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The data

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The data

In a study into the effects of acute negative mood on attentional control,participants (N=40) were allocated to either a neutral or negative mood induction where they were played either neutral music whilst recalling a neutral event;or negative music whilst recalling a negative event.

They then did a Flanker Task (Eriksen&Eriksen1974), which measured their reaction time (RT)to correctly classify a letter appearing on the screen either alone, or while ‘flanked’ by either the same (e.g. SSSSSSS), or different (e.g. SSSCSSS) letters. The strings of target and noise letters were presented either: close together(e.g. SSSCSSS), at intermediate spacing (e.g. S SS C S S S), or wide apart (e.g. S   SS   C   S   S   S).

The task was expected to be more difficult (leading to slower RTs) when the letters were closer together and the noise letters different from the target.


Variable nameDescription Codes
1participantIdentifies each participant with a unique number
2moodMood induction condition1 = neutral

2 = sad

3GenderGender1 = male

2 = female

5SubjectSubject studied
6NervousTPOMS: negative mood item 10 =Not at all

1=A little

2= Moderately

3= Quite a bit

4= Extremely

7LonelyTPOMS: negative mood item 2
8UnworthyTPOMS: negative mood item 3
9TenseTPOMS: negative mood item 4
10AnxiousTPOMS: negative mood item 5
11DiscouragedTPOMS: negative mood item 6
12UneasyTPOMS: negative mood item 7
13GloomyTPOMS: negative mood item 8
14SadTPOMS: negative mood item 9
15ShakyTPOMS: negative mood item 10
16sadBMIVAS rating of sadness before mood induction
17happyBMIVAS rating of happiness before mood induction
18anxiousBMIVAS rating of anxiousness before mood induction
19boredBMIVAS rating of bored mood before mood induction
20sadAMIVAS rating of sadness after mood induction
21happyAMIVAS rating of happiness after mood induction
22anxiousAMIVAS rating of anxiousnessafter mood induction
23boredAMIVAS rating of bored mood after  mood induction
24sadAFVAS rating of sadness after flanker task
25happyAFVAS rating of happiness afterflanker task
26anxiousAFVAS rating of anxiousnessafterflanker task
27boredAFVAS rating of bored mood afterflanker task
29ERRORSNumber of errors on Flanker task
31numbertotallycorrectCorrect recall  of number1 = correct

0 = incorrect

32SpacingNarrowCongruentMean RT narrow spacing noise same as1 target
33SpacingNarrowIncongruentMean RT narrow spacing noise different1 from target
34SpacingIntermedateCongruentMean RT intermediate spacing noise same as target1
35SpacingIntermedateIncongruentMean RT RT intermediate spacing noise different from target1
36SpacingWideCongruentMean RT wide spacing noise same as target1
37SpacingWideIncongruentMean RT wide spacing noise different from target1
38NoNoiseMixedMeanMean RT target presented alone1

1Reaction times less than 200ms, greater than 1000ms, or more than 2sd above the participant’s mean, and trials with errors were discarded before calculation of mean reaction times.

Flanker task

  1. For the flanker task part of the study there were three factors in the design (mood (2), congruence (2), and spacing (3)). Use an appropriate ANOVA design to analyse this data and consider whether the mood induction affecteddistractibility by incongruent distractor stimuli, and how this was affected by the spacing of stimuli?


  1. Would it be helpful to use either: i, errors made on the flanker task; or ii, reaction time for trials with no noise stimuli, as a covariate in the analysis of the flanker task data?


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