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The Effect of Motivation on Job Satisfaction and Performance

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The Effect of Motivation on Job Satisfaction and Performance

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Motivation is an important pillar that human resource managers prioritize in their organizations because it significantly impacts their productivity. Evidence has shown that motivated employees are more focused, determined and interested in doing their best at everything they do (Kuswati, 2020). Motivation is a stimulating factor that significantly influences job satisfaction and performance. However, having a motivated team can be difficult for different reasons. Motivation is influenced by internal and external factors that must be perfectly combined for the desired outcomes to be achieved (Paais et al., 2020). For instance, people have different reasons and motivations for seeking a job. It is, therefore, challenging to motivate an employee without self-motivation to succeed and excel in their work. The relationship between motivation, job satisfaction and performance is an exciting study area that needs particular focus and attention. It is on this basis that this study summarises two articles on the subject.

First Article: Paais, M., & Pattiruhu, J. R. (2020). Effect of motivation, leadership, and organizational culture on satisfaction and employee performance

  • What question/hypothesis was the researcher trying to answer or investigate?

The researchers in this article investigated the effect of motivation, leadership, and organizational culture on job satisfaction and employee performance. In the research, the researchers formulated and tested six hypotheses. They included:

H1: Motivation has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.

H2: Motivation has a positive and significant effect on performance.

H3: Leadership has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction

H4: Leadership has a positive and significant effect on performance

H5: Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction

H6: Organizational culture has a positive and significant impact on performance

H7: Job satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on performance.

  • Variables Studied

In the research, multiple independent and dependent variables were studied. Based on the hypotheses listed above, the independent variables were motivation, leadership,  job satisfaction and organizational culture. On the other hand, the dependent variables were job satisfaction and performance.

  • Sample Studied

The research involved Wahana Resources Ltd, North Seram District, Central Maluku Regency, and Indonesian employees. It involved 430 employees, out of which 186 were non-permanent and 244 were permanent (Paais et al., 2020). The proportionate stratified random sampling method was used to select 155 employees from the group involved in the study (Paais et al., 2020). The researchers have not attached the questionnaire to the appendix; it is also not identified by name. It is, therefore, demanding to know if it was a questionnaire used in other studies or a new data collection tool that was taken through the proper steps.

  • Data Collection

In obtaining data from the participants, the researchers used questionnaires. The data-gathering technique used in the study was appropriate because it provided qualitative information that enabled the researchers to prove or disprove the hypothesis they had formulated. This was, therefore, the most suitable data-gathering technique since it facilitated an accurate examination of the study’s hypothesis. The expected outcomes could not have been realized if the researchers had used a different data-gathering technique. However, it is imperative to note that the researchers must still provide information on the collected data. It would have been much easier to respond to this question if the questions used in the research were attached.

  • Results and How They Affect My Understanding of the World

The results showed that different variables had different outcomes. The study’s outcome showed that motivation and organizational culture significantly positively affected job performance (Paais et al., 2020). However, neither variable had a significant effect on job satisfaction. On the other hand, the researcher established that leadership substantially impacted job satisfaction but did not impact performance (Paais et al., 2020). The results of testing the coefficient of determination showed that job satisfaction was influenced by motivation, culture and leadership variables (57.4%) (Paais et al., 2020). Employee performance variables were also 73.5% controlled by leadership, job satisfaction,  motivation and culture (Paris et al., 2020).

Before reading the article, I thought, felt and believed that motivation significantly affects job satisfaction. However, based on the results, it is evident that it only considerably and positively impacts performance. This information and knowledge I did not have before has made me appreciate and understand that there may be employees in different parts of the world who are motivated to work but are not satisfied with their roles or jobs. From the study, I have learned that the organizational environment is a critical factor in enhancing employee satisfaction, and it must be given serious weight and consideration like other known factors. From this perspective, I have realized that leaders in various organizations across the globe must choose and apply the most appropriate leadership style if they want their employees to be motivated to work, satisfied with their jobs and perform optimally. This is knowledge that I will live with for the rest of my life and strive to apply it at various levels of my professional advancement.

  • What I learnt About Motivation From the Study

The study taught me that motivation is essential in improving employee performance. From its introduction to the results and conclusion, the researchers present empirical evidence that motivation gives employees an internal drive to focus and deliver on their roles excellently. On the contrary, demotivated employees are also dissatisfied with their jobs and need help to perform at expected levels. Organizations can intervene at various levels in the modern world and create structures and systems that encourage and sustain employee motivation. Based on the study, such interventions include having exemplary leadership and a conducive organizational atmosphere.

Second Article: Ali, B. J., & Anwar, G. (2021). An empirical study of employees’ motivation and its influence on job satisfaction.

  • What question/hypothesis was the researcher trying to answer or investigate?

The researchers in this article aimed to investigate the influence of employees’ motivation on job satisfaction. They identified and investigated four motivation factors to establish their influence on job satisfaction. The four motivation factors were reward, compensation, incentive and recognition.

  • What question/hypothesis was the researcher trying to answer or investigate?

In investigating the influence of employee motivation on job satisfaction, the researchers in this study formulated and tested four hypotheses. They included:

H1: Reward as motivation factor significantly influences bank job satisfaction.

H2: Compensation as a motivation factor significantly influences bank job satisfaction.

H 3: Incentive as motivation factor influences significantly bank job satisfaction.

H 4: Recognition as motivation factor influences significantly bank job satisfaction.

  • Variables Studied

The independent variables studied were reward, compensation, incentive and recognition. The dependent variable was job satisfaction.

  • Sample Studied

The study involved bank employees working in different banks. A random sampling method was used to select the research sample. 128 bank employees were recruited and participated in the study (Ali  & Anwar, 2021).

  • Data Collection

Questionnaires were used in the data collection. This was the most appropriate data collection technique because the aim was to collect qualitative data. The structured questionnaires, therefore, enabled the participants to respond with the clarity and precision the researchers needed to obtain accurate information and adequately test the hypotheses. The researchers have neither attached the questionnaire nor identified it by name. It is, therefore, difficult to establish if it had been adopted from other studies or if it was a new tool created for the study.



  • Results and How They Affect My Understanding of the World

The result showed that reward, compensation, incentive and recognition significantly and positively influence job satisfaction (Ali  & Anwar, 2021). These results are important to me and have changed my world to some extent. For instance, based on the study’s knowledge, information and evidence, I now appreciate the importance of rewards. As a motivating factor, tips can enhance employees’ productivity and job satisfaction. Managers across the globe should take all the motivating factors discussed in the study seriously. Motivating factors such as compensation are critical because they make the employees see, feel and experience that their knowledge, skills and experience are recognized and valued (Ali  & Anwar, 2021). Therefore, managers must think critically and use the most appropriate motivational interventions at various levels to keep their employees happy, focused, determined, and ready to deliver on their jobs. In the future, if I become a manager, this is an area that I will give special attention to because now, I understand how it can affect organizational performance.

  • What I learnt About Motivation From the Study

The study taught me that motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Combining the two factors is needed for employees to be satisfied with their jobs. This implies that employees must intrinsically be motivated by work and see it as satisfying specific needs. Intrinsic motivation is self-generated, and it is a critical factor in influencing employees to, among other things, strive to develop new skills and be courageous in their work. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation involves what other people do to make or keep you motivated. For example, an employee can be promoted as a reward for their excellent work. This study has informed me that managers can use unique and dynamic interventions to motivate and satisfy their employees with their jobs.

  1. Similarities and Differences
  • Similarities

The first similarity was that both articles had a common area of study. Both studies focused on the effect of motivation on job satisfaction. However, it is imperative to note that the first article focused on additional areas not covered in the second article. Secondly, both studies adopted the qualitative research design. This was important because both studies were exploratory and aimed to investigate the relationship between the identified variables. Thirdly, the studies adopted the same method of data collection. Questionnaires were used to collect data in both cases. The fourth similarity was that the studies shared a hypothesis. In the first article, the theory states that motivation positively and significantly affects job satisfaction. However, in the second article, different motivating factors are used to formulate ideas focusing on their effect on job satisfaction. The fifth similarity was that the quantitative technique was used in both studies to analyze the data and draw a relationship between the variables. The sixth similarity is that the researchers should have stated their academic credentials in either article. This is important because the readers need to know if they are a valid and reliable authority on the subject matter. As they are, it is not easy to see if they are reputable experts without conducting separate research.

  • Differences

The first difference is that the studies were done in different settings. The first study was done in Indonesia, involving employees working in a company. The second article study was done in Iraq and involved employees working for different banks. Secondly, the first study had more hypotheses (7) than the second one, which had 4. The first study also had a slightly higher sample size. The fourth difference was in the sampling method. The first study used a proportionate stratified random sampling method to select participants from the permanent and non-permanent employee groups. However, the second study used random sampling to identify the participants. There was also a difference in data presentation because the second study had easily readable tables, while the first study had none.


The two articles provide valuable information that makes it easy to understand how motivation can affect performance and job satisfaction. Based on the two studies, there is empirical evidence that motivation significantly and positively influences their other two variables. This is evidence-based information that human resource professionals and managers can use at various levels to create the best working environment for their employees. In both articles, the researchers create a transparent background that enables the readers to understand the basis of their conclusions and appreciate why they should think and act in a certain way. These articles have, therefore, been extremely resourceful, and I look forward to similar assignments to gain deeper insight into other subjects.







Ali, B. J., & Anwar, G. (2021). An empirical study of employees’ motivation and its influence on job satisfaction. Ali, BJ, & Anwar, G.(2021). An Empirical Study of Employees’ Motivation and Its Influence on Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management, 5(2), 21-30.

Kuswati, Y. (2020). The effect of motivation on employee performance. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal), 3(2), 995–1002.

Paais, M., & Pattiruhu, J. R. (2020). Motivation, leadership, and organizational culture affect satisfaction and employee performance. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(8), 577-588.


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