The course readings on children’s literature
The course readings on children’s literature were useful in providing guidance on the subject’s more profound levels. Additionally, they offered content that can be used by educators and even students to learn more about children’s literature.
How did the discussion boards develop your understanding of Children’s Literature?
The discussion boards were very effective and influential in hammering and reinforcing the information regarding children’s literature. Through my interactions with my peers, I made several connections and built professional relationships that are important now and in the future.
What did you find the most challenging in the course?
The most challenging issue in the course was choosing the most appropriate art experience that suites each age group from infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children. Some art experiences overlapped in some age groups, while some other age groups such as the infants had minimal activities to choose from for the art experiences.
What did you find the most useful and enjoyable in the course?
The use of media for literacy development was the most enjoyable and useful topic in my view in the course. The topic embraces the current teaching trends by using media such as podcasts, videos, twitter accounts, and even websites in the digital era of technology and innovation.
What advice would you offer to future students taking the course?
My advice to the future students taking the course, it is vital to be open-minded when taking up this course. As an educator, one must understand that all kids are unique with different capabilities. Therefore, as educators, it is essential to study each kid and employ learning techniques that help them learn and retain their acquired knowledge.