this manner, they may fail to interact with others as they may feel unwelcome in society. The action may lead them to engage in criminal acts such as murder and theft. Many serial killers are antisocial individuals. The character, in this case, may allow them to plan and execute illegal activities without limitation (Shafe & Moore, 2016). In this regard, this can increase their chances of engaging in crimes. The higher number of individuals with the disorder engaging in criminal activities may result from these lifestyles.

Criminals with an antisocial personality disorder may fear the life of freedom. In return, these individuals are prone to jail. They may engage in criminal activities to find themselves in prison. In this manner, the action can lead to a large number of individuals participating in illegal activities as a way of ensuring they are back in jail. (Shafe & Moore, 2016).  Fear of discrimination in society is another factor that can contribute to a more significant number of individuals in prison. The act can result as most individuals may prefer to stay in jail rather than face the society that does not recognize them.

Jail punishments may not be an effective way of dealing with criminal acts resulting from individuals with ASPD. In relation, these individuals may fail to change at the end of their jail term. In return, they may engage in criminal activities even after receiving jail term punishments.


There are various activities that the society and the authority should carry out to enhance the accommodation of individuals with ASPD disorders in community and reduce their chances of committing criminal activities. One of these factors is medical care. Individuals who are diagnosed with the disorder at an early age should receive the appropriate medical care. In return, the action can help such people to regain their normal conditions (Shafe & Moore, 2016). Additionally, it can be possible to prevent such people from committing criminal activities in the future. As a result, the action can help in reducing the number of crimes committed by individuals in the future. Also, it can be possible to reduce the number of individuals with the disorder in the society.

The society should be welcoming to individuals who return from jail. Most of the individuals who complete their jail term suffer depression as a result of being discriminated against by others. In return, the action results in these individuals engaging in crimes (Storebø & Simonsen, 2016). Committing further crimes leads them to return to prison. In this manner, the action contributes to a higher number of individuals with ASPD in prisons. The authority should ensure it is accommodating these individuals by giving them a favorable environment. It was showing a kind gesture towards them that may the best way to assist them in society (Storebø & Simonsen, 2016). In the long run, these individuals may change from their criminal acts to productive and responsible citizens. A sense of belonging also may help them to integrate well with others. In return, this can help to curb both short term and long term challenges that may result from such individuals. It may also help in creating a society that is free from criminals and criminal activities.

The authority should adopt effective means of dealing with individuals engaging in criminal acts. Special consideration should be given to individuals who have any kind of disorder. In this manner, individuals with ASPD should receive proper care and treatment rather than taking them to jail (Torrey, 2018). The action can prevent these individuals from committing further criminal activities upon their return from prison. Therapy can be another way of treating these individuals. In this case, they can understand the disorder that is affecting them and develop ways of dealing with it.

Also, the provision of education, guidance, and counseling for criminals with this disorder can be an effective way of dealing with these individuals. In this manner, coaching can help them to develop ways of coping with their challenges (Torrey, 2018). Alternatively, educating these individuals and others in society can help to create awareness among individuals in the community. In return, the action can help society members to support individuals with this disorder. Their understanding can also help them to understand and accommodate individuals with ASPD in society (Torrey, 2018). The action in this way can help the community to live in harmony as it can be possible to eradicate criminal activities.

Another way of helping individuals with ASPD is by equipping them with essential skills that can help to engage in beneficial activities in society. In relation, they can use the skills to perform various tasks hence generating income. Also, employment can help to keep such individuals occupied, thus lacking time to conduct criminal activities (Vargas, 2010). As a result, the action can limit the number of illegal activities in the society hence contributing harmony and peace in the community. In consideration, the above factors can help to reduce the chances of individuals with antisocial personality disorder from engaging in criminal activities.



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