The contrast between Christianity and Islam
Christianity and Islam contrast and overlap when it comes to teachings about judgment and the afterlife, which is the core factor that holds both religions’ credibility. Christianity is considered the predecessor of Islam, and scholars agree that numerous similarities exist in their religious teachings. The obvious similarity is the reward wherein Christianity God’s teachings states, “How blest are those who have suffered persecution for the cause of right; the kingdom of heaven is theirs” (Bible, Novak, 244). The promise that those who suffer humiliation and prosecution because of adhering to God’s teachings will be rewarded in Judgment Day. The teachings correlate with Quran doctrines, which offer the same insight when it comes to prosecuting people for defending and standing with the true word of God. In Islam, God promises those who are killed because they believe in his teachings that “He will vouchsafe them guidance and ennoble their state; He will admit them to the Paradise he has made known to them” (Quran, Novak, 300-301). In Christian and Islam religions, the believers who live according to God’s wish and commands are promised the greatest reward, which is a paradise where eternal happiness is possible.
One of the obvious notable differences in Christianity and Islam teachings is the issue of revenge for wrongdoing. According to Jesus teachings, one should never take any revenge, and Christ goes ahead to say “… if anvone strikes vou on the right cheek, turn the other also; . . . and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile” (Bible, Novak, 242). The statement means that one should always love their enemies, and God does not love vengeful people. In contrast, Islam teachings call for revenge if an enemy strikes them first and when it comes to defending their beliefs in God. Islam calls the believers to “Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you, but do not attack them first” (Quran, Novak, 300). The issue of revenge shows the notable differences in dealing with enemies, and one can argue the contrasting approaches adopted by these two popular religions.
Question 2
I have to agree that I had superficial knowledge when it comes to religions and their origin, and thus everything in MMW121 was somehow surprising for me. However, I have to say that I was surprised to learn that Islam teachings are not so superficial as many people who are non-Muslim think. I always thought that the Quran was a pro-terrorism and radicalization book. However, through reading the World Wisdom, I understand that most of the teachings are manipulated to fit individuals’ needs and desires. So, Islam was the most surprising thing that I got to learn in MMW121.
Question 3
I would love to learn more about traditional African religious beliefs and how they contrast or overlap with other world religions. I noticed that most continents’ historical and cultural beliefs are present, but none is present from Africa, which is the cradle for humankind. So, I would love to see some form of African traditional beliefs added in the course to understand the earliest formation of beliefs.